M.A. M.Phil. Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Medieval Indian History, Islamic History, Indo-Persian Historiography and Sufism
G-2, Galaxy Apartments, Shamshad Market, Aligarh-202002
Dr. Aneesa Iqbal Sabir is a teacher of Islamic History and Medieval Indian History at the Centre of Advanced Studies, Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University since a decade. She has also taught in KVP Pendharkar College of Arts, Science and Commerce of the Mumbai University of Mumbai for two years (1998-2000). She had acquired her B.A., M.A., M.Phil. Degrees in Medieval Indian History from the University of Mumbai. She acquired her Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Medieval Indian History from AMU, her interests include Medieval Indian History, Indo-Persian Historiography, Islamic History, Muslim Religious thought and Aligarh Movement. She is a recipient of the Departmental fellowship of 2005 from the Department of History, AMU. She has won several essay and debate competitions at district level. She has published a book in 2014 entitled (Muslim Education and Learning during the Muslim Rule in India (13th and 14th century) ) and has presented several research papers in national and international conferences and has also published 29 research papers in edited books and Journals of National and International repute.
- Publication
Books Published:
Muslim Education and Learning During the Muslim Rule in India (13th and 14th Centuries) Random Publications, 2014. ISBN-978-93-5111-465-9.
Conferences Attended:
XXIII Session U.P. History Congress, 7th & 8th October, 2012.
28th Session Rajasthan History Congress 15th & 16th December, 2012.
73rd Session Indian History Congress 28th-30th December, 2012.
XXIVth Session of UPHC, 9th-10th November, 2013.
XXXVII Indian Social Science Congress, 27-31 December, 2013 held in Aligarh (AMU).
Seminar Attended:
National Seminar on Sources of Medieval India: Chronicles, Literature, Architecture, Painting Epigraphs and Coins on 12-14 March, 2011 organized by Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University.
National Seminar on ‘Reinterpreting the History of Delhi Sultanate on 5-6 October, 2013 organized by Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University. National Seminar on National Integration 15th December, 2013 organized by UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh and National Foundation for Communal Harmony
Essay Writing Competition (English) Consolation Prize. Slogan Writing (English) Ist Prize
Participation Certificates of Poetry Composition (Hindi) and Group Discussion.National Seminar on ‘Composite Culture of India’, 24-25 September, 2014 organized by ‘Shodhak’ Akhil Maharashtra Itihas Parishad 23rd Congress, 2nd-3rd November, 2014, attended and presented a research paper entitled ‘Glimpses of Muslim Education and Learning during the Delhi Sultanate in the Tazkira Literature’.
Book Review on ‘Epigraphical Reading in the Chola History authored by Dr. S. Chandni Bi published in Indian Historical Studies, St. Joseph College, Tamil Nadu, Vol. XI, No.1, October, 2014, ISSN. 0973-2713.
‘Glimpses of Muslim Education and Learning During Sultanate Period in the Tazkira Literature published in Akhil Maharashtra Itihas Parishad, Sanshodhan Patrika, Thane, 2015, ISSN No. 2231-4342.
‘Fusion of Hindustani and Turko-Persian Music: Depiction in Amir Khusrau’s works’, published in Composite Culture of India, ed., Dr. Ram Pande, Shodhak, Jaipur, 2015. ISBN. 978-81-922660-6-0.
1. Qazi HamiduddinNagauri: An Eminent Suhrawardi Sufi From Nagaur, published in The International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies, Vol. 2, issue 9, Sept. 2014 (ISBN 2321-9203)
2. Intellectual Fervour during the Reign of Sultan QutubuddinAibak, Published in Understanding the past, Indian in Mirror of History, ed by Farooqi N.R. & Jafri, S.Z.H., Delhi, Aakar, 2014
(ISBN : 978-81-7975-591-4)
3. Reflection of Muslim Intellecual life in the Siyar -ul-Auliya: A Tazkira of the 14th century, published in bhakti & Sufism :New Sphere, ed O.P Srivastav Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013. (ISBN 978-659-42714-5)
4. Muslim Intellectual life During the Sultanate Period, published in Composite Culture – A Reappraisal, ed. Srivastav O.P., Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012 (ISBN-978-3-659-14801-9)
5. Tervi-Chaudavi Shatabdi ki Muslim Shiksha Vyavastha min Sufi Vidvano ka Yogdaan, published in JuniKhyatJan-June, 2012, ed Bhadani, B.L, MarubhumiShodhSansthan, Bikaner. (ISBN : 2278-4632)
6. Intellectual Fervour During the Reign of Sultan Firoz Shah Tuglaq, published in Medieval India 3, ed Bhadhani, B.L. Delhi, Manohar, 2012 (ISBN 978-81-7304-942-2)
7. Suhrawardi Mysticism in South-Western Punjab : Contribution of Syed Jalaluddin Bukhari Makhdum-Jahaniyanin Sufism in Punjab: Mystics, Literature and Shrines, ed. Surinder Singh & Ishwar Dayal Gaur, Delhi, Aakar publishers, 2009 (ISBN -978-81-89833-93-0)
8. Bibliophilism and management of Libraries in Mughal India 1526-1707 A.D. published in Indica, Vol.45, No: , Sept 2008,(ISSN 0019-686X)
9. Education of North Indian Muslim Women in Mughal India (1556-1707) in Indica, Vol.44, No. 2, Aubery A, Mascarenhas, Mumbai, September 2007, (ISSN: 0019-686X)
10. Book Review on Epigraphical Reading in “Chola History” by Dr. S. Chandnibi in Indian Historical Studies Vol. XI, No: 1, Oct. 2014 (ISSN 0973-2713)
11. Intellectual Fervour during the reign of Sultan AlauddinKhalji, in Reinterpreting History of the Delhi Sultanate, ed. Prof. Ali Athar, Delhi, Woodpecker publication, 2014 (ISBN 978-73, 85025, 01-3)
12. Intellectual Fervour during the reign of Sultan GhiyasuddinBalban (1206-1287 AD.) published in Shodak, Vol. 45, Pt A, Jaipur, 2015 (ISSN 0302-9832).
