M.Sc, Ph.D, B.Sc
Associate Professor
Environmental Pollution, Watershed, Aquatic Ecology, Land Change Systems,Urban Lanscape, Urban Green Spaces
Department of Geography, AMU, Aligarh
Dr. Saleha Jamal, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University completed her B.Sc. (2006), M.Sc (2008) and Ph.D (2012) from Aligarh Muslim University, India. Throughout she had a brilliant academic career having obtained University Gold Medal for first position in B.Sc and M.Sc. She has more than twelve years of teaching experience at UG and PG level.
She has been awarded with various prestigious scholarships (Post Graduate Merit Scholarship, INSPIRE Fellowship by DST, Government of India) and best paper presentation awards like “Young Geographer Award at Banaras Hindu University in 2010”, “Prof. N.P. Aiyyer Young Geographer Award at Punjab University in 2010”, “Nishi Gaur Young Researcher Award at DDU Gorakhpur University in 2012” and other academic awards like “Best Researcher Award at Aligarh Muslim University in 2011” and “Special Recognition Award in the World Wetland Day Conference at Thane in 2021” “1st Prize in oral presentation in the World Wetland Day Conference 16th National Conference on Wetlands “at Mumbai in 2022” “Best Geography Teacher Award, 2023” by the Deccan Geographical Society of India in XVII DGSI International Geography Congress, “Recognition for Contributions to Science in STEM disciplines” by the Indo-US APJ Abdul Kalam STEM Centre of the Ohio State University and Aligarh Muslim University of Education and Research etc.
She specializes in the field of Environmental issues, urban and related health issues etc. She is an active researcher and a prolific writer and has published seven books on issues like Indoor Air Pollution, Urban-Rural Linkages, Water Supply and Sanitation for the Urban Poor in India, Monitoring and Managing Natural Resources, Neighbourhood concept, Climate change Vulnerabilities and Adaptation etc. and more than sixty research papers on issues related to land use land cover changes, environment, urban, and health in National and International journals of repute. She has completed one major project awarded by IMPRESS (ICSSR) entitled “Environmental and Health Consequences of Slaughter Houses: A study of slaughter houses located on the outskirts of Aligarh city” and presently she is working with another major project awarded by ICSSR entitled “Planning Wetland Management with Land Transformation Trends Using Geo-Spatial Approach: A Case Study of Aligarh District, Uttar Pradesh, India”
- Ali, M. B., & Jamal, S. (2024). Modelling the present and future scenario of urban green space vulnerability using PSR based AHP and MLP models in a Metropolitan city Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Geology, Ecology, and Landscapes, Taylor & Francis Group.
- Jamal, S., & Ali, M. B. (2023). Determining urban growth in response to land use dynamics using multilayer perceptron and Markov chain models in a metropolitan city: past and future. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-27.
- Ali, M. B., Jamal, S., Ahmad, M., & Saqib, M. (2024). Unriddle the complex associations among urban green cover, built-up index, and surface temperature using geospatial approach: a micro-level study of Kolkata Municipal Corporation for sustainable city.
