M.D. (Ilmul Advia), B.U.M.S.
Assistant Professor
Ilmul Advia, Standardization of Compound Formulations, Hepatology, Rheumatology, Cardiology
9, Imperial Cottage, Near Skyline Apartment, Dodhpur, Aligarh-202002
Having around 10 years of Teaching, Training and Research experience in Ilmul Advia. Currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Ilmul Advia involved in teaching / training of B.U.M.S. and M.D. (Ilmul Advia) students. Worked as Research Associate (R.A.) and Junior Research Fellow (J.R.F.) in the Project funded by Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India. More than 30 Publications in various National and International Journals and published one book as an author having ISBN number. having experience of Administration as Pro Proctor, Acting Provost , Warden, in Sir Syed Hall (South) and in Sir Shah Sulaiman Hall.
- Prophylactic and curative potential of Qurs-i-Ghafis against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatic injury in rats Download PDF
The present study was under taken to evaluate the anti-hepatotoxic effect of Qurs-e-Ghafis a pharmacopoeal compound preparation against CCl4 induced liver toxicity in rats.
Albino rats were used for the experiment and they were divided into 2 major groups i.e. Prophylactic (protective) & curative groups. Each group was further subdivided into 5 test groups consisting 6 animals in each group. Group I served as Healthy control. Group II received CCl4 (2 ml/kg ip), Group III, IV, and V received Silymarin (100mg/Kg B.W.) and test drug in crude (700 mg/Kg) as well as in extract forms (330 mg/ Kg) respectively by oral rout
for 7 days. On the 6th day, all the animals in each group except group I were administered CCl4 (2 ml/kg IP) and after 48 hours of CCl4 administration, these rats were subjected for protective effect evaluation. Similarly, the animals in all the curative groups received a single dose of CCl4 (2 ml/kg IP) on the 2nd day followed by the respective drug treatment as in protective group for 7 days to evaluate the curative effect of the test drug. The blood was collected and antihepatotoxic potential was assessed by the estimation of biochemical markers, viz. SGPT, and SGOT, in addition MDA levels and histopathological examination were also studied to confirm the biochemical changes.
The study showed the significant (p<0.01) rise in enzymes and histological changes in CCl4 administered animals, while the treatment with test drug crude and extract exhibited the ability to counteract the CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing the serum enzyme levels and maintained the disintegration of liver structure when compared to control in protective and curative studies. Extract showed enhanced protective and curative effect in hepatotoxicity induced in rats than crude form. It could be suggested on the basis of observations of the study though, the test drug in its both forms has hepatoprotective as well as curative activity but extract is slightly better than the crude form comparable with standard drug silymarin. - Study of Protective Effect of Dawa-ul-Qust (a Unani Compound Formulation) Against CCl4 Induced Acute Hepatic Injury in Rats Download PDF
A Unani compound formulation known as Dawa-ul-Qust was evaluated for its hepatoprotective effects by crude as well as 50% hydro-alcoholic extract against Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced liver injury in rats. The animals were divided into five groups of 6 animals each – I (Plain control), II Negative control (CCl4 treated group), III (Silymarin treated), IV DQ (Crude treated) and V DQ (Extract treated). Hepatotoxicity was induced by single administration of CCl4 (2ml/ kg I.P. 1:1 in olive oil) 24 hours before the sacrifice. The standard group was treated with Silymarin orally in the dose of 100 mg/kg body wt, once daily for 7 days.
