Dr. M Saad Bin Arif

    PhD (Power Engineering), M. Tech (Power System And Drives)


    Assistant Professor


    Power Electronics Converters, Multilevel DC-AC Converters, PVT Systems, Maximum Power Point Trackers for Solar PV System


    Wadi-e-Ismail, Near Iqra Colony, Aligarh - 202002, U.P., India, Wadi-e-Ismail, Near Iqra Colony, Aligarh - 202002, U.P., India


    9368105903 ,



    Session 2024-25 Odd Semester


Dr. Saad holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, a Master's degree in Power Systems and Drives from AMU, and a PhD in Power Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia. During his PhD, his research primarily focused on developing novel circuit designs for MLI, and he received recognition for his work from the Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia. In his early career, Dr Saad got two projects, one from the state government and the other from the central government funding agency. His research is focused on developing novel circuit designs for MLI in power electronic systems and efficiency improvement of solar PV systems to improve the overall performance of power systems and integrated renewable energy systems. He contributed to the field of power electronics and renewable energy systems through his research, publications, and professional services. He has received several awards and honours from national and International bodies. As a faculty member of Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Saad continues to conduct cutting-edge research in the field of power electronics and renewable energy systems. He also mentors numerous graduate students and actively engages in professional societies such as IEEE. He is dedicated to continuing his research and contributing to the academic community at Aligarh Muslim University.

  1. Publication

    Research Papers:  Regularly published research papers in reputed Journals and Conferences.

    For the latest Publications (2019 onwards) click-here

    List of the selected publications (SCI and Scopus indexed only before 2020)

    1. Single Phase Seven-Level Inverter Topology with Single DC Source and Reduce Device Count for Medium and High Power Applications," in 2019 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), 2019, vol. 1, pp. 1-6.
    2. A novel single-phase PWM asymmetrical multilevel inverter with number of semiconductor switches reduction," International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, vol. 10, p. 1133, 2019.
    3. Design and Performance Analysis of Solar PV Based Energy System with Improved Panel Efficiency Using Nano-Fluid," in 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2019, pp. 1-6.
    4. Load frequency control of a solar-diesel based isolated hybrid power system by fractional order control using partial swarm optimization," Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1-7, 2018.
    5. Microgrid architecture, control, and operation, in Hybrid-Renewable Energy Systems in Microgrids, Elsevier, 2018, pp. 23-37 (Book Chapter).
    6. Effect of ZnH2O Nanofluid Back-Flow Channels on the Efficiency and Electrical Power Output of a Solar PV Panel Used in Standalone PV System," in 2018 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2018, pp. 493-497.
    7. Proposed 4SM Model for Indian Education System Implementing Big Data Analytics and Blended Learning Methods," in 2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2018, pp. 1-6.
    8. Analysis of a solar PV/battery/DG set-based hybrid system for a typical telecom load: a case study," International Journal of Sustainable Energy, Article vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 259-276, 2017.
    9. Comparative assessment of maximum power point tracking procedures for photovoltaic systems," Green Energy & Environment, vol. 2, pp. 5-17, 1// 2017.
    10. Nine-level asymmetrical single-phase multilevel inverter topology with low switching frequency and reduce device counts," in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2017, pp. 1516-1521.

EE204: Tutorial Sheet - Unit 01
EE_421 _ Marks out of 40
EEA 2030_ Marks out of 40
Marks EE206 and EE325 Students
Tutorial Sheet EEA1110 (A1C)
Tutorial Sheet -02: EEA1110
EEA2030 _Marks out of 40
EEA1110_A1C_Marks out of 40
EEA2020: Electrical Technology_Course Description Form (CDF)
EEA1110_Tutorial Sheert-1_Unit 01
EEA1110 - Unit 02 : Material Uploaded on Google Classroom Portal during April.
EEA1110 - Unit 02 - Part B : Material uploaded on Google Classroom Portal during April.
EEA1110 - Assignment 01 : Material Uploaded on Google Classroom Portal during April.
EEA2020 - Assignment Unit 02 - Material Uploaded on Google Classroom portal during First week of April.
EEA2020 - Unit 02 - Lecture Notes - Material Uploaded on Google Classroom portal during Second week of April.
EEA2020 - Unit 03 - Part A - Material Uploaded on Google Classroom portal during Second week of April.
EEA2020 - Unit 02 - Part B - Lecture Notes - Material Uploaded on Google Classroom portal during Third week of April.
Concept of Green Energy : Solar Photovoltaic Energy System
EEA1110 - Unit 02 - Lec 03 - Part A : Electrical Equivalence and Series-Parallel magnetic circuits
EEA1110 - Unit 01 : Lecture #1 - Principles of Electrical Engineering - Introduction
EEA1110 - Unit 01 : Lecture #2 - Network Theorem for DC circuits
EEA1110 - Unit 01 : Lecture # 3
EE111 - Graduating Exam Schedule 2021
Internal Marks (Out of 40) - EEA1110