- Singh A.L, Jamal S., Ajmal U., Ahmad W.S., Ali B.M (2021) “Realising Right to Water for Urban Poor: Finding Our Way Forward”. In Water Supply for the Urban Poor in Indian Cities, Issues and Challenges, B.R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi, Edited by Ja
- Analyzing land-use land-cover change and future urban growth with respect to the location and Slaughterhouses in Aligarh city Outskirts, Environmental Challenges, 5 (2021) 100331, Elsevier,
- Jamal S., Ahmad W.S., Ajmal U., Md. Aaquib, Ali. M.A., Ali B.M & Ahmed S. (2022): An Integrated Approach for Determining the Anthropogenic Stress Responsible for Degradation of a Ramsar Site – Wular Lake in Kashmir, India, Marine Geodesy, Taylor and
- Abha Lakshmi Singh, Saleha Jamal, Md Babor Ali and Uzma Ajmal (2022), “Towards Sustainable Sanitation for Urban Poor in India: Governance, Policies, Programmes, Schemers and Way Forward” in Sanitation for the Urban poor in Indian cities: Issues and Ch
- Jamal, S., Ali, M. B., Ali, M. A., & Ajmal, U. (2022). Evaluation and distribution of urban green spaces in Kolkata Municipal Corporation: an approach to urban sustainability. In Towards sustainable natural resources: monitoring and managing ecosystem bio
- Saleha Jamal and Md Babor Ali (2023). Land use Assessment of Kolkata Municipal Corporation by using Landsat Data. The Deccan Geographical Society, India (UGC Care listed: A Peer Review and Refereed Journal), Vol. 60, No. 4, December 2022 (ISSN-0011-726
- B.K.Dhiroj., Jamal S. and Ahmad W.S., T. Mohd (2023), “Estimation of Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model and GIS Tools: A study of Chilika Lake, Odisha”, Journal of Geological Society of India, Bengaluru, (2023) 99:406-414,
- Jamal S., Saquib M., Ahmad W.S., Ahmad M., Ali M.A. and Ali B.M., (2023), Unravelling the Complexities of Land Transformation and its Impact on Urban Sustainability through Land Surface Temperature Analysis in Applied Geomatics
- Jamal, S., Ajmal, U., Ali, M. B., Saqib, M., & Arfeen, S. (2024).Assessment of ambient air quality in relation to the burning of firecrackers during the festival of Diwali: A case study of Jodhpur City (India). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Spr
- Ajmal U., Jamal S., Ahmad W. S., Ali M. A. and Ali M. B. 2021 "Waterborne diseases vulnerability analysis using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process: A case study of Azamgarh city, India" in Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, Springer Nature Sw
- Singh A. L., Jamal S. and Ahmad W.S. (2021) “Impact assessment of lockdown amid COVID- 19 pandemic on tourism industry of Kashmir Valley, India” in Research in Globalization, Scopus Indexed Elsevier, volume-3
- Jamal S., Ajmal U. and Arfeen S. (2021) “Assessment of the Impact of Industrial Effluents on surface water quality near Balotra, Rajasthan” Transactions of Institute of Indian Geographers, Scopus Indexed
- “Neighborhood Environmental Challenges and its impacts on the resident’s health of Azamgarh City The present study attempts to establish the association between neighbourhood environmental problems and health of the residents in Azamgarh City. For the purpose of study, different wards of the city are grouped into several neighbourhoods based on income wise dominance in the wards, population density and household density. The study is based on primary source of data collected through questionnaire, interviews from respondents belonging to different neighbourhoods of the city. Neighbourhood physical environmental conditions of each neighbourhood, such as water supply and quality, drainage conditions, water logging conditions, overcrowding, air and noise pollution in each neighbourhood has been examined to find major environmental challenges in the Azamgarh City. The result shows that most common environmental issues in Azamgarh City are accumulation and improper disposal of solid waste, inadequate drainage conditions and water logging, insufficient water supply, poor quality of water, overcrowding, air and noise pollution etc. Further correlation analysis reveals a positive relationship between neighbourhood environmental problem and occurrence of various diseases like malaria, typhoid, jaundice, cholera, dengue, diarrhoea and worm infestation etc.
