Environmental Geography, Settlement Planning & Regional Development, Agricultural Geography, History & Development of Philosophy of Geography
411-J, Firdaus Nagar, Baraula ByPass Near Ambedkar Hall, AMU, Aligarh, UP, India-202002
Ateeeque Ahmad is a Professor and Coordinator DST-FIST Programme (2019-2024) and had been Deputy Coordinator UGC-DRS SAP III (2015-2020), Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India. Professor Ateeque Ahmad obtained his Bachelor, Master, MPhil and PhD Degree from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He has secured very good academic record throughout the academic career. He has qualified JRF-CSIR in 1984. Professor Ateeque Ahmad has been academic guardian and co-ordinator at Coaching and Guidance Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for many academic sessions to guide and enlightened the students-aspirant for Civil Services, Provincial Services and other Competitive Examinations like UGC, CSIR JRF/NET. He has been a guiding soul for M.A, M.Sc. Geography students to carry out the field studies and educational tour of different ecological settings of India. Professor Ateeque Ahmad has a credit of getting published 21 books and more than 80 research papers in journals of National and International repute. He has completed two major research projects sponsored by National Agency (UGC). Professor Ateeque Ahmad specializes in Environmental Geography, Agricultural Geography, History & Development of Philosophy of Geography and Settlement Planning & Regional Development.
- Publication
Prof. Ateeque Ahmad (Publication)
- Climate Change: Issues and Challenges 2020, Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Basic Principles in Remote Sensing, 2020, R. P. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-82398-79-0)
- Principles of Geomorphology, 2020,Poonam Publications, Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-934440-9-2)
- Mechanistic Approach in QGIS for Geospatial Planning, , 2020,Poonam Publications, Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-934440-7-8)
- Water Crisis & Food Security, (Edited), 2019, Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-928754-5-3)
- Climate Change & Sustainable Agriculture, (Edited), 2019, Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-928754-0-8)
- Environment & Social Development, (Edited), 2019, Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-928754-2-2)
- Systems of Weather and Climate, 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-88465-07-6)
- Earth Systems, 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-88465-06-9)
- Agriculture, Environment and Climate Change, (Edited), 2018, A.K. Publications (ISBN 978-93-88465-09-0)
- Demographic Structure and Social Development (Edited),2018, A.K. Publications,New Delhi (ISBN 978-93-88465-08-3)
- Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Development (Edited), 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85022-09-8)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security(Edited), 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85022-35-7)
- Social and Economic Development: Issues and Challenges in India, (Edited), 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85022-28-9)
- Irrigation Dynamics and Agricultural Development in India, (Edited), 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-85022-18-0)
- Geospatial Technologies for Good-Governance and Sustainable Development, (Edited), 2018, A. K. Publications, New Delhi (ISBN: 978-81-938337-2-8)
- Climate Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, Proceedings of National Conference 17th – 18th March 2018, R. K. Books, New Delhi,(ISBN: 978-93-82847-91-5)
- Adoption of Innovation and Socio-economic Development A Case Study of Ambedkar Nagar District, Uttar Pradesh, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013,ISBN-13:978-3-659-33305-7.
- Resource Development & Environmental Change, Vol. 3 - Regional Economic Development, Concept Publishing Co., 2012, New Delhi, (Ed.) with Prof. Abdul Munir.
- System of Rural Settlements in India – A Histogenetic Perspective, ICON Publication Pvt. Ltd., 2006, New Delhi- 110002.
- Livestock Marketing and Diversification of Agriculture, January 2006, Vista International publishing House, Delhi
Research Articles & Book Chapters- Ahmad. A., (2020), Assessment of Water Quality Index and Physicochemical Characteristics of Drinking Water of Agra City, India, Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Ahmad. A., (2020), Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shankarpur Landfill Site-Durgapur, India Using a Mechanistic Approach, Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Ahmad. A., (2020), Climate Change: Myth or Reality? in ‘Climate Change: Issues and Challenges’ (Ed. Book, 2020), Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Ahmad, A., (2020), Climate Change Detection by Estimating Land Surface Temperature Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Study in NCT-Delhi, in ‘Climate Change: Issues and Challenges’ (Ed. Book, 2020), Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Ahmad, A., (2020), Assessing the Possible Causes of Water Quantity Depletion and Assessment of Water Quality of Naini Lake, Nainital in ‘Climate Change: Issues and Challenges’ (Ed. Book, 2020), Keystone Publishing House. New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-6-0)
- Ahmad, A., (2019), Mapping of mosquito-borne diseases in Kolkata Municipal Corporation using GIS and AHP based decision making approach, Spatial Information Research, Springer Nature, 27: 351 s41324-019-00242-8
- Ahmad, A., (2019), Application of GIS-based analytic hierarchy process and frequency ratio model to food vulnerable mapping and risk area estimation at Sundarban region, India, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer Nature
- Ahmad, A., (2019), Spatial susceptibility analysis of vector-borne diseases in KMC using geospatial technique and MCDM approach, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer Nature,
- Ahmad, A., (2019), Analysing water-borne diseases susceptibility in Kolkata Municipal Corporation using WQI and GIS based Kriging interpolation, GeoJournal, Springer Nature, 1007/s10708-019-10015-3
- Ahmad, A., (2019), Assessment of Water Quality Index and Physico-chemical Characteristics of Drinking Water of Agra City, The Geographer (ISSN: 0072-090), Vol. 66, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 17-23.