The test drug (Dawaul Qust) was administered at the doses of 500 mg/kg and 74.9 mg/kg of body weight respectively in crude as well as in extract forms once daily, per oral for 7days. On the 8th day all the animals were sacrificed by ether anaesthesia and the blood was collected for biochemical estimations and liver was dissected out for histological studies. The elevation of enzyme markers and structural changes in histological reports of liver sections were taken as the indicators of hepatic injury.The serum of each animal of all groups were estimated for, ALT, AST, and TBARS. While the liver was dissected out for histological studies to support the above parameters. The serum of each animal of all groups estimated for, the mean serum ALT, AST, and TBARS were decreased significantly as compared to CCl4 treated group. The histopathological study showed signs of recovery and regeneration in damaged liver cells as compared to CCl4 group. The study demonstrated significant hepatoprotective activity of Dawaul Qust probably due to combined action of all ingredients. - Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced hepatotoxicity in rats: Curative role of Dawa-ul-Qust (A Unani compound formulation) Download PDF
The present study was designed to establish the possible curative effects of Dawa-ul-Qust (a Unani compound drug) by its crude as well as 50% hydro-alcoholic extract on Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced liver injury in rats. Toxic control, standard (Silymarin) and test drug (crude and extract forms) treated rats were received a single dose of Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) (2 ml/kg) on 2nd day of study. Antihepatotoxic potential was assessed by the estimation of biochemical markers; viz. serum transaminases [aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT)] and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The histopathological examinations of rat livers were also studied to authenticate the biochemical findings. In post-treatment groups, rats were treated with Silymarin at a dose of (10mg/100g) and test drug (Dawaul Qust) at doses of 500 mg/kg and 74.9 mg/kg of body weight respectively in crude as well as in extract forms after Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) administration. Rats treated with the test drug after the establishment of Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) induced liver damage showed significant (p?0.001) protection of liver as evidenced from the reduction in the serum transaminases [aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lipid peroxide levels, as both the doses forms exhibited significant reduction in biochemical markers and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) poisoned rats showed significant elevation of biochemical markers and Malondialdehyde level compared to normal control group as well as post treatment groups. The histopathological study supported the hepatocurative activity of the test drug. In conclusion, the findings of the present study suggest that Dawa-ul-Qust possesses potent curative effect against Carbon tetra chloride (CCl4) rendered liver injury in rats.
- Effect of Qurs-e-Rewand (A Hepatoprotective Unani Formulation) on Pentobarbitone induced Sleeping in Mice Download PDF
Background: The present study was planned to investigate the effect of Qurse Rewand commonly used compound hepatoprotective drug on sleep duration in sodium pentobarbital (PB)-induced sleeping in mice.
Methodology: The animals were divided into five groups of 6 animals each and they were fasted overnight. The animals of group I and II were left untreated, whereas the animals kept in group III, IV and V were administered, Silymarin (100 mg/kg b. w.) Extract of Qurse Rewand (50mg/kg b. w.) and (100 mg/kg b. w.) respectively as single and double dose orally for 7 days. On the 8th day the animals in group II, III, IV and V were given CCl4 in dose of 2 ml/kg b. w. intraperitonial route. Two hours later the animals in all the five groups were administered 30 mg/ kg b. w. of sodium pentobarbitone I.P. The sleeping time was recorded by observing the CNS activity as pinna, sound and righting reflex in each animal at every five minutes.
Results: The findings obtained, indicated the significant reduction (P ? 0.05-0.001) in the onset and duration of pentobarbitone-induced sleep in mice treated with the test drug of both the doses and it was found significant against CCl4+Pentobarbitone induced animals. The results suggest that Qurse Rewand shortened the pentobarbital hypnosis without major toxic effect and the result exhibited by the double dose of QR was more potent than single dose and shortening of duration is almost equal to the standard drug.
Conclusion: On the basis of reduction in sleeping time it can be concluded that the test drug is quite safe and has wide therapeutic index and therefore can be safely used in high doses also.
- Evaluation of Curative potential of Qurs-e-Rewand (a Unani Formulation) against CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in Rats Download PDF
Background: To evaluate the possible curative effect of Qurse Rewand (a Unani Polyherbal formulation) in CCl4 induced hepatotoxicity in rats.
Materials and Methods: The present study was conducted on adult Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing 150-175 gm. The animals were divided into five groups of 6 animals each – I (Plain control), II Negative control (CCl4 treated group), III (Silymarin treated), IV QR (Crude treated) and V QR (Extract treated). Hepatotoxicity was induced by single administration of CCl4 (2ml/ kg I.P. 1:1 in liquid paraffin) on 2nd day to all groups except group I. The test drug was administered in a dose of 700mg/kg and 150 mg/kg, respectively as crude as well as extract once daily, per oral for 7days. Silymarin was administered orally in the dose of 100 mg/kg body wt., once daily for 7 days. All the animals were sacrificed by under ether anaesthesia and the blood was collected for biochemical estimations to assess the liver function by estimating the concentration of ALT, AST, and TBARS, while the liver was dissected out for histopathological studies.