- Resource Sharing, Economic Development and Resource Management”
- Environmental and Health Impacts from Slaughter Houses Located on the City Outskirts: A Case Study
- Effect of Exposure to Domestic Cooking Fuels on Asthma in Low Income Households: A case study
- Indoor Air Pollution: a major environmental and health challenge for women
- Socio-economic Dimensions of Household Fuel Choice and Indoor Air Quality: A case study
- Particulate Pollution inside Homes: An important cause of morbidity and mortality in India
- Assessing Vulnerability of Women to Indoor Air Pollution
- “Indoor Air Pollution: Vulnerability Of Women To Household Energy Used
- Indoor Air Pollution: Assessing and Mapping of Vulnerable Areas of Aligarh City for Planning
- Vulnerability to indoor air pollution: A case study of Aligarh city”
- Indoor Air Pollution:Hidden Cause of Maternal Mortality and Morbidity in India
- Incidence of Diseases among Residents Living Near the Municipal Landfill Site in Aligarh City
- Addressing the Links between Indoor Air Pollution, Household Energy and Respiratory Health of Women in Aligarh City
- “Effects of Indoor Air Pollution due to Domestic Cooking Fuels in the Low Income Households: A case study of Aligarh City”
- Assessing Land use Land Cover Dynamics of Wetland Ecosystems Using Landsat Satellite Data
- Assessment of Neighbourhood Environmental Quality using AHP with GIS in Azamgarh City, India
- SES and health; Assessing pathways and association between socio-economic status and health
- Residential Segregation in Urban India; Evidences from a Medium-sized City of Uttar Pradesh,
- Assessing the Relationship between Neighbourhood Socio-Economic Status and Environmental quality
- Neighbourhood Deprivation and Health; A study of low income neighbourhoods in Azamgarh city
- Changing land use/land cover patterns and growing human population in Wular catchment of Kashmir Valley, India
- Environmental Impacts of Slaughter Houses with Special Reference to India: A Review
- Monitoring Land Use/Land cover change detection and Urban expansion with remote sensing and GIS techniques in Anantnag District of Kashmir Valley
- The Fate of Kashmir Tourism during and aftermath of Political Instatbility : A Spatio-Temporal Analysis
- Aligarh Zile me Jal nikayon ki viluptata; EkVishesh Adhyayan’
- Neighbourhood Environment: Assessing and mapping of vulnerable neighbourhoods of Azamgarh City for planning
- Environmental sanitation and Health, A neighborhood-wise analysis in Azamgarh City
- Unhealthy Cooking and Prevalence of Tuberculosisin Indian Women:A Case Study Unhealthy cooking is one of the major cause of mortality and morbidity and a risk factor for occurrence of tuberculosis among Indian women. India is the TB burden country in the world and accounts for nearly 20 percent of global burden of tuberculosis. The present study establishes the association between unhealthy cooking conditions (use of biomass fuels/chulhas, cooking in multipurpose room, Non-ventilated kitchen, living in kutcha/semi-pucca houses) and prevalence of tuberculosis in women. This study is based on primary sources of data collected through questionnaire interviews from 2101 women respondents belonging to different income categories from Aligarh city. The study examines the socio-economic characteristics, cooking conditions, monitoring of indoor air quality of different types of kitchen locations using different types of fuels. Symptomatic linkages of tuberculosis with type of fuel use, kitchen locations and house type were analysed. The results show that the women using biomass fuels/chulhas cooking in non-ventilated kitchens and multipurpose room, living in kutcha/semi pucca houses were most prone to tuberculosis.
- Indoor Air Quality in Areas of Different Exposure:An experimental study he present study focuses on experimental study of indoor air quality regarding PM10, PM2.5, CO, CO2, NO, NO2, SO2 in selected differently used areas. Cooking places (kitchen) at different locations using different types of cooking fuel used and living room were selected for the purpose of the measurements. For the purpose of pollutant monitoring 20 households for each having different types of kitchen using biomass fuels and LPG were selected. The indoor air quality of the living room of those households was also assessed for the purpose of comparison. The indoor environment was measured with handy portable samplers. Experimental results obtained shows that the indoor air quality of households cooking with biomass fuels is worse while the indoor air quality of the households using LPG was also found to be much above the prescribed guidelines especially in multipurpose room and in non-ventilated kitchen and on the other hand the indoor air quality of living room is little better but affected by kitchen emissions.
- Risk Assessment for Indoor Air Pollution in Urban Households: A Case Study In India indoor air pollution is an important cause of mortality and morbidity, especially among the poor and most vulnerable populations. It increases the risk of acute respiratory infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes, prenatal mortality, asthma, otitis media, tuberculosis, cataracts, blindness, tuberculosis etc., but the ill impact of indoor air pollution is directly and more pronounced to respiratory problems and diseases. This paper seeks to identify the risk factors associated to indoor air pollution and examines the linkages between respiratory disease symptoms (cough, phlegm, breathlessness, wheezing, blood in sputum etc.) and house type (kutcha/semi pucca houses), type of fuel used (biomass/LPG) and kitchen locations (indoor kitchen with partition, indoor kitchen without partition, multipurpose room, open air) in different income households of Aligarh city. In this study 2,101 women respondents belonging to different income groups were interviewed with the help of well structured questionnaire. Data was collected regarding housing conditions, type of fuel used, place of cooking, type of exposure and occurrence of respiratory diseases. On the basis of collected information risk factors were identified and symptomatic linkages of respiratory diseases and house type, type of fuel used and kitchen locations were established. Analysis has shown that symptomatic cases of respiratory diseases were significantly higher among those living in kutcha/semi-pucca houses, using biomass fuels and cooking in a multi-purpose room.
