Environmental Law & Intellectual Property Law
22, Rainbow Roofs-I, Anoop Shahar Road, Post: Aligarh Dairy Farms-2021222 Dist.Aligarh(U.P.)
Md. Zafar Mahfooz Nomani specializes in Ecology Law and Intellectual Property Rights and engaged in teaching and research since last 30 years. He has successfully collaborated World Bank & Ministry of Environment & Forests 'Capacity Building Project on Environmental Law in India [Law Component]' during 1998-2003. He has undertaken University Grants Commission Major Research Projects on 'Review of Legal and Institutional Mechanism for the Protection of Wetland in India' during 2009-2011. He has also completed Indian Council for Social Science Research Major Research Projects on 'Socio-Economic Impact of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) on the Land Owners and Local Inhabitants of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand States of India' whose recommendations are reflected in Land Acquisition and Compensation Law in 2013-14. He is presently working on ICSSR Project on 'Role of International Biodiversity Law in Developing Access & Benefit Sharing Regime in India.' He authored 14 books and published more than 213 research papers in covering diverse areas of Environmental Law, Intellectual Property and Corporate Laws.
Legal Connotations of Biological Resources and Its Ripple Effect on Conservation Researches in India & Abroad, International Journal of Conservation Science 12(2): 571-576 ; 2021(Romania)
Case Comment: Divya Pharmacy v. Union of India, 39(2) Biotechnology Law Report, 122-128 (2020) (USA)
Prevention of Chronic Diseases in Climate Change Scenario in India, 13(4) Environmental Justice, 97-100 (2020); (USA)
Advances in Environmental Impact Assessment Laws in India: A Study of 25 Years of Enforcement and Governance [1994-2019], 14(3) Journal of X’idian University, 1794-1801(2020) (China)
Prevention of Transnational Environmental Crime Under Convention on Protection of Environment Through Criminal Law: Agenda and Implementation, 29(5s) International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 606-612(2020) (Australia)
The Access and Benefit-Sharing Regime: An Environmental Justice Perspective, 49/(4-5) Environmental Policy and Law, 259-263(2019) (Netherland)
The Human Right to Environment in India: Legal Precepts and Judicial Doctrines in Critical Perspective, 5(2) Asia and Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 113-34 (2000) (USA)
Legal Framework for Environment Impact Assessment in India: A Contemporary Appraisal in Corporate Perspective, 59(12) Chartered Accountant Journal, 1872-1879 (2011) (India)
Intellection of Trade Secret and Innovation Laws in India, 16(4) Journal of Intellectual Property Right, 341-350(2011) (India)
Climate Change, Environment Sustainability & Consumer Justice, IV (7&8) International Journal of Environmental Consumerism, 52-63(2009)(India)
Future and Direction of Environmental Justice in the Context of Narmada Valley Projects Judgments, II Indraprastha Technology Law Journal, 219-241(2007) (India)
Environmental Insurance Liability for Industrial Disaster in India: A Study of Therapeutic Perception of Compensatory Jurisprudence, 29(1) Indian Bar Review, 77-102 (2000)(India)
Environment Agriculture and Challenges of Bio-Piracy: A Blue Print of Indian Sui Generis Legal Order, 1(2) Indian Journal of Environmental Law, 3-22 (2000) (India)
Enviro-Constitutional Ethos in Right-Duty Discourse: Towards Creation of Sustainable Socio-Legal Order, 42 (22) Journal of Indian Law Institute: Special Volume on Constitutional Law, 432-42 (2000) (India)