- Ahmad, A., Impact of Land Use/Land Cover Change on Wetland Transformation of Tarai Region of Kumaun Using Geospatial Techniques: A Case Study of Udham Singh Nagar District, Environment and Social Development Water (Ed. Book, 2019), Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-2-2) pp. 01-08.
- Ahmad, A., Water Quality Assessment of Yamuna River in Agra City Using Comprehensive Pollution Index, Water Crisis and Food Security (Ed. Book, 2019), Keystone Publishing House, New Delhi (ISBN 978-81-928754-5-3) pp. 10-24.
- Ahmad, A., Analysis of Chemical and Heavy Metal Concentrations of Leaches and Impact on Groundwater Quality near Dhapa Dumping Ground, Kolkata, Asian Profile, Canada, Vol. 47, No. 1, (2019), pp. 19-27
- Ahmad, A., Economic Feasibility of Integrated Farming: A Study from West Bengal, Journal of Regional Development and Planning, Vol. 7, No.1, (2018), pp. 45-60
- Ahmad, A., Determinants of Rural Outmigration: A Micro-Level Study of Mohammadi Block, District Kheri, Uttar Pradesh, Demographic Structure and Social Development (Ed. Book, 2018), A.K. Publications. New Delhi (ISBN 978-93-88465-08-3)
- Ahmad, A., Environmental Impact Assessment of Drinking Water Quality of Firozabad City: An Index Based Study, (Ed. Book, 2018) Geospatial Technologies for Good-Governance and Sustainable Development, A.K. Publications (ISBN 978-81-938337-2-8)
- Ahmad., A., Environmental Impact Assessment of Tourism Development in Bishunpur District, Manipur, (Ed. Book, 2018) Geospatial Technologies for Good-Governance and Sustainable Development, A.K. Publications (ISBN 978-81-938337-2-8)
- Ahmad., A., Ground Water Quality and its Management using Remote Sensing & GIS: A Case Study of Agra City, (Ed. Book, 2018) Geospatial Technologies for Good-Governance and Sustainable Development, A.K. Publications (ISBN 978-81-938337-2-8)
- Ahmad. A., Hazardous Waste Generation and it Impacts on Environment and Human Health: A Study in West Bengal” Agriculture, Environment and Climate Change (Ed. Book, 2018), A.K. Pub. (ISBN 978-93-88465-09-0)
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Impact Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Management: Strategy for Sustainable Development in Firozabad City (India), Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Index Based Assessment of Ambient Air Quality and reported Health problems: A case Study of Glass City, India, Conference Proceedings of National Conference on Climate Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, R. K. Books.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Rural Migration as a Livelihood Strategy: A Micro-Level Study of Mohammadi Block of Lakhimpur Kheri District, Uttar Pradesh, Conference Proceedings of National Conference on Climate Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, R. K. Books.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Pollutants Emission from Municipal Solid Waste Transportation and Deterioration of Air Quality in Kolkata Municipal Corporation, West Bengal, Conference Proceedings of National Conference on Climate Change: Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, R. K. Books.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Impacts of Landfill Leachate on the Groundwater Quality: A Study in Dhapa Dump Site, Kolkata, Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Banning of Single-Use Plastic Carrier Bags in Aligarh City: A Study on Sellers and Consumer Attitude, Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Tourism Products as Catalyst of Tourism Development in Backward Areas: A Case Study of Bishnupur District, Manipur, Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2017), Poverty Alleviation through Rural Development in Kashmir, The Geographer, (ISSN: 0072-090), Vol. 64, Issue 2, 2017, pp. 09-16.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Revival of Tourism Industry in Kashmir Valley in the 21st Century, Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Changing Water Quality Scenario: A Case Study of Agra City, Dynamics of Climate Change and Sustainable Environment (Ed. Book), A. K. Publications.
- Ahmad, A., (2018), Environmental Impact Assessment and Municipal Solid Waste Generation and Management: Strategy for Sustainable Development in Firozabad City (India), The Geographer (ISSN: 0072-090), Vol. 65, Issue 2, 2018, pp. 27-33.