- Prevalence of Asthma and Risk Factors Inside the Poor Homes in India: A Study Asthma is multifactorial disease influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. A rapid increase in asthma in recent years cannot be attributed to changes in heritable factors but the focus of intrusions for the increased occurrence of asthma, therefore, should be on environmental factors. Asthma is extremely low in India’s healthcare facilities especially for the poor. Poor families cannot prevent asthma because of the risk inside their homes. In present study an attempt has been made to find the prevalence of asthma among women inside low income homes. This study is based on primary sources of data collected through questionnaire interviews from 1,200 low income/poor households of Aligarh city located in the Gangetic tract of North India. Since women spend long hours inside their homes and are more involved in household activities like cooking they were chosen as respondents. The study examines the socio-economic conditions, prevalence of asthma on the basis of symptomatic and clinical reporting, identifies the risks inside the homes (establishes the association between risks like cooking conditions (use of biomass fuels/chulhas, cooking in multipurpose room, non-ventilated kitchen), substandard housing (living in kutcha/semi-pucca houses), indoor crowding) and finally monitoring of indoor air pollutants (SPM (PM10, PM2.5) and gaseous pollutants (CO, CO2, SO2, NO, NO2)). The results show that prevalence of asthma among women is greater because they spend long hours inside their home and they are more exposed to indoor air pollutants and the risks inside the homes helps in triggering asthma.
- Prevalence of Asthma and Risk Factors Inside the Poor Homes in India: A Study Although indoor air pollution from domestic fuel use in the households is estimated to be one of the main health risks worldwide but there is little knowledge of the actual exposure experienced by large populations. Available indings indicate that indoor air pollution from household cooking and space heating apparently causes considerable ill-health and the majority of households rely on solid biomass fuels (coal or biomass as wood, crop residues, and dung). Present investigation was undertaken to asses the status of indoor air quality of rural and urban households. The study revealed that the use of gas and electricity was more prevalent in urban households while mostly the rural households were found dependent on traditional biomass fuels. The analysis revealed that educational level, occupational status is directly related with the choice of type of domestic fuel. The monitoring of indoor air pollutant revealed that the concentration of pollutants were very much higher during cooking hours as compared to non-cooking hours and the concentration of pollutant emissions from biomass fuel was also very much higher compared to the emissions from LPG. Due to rigorous exposure to these indoor toxic pollutants the rural women were found suffering from instant and short term problems, respiratory infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes, eye related problems and diseases, severe ulcers/cancers etc in higher percentages as compared to urban women who were mostly found using modern fuels for cooking except for the lower income strata.
- Neighbourhood Disorder and its Influence on Resident's Health A Case Study of Azamgarh City There is a rising awareness that explanations of causes of health issues that are based on only individual's characteristics are inadequate and unable to capture important factors of diseases. Thus, there is a requirement to study not only individual's characteristics but characteristics of neighbourhoods too, in order to understand the distribution of health and diseases. Neighbourhood disorder can be illustrated by actions in public spaces such as drunk people on the streets, drug dealing, clashes and fighting, people loitering, rowdy groups and gang activity as well as street prostitution. The consistent stress related with living in a neighbourhood where threat, crime, misconduct, trouble and incivility are regular phenomenon, may damage health. Present study is an attempt to examine prevalence of neighbourhood disorder and mental health of the residents in Azamgarh city. The study is based on primary sources of data collected through questionnaire, interviews from respondents belonging to different neighbourhoods in city. Neighbourhood disorder has been measured by resident's perception of prevalence and fear of crime. The most common forms of disorder as reported by residents in city are theft, public drinking, abusing, rowdy groups and street fighting as well as street prostitution with a spatial concentration in low income neighbourhoods of inner city. Residents in these areas have reported incidence of stress and anxiety due to deteriorating environmental condition in their neighbourhood.