13. Fusion of Hindustani and Turko-Persian music: depiction in Amir Khusrau’s work in Composite Culture of India, ed, Ram Pande, Jaipur, 2015 (ISBN 978-81-922660-6-0.)
14. Glimpses of Muslim education and learning during the Sultanate period in the Tazkira Literature, published in Journal of Maharashtra Itihas Parishad, ed Sadashiv Shivade, publisher V.N. Yadav, Thane, 2015, (ISSN No. 2231-4342)
15. Interpretation of Vedas by Alberuni in his Kitab-ul-Hind (Alberuni India) published in New Dimensions of early Medieval India ed. Ram Pande, Shodhak, Jaipur, 2016 (ISBN 978-819922660-77)
16. Efflorescence of some Prominent Sufi Scholars in Badayun during Sultanate period, published in Journal of Maharashtra Itihas Parishad, ed Sadashiv Shivade, Publisher Dr. G.P. Dhakane, Thane, 2016, (ISSN No. 2231-4342)
17. Institutions of Muslim Education in South Asia: A case study of the Sultanate period, published in Proceedings of South Asian History Conference-4th, 2016, (ISBN 978-81-302-0470-3)
18. Writing styles of the Akhbar-ul-Akhyar by Abdul Haqq MuhaddithDehlavi in Crafting History Methods and Contents, ed. Ruby Maloni and AnaghaKamble, Himalaya Publication House, Mumbai, 2017, (ISO9001: 2008 Certified)
19. Savitri Bai Phule: A voice from South East Asia that Echoed for Reform and Change published in Proceedings of South Asian History Conference-5th, 2017(ISBN: 978-81-302-0518-3)
20. Jyotirao Phule: A Promoter and Protector of Feminism, published in Marathi: Its correlation with other languages,Sakh, Aurangabad, 2018 (ISBN 978-81-934451-1-2)
21. Efflorescence of Textiles during the Mughal Period, published in Shodh Sadhana (Research Journal of History), Shri NatnagarShodhSansthan, Sitamau, 2018 (ISSN: 2231-3877)
22. Centres of Islamic Learning in Mughal India, 1556-1707 AD, published in Edu World, A Multidisciplinary International Peer Reviewed/ Refreed Journal, Vol IX, No. 3, 2018, (ISSN:2319-7129)
23. Jotirao Phule : A Powerful Reform Leader of the Shudras, A Marginal Community of Maharashtra, South East Asia: An Overview of his literary writings, published in Proceedings of South Asian History Conference- 6th , 2019 (ISBN: 978-81-302-0519-9)
24. Reflection of muslim Intellectual life in Akbar-ul-Akhyar – A Tazkira of the 16th century, published in Exploring Medieval India through Persian sources National Mission for Manuscripts, New Delhi, 2020 (ISBN 978-93-80829-76-0)
25. Gandhiji’s Perspective on Child Marriage, Sati, Widow Remarriage: The Triple Social Evils and Injustices inflicted on Women, published in Shodh-Ritu, Nanded, Maharashtra, Vol. 01, Issue 23, Jan. 2021, Impact Factor-SJIF-6.424, ISSN: 2454-6283, pp 30-34.
26. Creation of Khalsa: A True Illustration of Guru Govind Singh’s Progressive Spirit, Power of Knowledge, Kranti Publication, Maharasthra, Special Issue: V, Feb. 2021, Impact Factor: 2.7286, ISSN: 2320-4494, (pp. 01-07).
27. Scientific Developments during the reign of Firuz Shah Tughlaq, Power of Knowledge, Kranti Publication, Maharasthra, Volume-I Issue-I April to June 2021, Impact Factor: 2.7286, ISSN: 2320-4494, (pp. 55-58).
28. Exodus of Persian Scholars and Poets during the reign of Emperor Humayun, Power of Knowledge, Kranti Publication, Maharasthra, August Special Issue II, Impact Factor: 2.7286, ISSN: 2320-4494, (pp. 7-12).