Results: The serum of each animal of all groups estimated for, the mean serum ALT, AST and TBARS were found decreased significantly as compared to CCl4 treated group. The histopathological study showed signs of recovery and regeneration in damaged liver cells as compared to control group. The extract form of QR was found better.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated significant hepatocurative activity of Qurse Rewand (Unani Polyherbal formulation).
- The effect of Qurs-e-Zarishk Sagheer (a Compound Unani Formulation) on Liver enzymes in CCl4 induced Hepatotoxicity in Rats Download PDF
Qurs-e-Zarishk Sagheer is a pharmacopoeal compound preparation known to possess hepatoprotective effect was designed to evaluate its Protective and Curative potential on liver enzymes in CCl4 (2 ml/Kg of body weight i.p.) induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Qurs-e-Zarishk Sagheer was used in the doses of 700 mg/kg, and 230 mg/Kg B.W. /day, respectively crude as well as 50% ethanolic extract. Silymarin was used as standard drug in the dose of 100mg/Kg B.W. orally/day. Biochemical parameters including Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase, Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase and TBARS were determined along with the histological studies of liver tissues of all the animals. The elevation of enzyme markers and structural changes in histological reports of liver sections were taken as the indicators of hepatic injury. The study showed the gross elevation of liver enzymes and histological changes in CCl4 administered animals, while the test drug in both doses forms showed significant enzymes lowering activity, which was comparable to Silymarin 100 mg/kg. Biochemical parameters showed better results in respect of extract while hisptopathological observations were almost similar in both groups.
- A study of hepatoprotective effect of Unani formulation (Qurs Rewand) in rats Download PDF
Aim and Objectives: To evaluate hepatoprotective effect of Qurs Rewand (Unani Polyherbal formulation)
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on adult Wistar albino rats of either sex weighing 150-200 g. Animals were divided into five groups of 6 animals each – I (Plain control), II Negative control(CCl4 treated group), III (Sylimarin treated), IV (UPF treated 50mg/kg body wt)and V (UPF treated 100mg/kg body wt). Hepatotoxicity was induced by single administration of CCl4 (2ml/ kg I.P. 1:1 in liquid paraffin). The UPF were administered in a dose of 50mg/kg and 100 mg/kg, once daily, orally for 6days. The other groups were treated with Silymarin was admistered orally in the dose of 100 mg/kg body wt, once daily for 6 days. On the seventh day all the animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation and the blood was collected for biochemical estimations to assess the liver function and the antioxidant effect. The serum of each animal of all groups were estimated for, ALT, AST, S. bilirubin, S. alkaline phosphatase, S. total protein
and TBARS. While the liver was dissected out for histopathological studies.The data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA test, followed by pair-wise comparison of various groups by LSD. The analysis was carried out by using the software of the website, www. Analyse P< 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The serum of each animal of all groups estimated for, the mean serum ALT, AST, S. bilirubin, S. alkaline phosphatase, S. total protein and TBARS were decreased significantly as compared to CCl4 treated group. The histopathological study showed signs of recovery and regeneration in damaged liver cells as compared to control group.
Conclusion: The study demonstrated significant hepatoprotective activity of Qurs Rewand (Unani Polyherbal formulation).
- Screening for protective and curative effects of a Compound Formulation - (Sofuf-e-Luk (SL) on CCl4 mediated hepatotoxicity in Rats
The crude as well as 50% ethanolic extract of Sofuf-e-Luk (a Unani compound formulation) was evaluated for their protective as well as curative effects against CCl4 (2 ml/Kg i.p.) induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The test drug (Sofuf-e-Luk) in crude form (1400 mg/Kg) and 50% ethanolic extract (490 mg/ Kg) was experimentally studied for its activity both on liver function (Biochemical study) and liver structure (Histological study). Silymarin was used as standard hepatoprotective agent (100mg/Kg B.W. orally). The blood was collected for biochemical estimations like serum TBARS, ALT / SGPT and AST / SGOT, to assess the liver function and the liver was dissected out for histopathological studies to confirm the biochemical changes. The elevation of enzyme markers and structural changes in histological reports of liver sections were taken as the indicators of hepatic injury. The study showed the gross elevation of liver enzymes and histological changes in CCl4 administered animals, while it was observed that the test drug in both forms reduced the enzymes level and maintained the disintegration of liver structure. The crude as well as the extract forms of test drug demonstrated significant decrease in the concentration of MDA and in the level of SGOT and SGPT in both protective and curative studies. It could be suggested on the basis of observations of the study the test drug has hepatoprotective as well as curative activity but extract is slightly better than the crude form of Sofuf-e-Luk.
