Renewable energy, power electronics
Deptt of Electrical Engg, AMU Aligarh
- Publication
Book: "Non conventional Energy Resources", McGraw Hill Education, 3nd Ed
B. H. Khan, S. R. Doradla and G. K. Dubey, A New Simultaneous Gating GTO-Converter Fed DC-Motor Drive Without Circulating Current, IEEE Tr. Ind. Appl. Soc., Vol.27, No.3, May/ June 1991, pp.560-566. Citations: 6
B. H. Khan, S. R. Doradla and G. K. Dubey, A Three Phase AC-DC GTO Converter Employing Equal Pulse-Width Modulation (EPWM), IEEE Tr. Ind. Appl. Soc., Vol.27, No.2, March/ April 1991, pp. 370-379. Citations: 4
B. H. Khan, G. K. Dubey and S. R. Doradla, An Economical Four-Quadrant GTO-Converter and its Application to DC-Drives, IEEE Tr. Power Electronics, Vol.8, No.1, January 1993, pp. 62-68. Citations: 5
B. H. Khan, G. K. Dubey and S. R. Doradla, Four Quadrant AC-DC Converter Fed DC Motor Drive, Electric Machines and Power Systems. Vol 28, September 2000,pp. 885-892.
K. P. Basu and B. H. Khan, Simultaneous AC-DC Power Transmission, Instn. Of Engineers, (India) Vol 82, June 2001, pp32-35. Citations: 22
Mohd. Ali Nasr Saif and B. H. Khan, A Simplified Analysis of a Constant Voltage Single Phase Self Excited Induction Generator, Electric Power Components and Systems, USA Vol 33, Jan 2005, pp103-112.
H. Rahman and B. H. Khan, Power Upgrading of Transmission Line by Combining AC-DC Transmission, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, Vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 2007, pp.459-466, citations: 42
H. Rahman and B. H. Khan, Stability Improvement of Power System by Simultaneuous Transmission of AC-DC, Electrical Power System Research, Vol. 78, No. 4, April 2008, pp.756-764, citations: 29
H. Rahman and B. H. Khan, Possibility of Power Tapping from Composite AC-DC Power Transmission Line, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, Vol. 23, No.3, July 2008, pp.1464-1471 , citations: 13