PhD (Pursuing), M.Tech
Guest Faculty
Instrumentation and Control, Multilevel Inverters.
Electrical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
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Zeeshan Sarwer completed B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) and M.Tech (Instrumentation and Control) from Z.H.College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, AMU. His research focuses on Instrumentation and Control, Multilevel Inverters, Renewable Energy Systems.
He has made significant contributions to the field, evidenced by his granted Indian patent and numerous research papers published in peer reviewed journals.
- List of few selected papers
Zeeshan Sarwer, Md Nishat Anwar & Adil Sarwar, “Design, implementation, and analysis of an asymmetrically configured DK-type multilevel inverter”, Smart Science (Taylor and Francis) , 2023, (IF : 2.3)
Zeeshan Sarwer, Md Nishat Anwar & Adil Sarwar , “A nine-level common ground multilevel inverter (9L-CGMLI) with reduced components and boosting ability”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2023. (IF : 2.378)
Zeeshan Sarwer, Md Nishat Anwar & Adil Sarwar, “Design and investigation of a triple boost multilevel inverter with self-balanced switched capacitors and reduced voltage stress”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2022. (IF : 2.378)
Zeeshan Sarwer, Ankush Kumar Sharma, Mohammad Zaid & Adil Sarwar, “Operation, analysis, and implementation of a reduced device count asymmetrical multilevel inverter”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2022. (IF : 2.378)
Zeeshan Sarwer, M.D. Siddique, Adil Sarwar, Mohammad Zaid, Atif Iqbal & Saad Mekhilef “A Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter Topology Employing a Novel Variable Structure Nearest Level Modulation”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2021. (IF : 2.639)
Zeeshan Sarwer, Adil Sarwar, Mohammad Zaid, Md. Reyaz Hussan, Mohd Tariq, Basem Alamri & Ahmad Alahmadi “Implementation of a Novel Variable Structure Nearest Level Modulation on Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter”, IEEE Access, 2021. (IF : 3.476)
Zeeshan Sarwer, M.D. Siddique, Atif Iqbal, Adil Sarwar & Saad Mekhilef “An improved asymmetrical multilevel inverter topology with reduced semiconductor device count”, International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 2020. (IF : 2.639) (Top Cited Article for 2020-21).
MSB Arif, Zeeshan Sarwer, M.D. Siddique, Shahrin Md Ayob, Atif Iqbal & Saad Mekhilef “Asymmetrical multilevel inverter topology with low total standing voltage and reduced switches count”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2021. (IF : 2.378) (Selected as Best Paper of the Journal for 2021).