- Determination of LD50 (Acute toxicity) of Qurs-e-Rewand (A Unani Pharmacopeial Formulation) in mice
The present study is an experimental study for safety evaluation of Qurs-e-Rewand (a Unani Polyherbal formulation) by acute toxicity study in Swiss albino mice. A pilot study was performed in group of four mice in order to find out the approximate dose causing 50% mortality. This dose and two higher and three lower doses were selected for the main study. The test drug (QR) in the form of suspension in the distilled water was administered in graded quantities (500 mg/kg B. wt) singly by oral route respective to the animals of each group. The LD50 was calculated by the arithmetical method of Reed and Muench (1938).For determining the toxic doses (LD50) the graded quantities of the test drug were administered orally to mice and the dose producing death in nearly 50% of animals was noted. The LD50 for the Qurs was calculated as 4800 mg/100g of body weight in mice. On the basis of acute toxicity test (LD50) the study demonstrated that Qurs Rewand is quite safe and has wide therapeutic index and therefore can be safely used in high doses.
- A physicochemical study of Qurs-e-rewand Download PDF
A number of drugs of Unani medicine particularly compound formulations have still not been scientifically evaluated for their described effects as well as for physicochemical standards.Qurs-e-Rewand is one such compound preparation described to be effective in liver diseases, but it has not been standardized so far-on physico-chemical parameters.
Therefore, in the present study it has been standardized according to certain physico-chemical and analytical parameters i.e. extractive values in different solvents (both successive and non-successive), alcohol and water soluble contents, moisture content, ash values, loss of weight on drying, pH values, qualitative analysis for various chemical
constituents, thin layer chromatography (TLC), weight and diameter of the tablets, disintegration time, friability and bulk density. The standardization thus carried out provides the analytical characteristics which may prove to be useful in fixing the physicochemical standard for this and other Unani tablets.
- Physico-Chemical Validation and Standardisation of a potent Unani drug-Rewand chini (Rheum emodi Wall)
Background: To evaluate the Physico-chemical standardization of Rheum emodi Wall. (Rewand chini), which is frequently used in liver diseases such as Hepatitis (Warlm-e-Kabid), Jaundice (Yarqan), Ascitis (Istisqa) due to its actions like Anti-Inflammatory (Muhallil-e-Warm) Deobstruent (Mufatteh), Liver-tonic (Muqawwi-e-Kabid), Diuretic (Mudirre baul) and has great other medicinal values. The parameters of standardization are important and valuable in identification and quality control measure of the drug as the authentication of herbal drugs and identification of adulterants from genuine medicinal herbs are essential for both pharmaceutical companies as well as public health and to ensure reproducible quality of herbal medicine.
Materials and Methods: The roots of Rheum emodi Wall. (Rewand chini) was powdered and subjected to the determination of extractive values in different solvents (both successive and non-successive), alcohol and water soluble contents, moisture content, ash values, loss of weight on drying, bulk density, pH values, thin layer chromatography (TLC) and qualitative analysis for various chemical constituents were determined by the methods described in recognized pharmacopoeias and authentic books.
Results: The results are summarised in table forms and the data is based on multiple observations.
Conclusion: The findings of each parameter will be helpful in maintaining the quality and predicting the biological activity of the drug as the efficacy of a drug mainly depends upon its physical and chemical characters.