- Ahmad, A., (2016), Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism through Peoples’ Participation in Manipur, The Geographer (ISSN: 0072-090), Vol. 63, Issue 2. pp. 53 - 60.
- Ahmad, A., (2016), Impact of Conflict Environment on Tourism Industry of Kashmir, International Journal of Research in Social Sciences, Vol. 6, Issue2. pp. 101-121.
- Ahmad, A., (2015), Problem and Prospects of the Tourism Industry in Manipur, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 7, Issue 5. pp. 17583-17587
- Ahmad, A., (2015), Prospects of Ecotourism and Bangus Valley J&K, International Journal of Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 3, Issue 1. pp. 774-778.
- Ahmad, A., (2015), Levels of Crop Diversification and Socio-Economic Development in Aligarh District: A Block level Analysis, International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences, Vol. 5, Issue 1. pp. 53-65.
- Ahmad, A., (2015), Socio-Economic Status of Muslim Labour in Glassware Cluster of Firozabad City, The Geographer (ISSN: 0072-090), Vol. 62, Issue 2. pp. 22 - 27.
- Ahmad, A. (2014) Temporal variation in risk factors and prevalence rate of depression in urban population: does the urban environment play a significant role, International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 16:5, 279-288, Springer Nature, 2014.931068
- Ahmad, A., (2014), Groundwater Assessment of Firozabad City (India)- A Physico- Chemical Analysis, International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 3, Issue.5, pp. 64-66.
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Investigating the Relationship between Housing and Health: A Cross-Sectional Study of an Urban Centre of India, International Journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Vol.22, Issue. 3, pp. 498-507,
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Hierarchy of Rural Settlements: A Strategy for Balanced Regional Development in Aligarh District, International Journal of Scientific Research, September, Vol.2, Issue 9, pp. 194 – 197.
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Qualitative Analysis of Water Quality through index Method: A Case Study of Firozabad City (India), International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, Issue.10, pp. 1630-1632.
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Diagnostic Planning of Health Facilities in Countryside, Aligarh District: A Case Study, Global Advance Research Journal of Geography and Regional Planning, 2 (2), 29-37.
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Spatial Organization of settlements: A case study of Hathras district, Uttar Pradesh, India, International Journal of Scientific Research, 2 (10), 28-30.
- Ahmad, A., (2013), Relationship between Housing and Health: A Cross-Sectional Study of an Urban Centre of India, Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 498-507, Sage Pub.,
- Ahmad, A., (2012), Increasing Pollution Level in River Yamuna-A Challenge to Sustainable Development of an Urban Centre, Delhi, India, Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Vol. 9, No.1, pp 83-89.
- Ahmad, A., (2012), Solid Waste Generation and Management in Firozabad City: Strategy for Environmental Planning and Development, The Geographer, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 12-18
- Ahmad, A., (2012), Status of existing solid waste management system in Firozabad Municipal Corporation, The Konkan Geographer, Vol. 02, pp. 6-12
- Ahmad, A., (2012), Agricultural Diversification for rural development. A Case Study of Ambedkar Nagar District of Uttar Pradesh, India, Spanish Journal of Rural Development, 2012, III (3), 51-60.
- Ahmad, A., (2012), Spatial Distribution Pattern of Rural Settlements in Aligarh District: A Quantitative Approach, AVANI Journal of Geography, December 2012, Vol. II, No. 1, pp. 108-114.
- Ahmad, A., (2012), An Analysis of Water Quality Characteristics of Lakes/Reservoirs in Delhi, Resource Development and Environmental Change (Ed.), Abdul Munir, Ateeque Ahmad, Concept Publishing, New Delhi, 2012, III, 36-49.
- Ahmad, A., (2011), Indoor Air Pollution and Self Reported Diseases- A Case Study of NCT of Delhi, International Journal of Indoor Environment and Health, April, Published online, Oct;21(5): 410-6. https://doi:10.1111/j.1600-0668.2011.00715.x
- Ahmad, A. (2011), Changing air quality in Delhi, India: determinants, trends, and policy implications, International Journal of Regional Environmental Change, Published online,
- Ahmad, A. (2011), Impact Analysis of Indoor Environmental Condition on Human Health: A Cross Sectional Study of NCT of Delhi, The Geographer, Vol. 58, No. 1, pp. 61-70
- Ahmad, A., (2011), Impact Analysis of Urbanization on Livelihood-An Empirical Study of an Urban Centre of Delhi, India, International Journal of Urban Science, Vol. 15, No.(3),
- Ahmad, A. (2010), An Analysis of Water Quality Characteristics of Lakes/Reservoirs in Delhi, Proceeding of International Conference, 2010, Department of Geography, AMU, Aligarh. UP. India.
