M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Medieval Indian History (Regional History - Malwa)
Centre of Advanced Study Department of History, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh- 202002 (U.P.), India
My field of specialization is Medieval Indian History (Regional History – Malwa). Having done my M.Phil. on Malwa, 1531-1605 and Ph.D. on Malwa under the Mughals, 1562-1707, I have published 30 research papers of which 25 papers deal with various aspects of history of medieval Malwa. One of my papers has been cited by Professor Irfan Habib in his book The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556-1707 (Second Revised Edition, OUP, New Delhi, 1999, p.435) and another cited by Professor Shahabuddin Iraqi, in his book, Bhakti Movement in Medieval India (Manohar, New Delhi, 2009, p.64). I teach Undergraduate courses on Delhi Sultanate and Postgraduate courses on Political and Socio-cultural history (Later Mughals, 1707-1761).
- Publication
Key Papers
1. Paper entitled “The Issue of Centralised versus Regional Bureaucracy in the
Mughal Empire – The Evidence from the Suba of Malwa”, Proceedings of the
Indian History Congress, 55th session (1994), Aligarh, pages 272-286.
2. Paper entitled “Constructional Activity in Malwa under the Mughals”,
Published in the Proceedings of the Association for the Study of History and
Archaeology (ASHA) Conference (1996) Reason and Archaeology, edited K.M.
Shrimali, Delhi, July 1998, pages 125-137.
3. Paper entitled “Technology in 15th Century Malwa – Evidence of Miftah-ul
Fuzala” published in 2001 in the Proceedings of the U.P. History Congress,
(Jaunpur Session).
4. Paper entitled “Administration of Jagirs in Malwa in Mid-Seventeenth Century:
The Dhar Documents”, Medieval India-2, ed. Shahabuddin Iraqi, Manohar
Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2008, pages 217-230. (ISBN-81-7304-786-3)
5. Paper entitled “Contribution of the Sufis in the Muslim Ascendancy of Malwa”
published in Re-interpreting History of the Delhi Sultanate, edited Ali Athar,
Woodpecker Publications, Aligarh, 2014,, pp.60-64. (ISBN: 978-93-85025-01-3).
6. Paper entitled “Harem Establishment and Religious Leanings of Sultan
Ghiyasuddin Khalji of Malwa”, published in Glimpses of Indian History-New
Discoveries, ed. O.P. Srivastav, Lambert Academic Publishing Germany, 2015
(ISBN: 978-3-659-51726-6), pages 1-9.