- Rhubarb (Rewand) - A Review
Rhubarb is a perennial herb of Polygonaceae family. It consists of the dried rhizomes of R. emodi and R. Webbianum and other species of Rheum. Mostly three main types of Rhubarb viz., the Chinese Rhubarb, the Indian or Himalayan Rhubarb and the Rhaphontic Rhubarb occur. The commercial Rhubarb known as Chinese, Russian, Turkish and East Indians, is said to be obtained from the R. officinale & R. Palmataum but Chinese rhubarb is the best among them, it is of saffron colour, has a fractured surface, and is friable. In India it is distributed in the Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim at attitudes of 3,300-5200 mts. It is also cultivated in Assam. It has been used for centuries in Unani System of Medicine for its effect as a Purgative, Resolvent, Liver Tonic, Anti-inflammatory, Stomachic, Diuretic and Emenagogue, Deobstruent etc.
- An overview of Karafs (Apium graveolens, Linn): Its ethnobotanical, phytochemical as well as pharmacological importance
Apium graveolens (Karafs) is an annual or biannual branching plant about 1mt in height found in the mountainous areas of the tropics. The plant produces seeds only in second years but in the very first year in plain areas. In Unani claasical literatures it has been described of many types such as Bustani, Jabali, Sakhri, Mashriqi, Qabrisi Ajami, Barni, Mai (Tari) and Nabti. Generally the root of Karafs is known as Bekh-e-Karafs and seedsare called as Tukhm-e-Karafs. Both the forms are used in Unani system of medicine for many pathological conditions especially in obstruction and inflammation of visceral organs like liver, spleen, intestine and uterus etc. It has a number of active chemical constituents such as 23 % Apiin, glucoside, Apigenin, essential oil, Apiol, or parsley camphor, volatile oil. The essential oil of Karafs has been reported for its Central depressant activity, anthelmintic activity and antimicrobial activity.
- An Overview of Foeniculum vulgare Gartn. (Badiyan)- With reference to Unani as well as Ethanobotanical Description Download PDF
Foeniculum vulgare (Apiaceae) commonly known as fennel is a well-known and important medicinal and aromatic plant widely used as carminative, digestive, lactogogue and diuretic and in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. Its seeds are used as flavourings in baked goods, meat and fish dishes, ice cream, alcoholic beverages and herb mixtures. Phenols, phenolic glycosides and volatile aroma compounds such as trans-anethole, estragole and fenchone have been reported as the major phytoconstituents of this species. Different pharmacological experiments in a number of in vitro and in vivo models have convincingly demonstrated the ability of F. vulgare to exhibit antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant, antithrombotic and hepatoprotective activities, lending support to the rationale behind several of its therapeutic uses. Phenolic compounds isolated from F. vulgare are considered to be responsible for its antioxidant activity while the volatile aroma compounds make it an excellent flavouring agent. The present review is an up-to-date and comprehensive analysis of the chemistry, pharmacology, traditional uses and safety of F. vulgare.
- A review on Majith (Rubia Cordifolia Linn.) (Family: Rubiaceae)- An important Unani medicinal plant
Rubia cordifolia (Rubiaceae) is also known as, Manjishtha, Indian madder. Many ancient Unani physicians such as Hippocrates (460BC), Theophratus (327 BC), Deoscoridus (78 CE), Ibn-e-Baitar (1291H), Galen (2 CE), Razi (9th CE), Avicena (980-1037 CE) have mentioned in their books about importance and medicinal value of Majith. It is known to contain substantial amounts of anthraquinones, especially in the roots which is responsible for anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, urinary disorders, antistress, hepatoprotective, radio protective, and anticancer, antimicrobial, antifungal, hypotensive, analgesic, antimalarial, antileukemic and mutagenic functions, immunomodulatory and antioxidant activity. The presented review summarizes the information concerning the pharmacological, phytochemistry, biological activity of Rubia cordifolia.
- Manshiyat ki mamaniat ke ahkaam aur uske muhlik asarat irshadaate Nabawi (S.A.W) ke hawale se Download PDF
- Soo-e-Mizaj ka Tabiyati aur Mualejaati mutala
- Zoafe Jigar ba Sababe Zoafe Quwae Arba Juzee Ilaj aur Mazirrate Jigar Download PDF
- Alam-e-piri aur Tadaabeer-e-Mashaaikh Unani Tib ki Roshni mein Download PDF
- Development of Unani Pharmacy in Arab Period
- Unani Dawasazi Taarikh Ke Aine mein Download PDF