- Ahmad, A., (2010), Accessibility of Health Facilities in Malda District, The Deccan Geographer, Vol. 48, No.1, pp, 9-18.
- Ahmad, A. (2010), Urban Development and Consequent Solid Waste Pollution in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi: A strategy for its proper management, The International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 4, Issue. 4, pp. 795-806.
- Ahmad, A. (2010), Noise Pollution and Human Health: A Case Study of Municipal Corporation of Delhi, International Journal of Indoor and Built Environment, Vol. 19, Issue. 6, pp. 648-656.
- Ahmad, A. (2010), Exploring Diversity among Farmers in Adoption of Agricultural Innovation and Options for Smallholder Farming System-A Case Study of Ambedkar Nagar district of UP., International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol.1, Issue. 1, pp. 25-36.
- Ahmad, A., (2009), Micro Regional Planning of Health Facilities in Bulandshahr District, The Geographer, Vol. 56, No.2, pp 42-51.
- Ahmad, A., (2008), A Quantitative Analysis of Settlement System in Bulandshahr District - A Strategy of Micro Level Planning for Socio-Economic Development, The Geographer, Vol. 53, No.2, 75-94.
- Ahmad, A. (2007), Urbanization and Changing Air Quality in the City of Delhi, International Journal of Environmental Studies, Taylor & Francis Group of Publication, Vol.64, No.2,
- Ahmad, A. (2007), Techno-Institutional and Socio-Economic Determinates and their Correlation with the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: A case Study, (ED.), Mohammad. Ali, Fifty Years of Indian Agriculture, Concept Pub. Co., New Delhi, Vol. 2.
- Ahmad, A. (2006), Land Transformations during 1973-74 to 1997-98: A Case Study of Lucknow City, Ed. Use and misuse of Land and Water Resources, BR Publishing Corporation, New Delhi, pp. 387-397.
- Ahmad, A. (2006), Impact of Air Pollution on Habitat of Lucknow City, Geographical Review of India, Vol.68, No.2,
- Ahamd, A. (2006). Ambient Air Pollution and its Impact on Human Health: A Case Study of Delhi, The Geographer, Vol.53, No.2,
- Ahmad, A. (2006), Levels of Urbanization in West Bengal: A Quantitative Approach, Geographical Review of India, Vol.68, No.4,
- Ahmad, A. (2006), Regional Imbalances in Education and its Determinants in West Bengal: A quantitative approach, Punjab Geographer, Vol. 1, No. 1,
- Ahmad, A. (2005), Quantitative Analysis of Settlements in Malda District: A Study of Geographical Dimensions, The Geographer, Vol.52, No.1,
- Ahmad, A. (2004), Evaluations of Health Facilities for social Well Being in Meerut District: A Strategy for micro level planning, Indian Journal of Regional Science, Vol. XXXVI, No. 2, Calcutta.
- Ahmad, A. (2003), Shape analysis of rural settlements in Meerut Districts: A Strategy for planning of country side, The Geographer, Vol. 50, No. 2,
- Ahmad, A. (2003), Evaluation of territorial boundaries through land occupancy in Aligarh districts: A Study of historical geography, Asian Profile, Canada, Vol. 31, No. 5,
- Ahmad, A. (2002), Level of Diffusion of Innovations and its Correlation with Agricultural Productivity in Upper Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Asian Profile, Canada, Vol. 30, No. 1,
- Ahmad, A. (2001), A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Rural Settlement Pattern: A Strategy for Planning in Aligarh District, The Geographer, Vol. 48, No. 1,
- Ahmad, A. (2000), Regional Imbalances in the Development of Agriculture: A strategy for the Planning and Development, Indian Journal of Regional Sciences, Calcutta, Vol. XXXII, No. 2,
- Ahmad, A. (2000), Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations in Upper Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta Vol. 62, No. 4,
- Ahmad, A. (2000), Spatial Organization of Rural Settlements in Meerut District: A Quantitative Approach, The Geographer, Vol. 47, No. 2,
- Ahmad, A. (2000), Spatial Analysis of Place Name and settlements in Aligarh districts: A Study in Historical Geography, The Geographer, Vol. 47, No. 1.
- Ahmad, A. (1996), Irrigation and Variation in Wheat Productivity: Are They Co-terminus? A Study of Regional Dimension in Wheat Production Potential in U.P., Asian Profile, Canada, Vol.24, No.4,
- Ahmad, A. (1995), Impact of Price on Acreage Allocation in Gonda District (U.P.): A Case Study, Geographical Review of India, Calcutta, Vol.57.