Ph.D., M.Phil., M.Sc., B.Sc.
Commutativity of Rings, Near-Rings, Rings with Polynomial Identities, Derivations and its various Generalizations in Rings, Algebraic Coding Theory, Cryptography and Graph Theory.
4/1099 A1, Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh 202002
Mohammad Ashraf is Professor and Chairperson, Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He is also serving as the Dean, Faculty of Science, Aligarh Muslim University. He has published more than 230 peer-reviewed scientific articles in Internationally recognized and reputed journals with 3560 citations, 24 h-index, and 90 i10-index according to Google Scholar. He has organized several international conferences and has edited Five research Proceedings/volumes. He was awarded the Ziauddin Gold Medal for securing the first position at the M.Sc. examination in the year 1981. After completing a Ph.D. from Aligarh Muslim University in 1986, he started his teaching carrier as a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He was awarded the Young Scientist Award by the Indian Science Congress Association in the year 1988 for his work on Power maps in Rings and subsequently awarded I.M.S. Prize from Indian Mathematical Society for best paper presentation in the year 1995. He was elevated to the post of Reader in 1997, and finally became Professor of Mathematics in 2005. He has also served as Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for five years from 1999 to 2004. Besides supervising a dozen of students for Ph.D. degrees in various disciplines of Mathematics namely Ring theory, Linear Algebra, Coding theory, Graph theory, and Cryptography he is actively engaged in post-graduate teaching and research. Prof. Ashraf has completed many major research projects from the University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, India, and the National Board of Higher Mathematics, Mumbai, India. Currently, he is also working on major research projects from the National Board of Higher Mathematics and the Department of Science and Technology. He has visited several foreign countries to deliver Plenary/ Invited lectures in International Conferences / Seminars and also has been visiting Scientist for many years in the University of Maribor, Slovenia under the bilateral exchange Programme supported by the Slovenian-Indian joint working group on Scientific and Technological co-operation under the auspices of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), India and Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology (MHEST), Republic of Slovenia. Prof Ashraf is Editors / Managing Editors of many reputed international mathematical journals. He is also a life member of the Indian Mathematical Society, the Indian Science Congress Association, and the Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Completed Research Projects:
1)Project Title : A Study of Identities with Generalized Derivations in Rings and its Applications
Funding Agency : DST -SERB
Funding Amount : ₹10,25,280
Principal Investigator : Prof. Mohammad Ashraf
Ongoing Research Projects:
1) Project Title : Nonlinear Higher Derivations on Unital Algebras with Applications
Funding Agency : National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM)
Funding Amount : ₹16,58,900
Principal Investigator : Prof. Mohammad Ashraf
2) Project Title : Generalized higher derivable mappings in rings with applications
Funding Agency : DST Mathematical Research Impact Centric Support (MATRICS)
Funding Amount : ₹6,60,000
Principal Investigator : Prof. Mohammad Ashraf
AD Scientific Index Ranking 2021:
Total H: University - #34 | Country - #3933 | Asia - #32314 | World - #195150
Total i10: University - #16 | Country - #1770 | Asia - #13044 | World - #76226
Total Citation: University - #23 | Country - #2542 | Asia - #21796 | World - #148441
Ranking in Mathematics: University - #3 | Country - #90 | Asia - #471 | World - #2880
(Source: AD Scientific Index 2021)
The Citations of Prof. Ashraf according to Google Scholar are as follows:
- Chapters in Books:
- Some Extension Theorems in the Ring of Quotients of ?-Prime Rings, Dierential Geometry, Algebra and Analysis,Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & statistics (2020) (jointly with Claus Haetinger and M. Aslam Siddeque)
- Additivity of Jordan higher Derivable maps on alternative rings, Algebra and its Applications,Palestine J. Math. Vol. 7,Special issue I(2018), 50-72. (jointly with Aisha Jabeen)
- On derivations in near-rings and its generalizations: A survey, Algebra and its Applications,Palestine J. Math.Vol. 7, Special issue I(2018),11-124. (jointly with M.Aslam Siddeeque)
- Nonlinear Lie triple higher derivation on triangular algebras, Contemporary Mathematics, American Mathematical Society (2018)(jointly with Aisha Jabeen)
- On commutativity of Banach *-algebras with derivation, Homological and combinatorial methods in algebra, 2739, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., 228, Springer, Cham, 2018. ? 3 ? 319 ? 74195 ? 63 (Jointly with Bilal A. Wani)
- Skew constacyclic codes over Fq +vFq +v 2Fq , Algebra and its Applications,M. Ashraf, V.De Filippis and S.T. Rizvi(Editors), De Gruyter (2018).
- Nonlinear Jordan triple derivable mappings on triangular algebras, Research in Applied Mathematics, Zhong Wong(Editor), Nova Science Publishers (2017) (jointly with Aisha Jabeen)
- Idempotent generators of cyclic codes with Fp + vFp, Algebra, analysis and applications,Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2015), 81-90(jointly with Ghulam Mohammad)
- On the traces of permuting n-derivations in rings, Algebra, analysis and applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2015),41-58 (jointly with Nazia Parveen)
- On Higher Derivations: A survey, Mathematical Theories, Models and Groups , Marcus J. Grecher, Editor), Nova Science Publishers, Newyork 2012 (Joittly with Claus Haetinger and Shakir Ali)
- Jordan mappings in Rings: A Survey, Algebra and its Applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2011),5-25 (jointly with N. Rehman and Shakir Ali)
- On generalized (?, ?) derivations in Rings and Modules, Ring theory 2007, 165ï¾ 1 2 172, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2009(Jointly with Shakir Ali and N., Rehman)
- (?, ? )-derivations on prime near-rings, Trends in Theory of Rings and Modules (S. Tariq Rizvi & S. M. A. Zaidi, (Eds.)), Anamaya Publishers, New Delhi, (2005)(Jointly with Shakir Ali)
- On Commutativity of rings with constraints on a subset, Recent Research on Pure and Applied Algebra, Omar Pordavi(Editor), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003.
- Certain near-rings with derivations are rings,Advances in Mathematics, Gabriel Oyibo(Editor), Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2003.
- Some polynomials constraints on rings, Algebra and its Applications, S.Tariq Rizvi, M.A.Quadri and M.Ashraf(Editors), Narosa Pub. House, 1997.
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- Abdelkarim Baua and Mohammad Ashraf,generalized semiderivations in prime rings with algebraic identities, MATHEMATICA, Tome 62 (85), No 2,(2020),148159.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Shuaib Akhtar, Characterizations of Lie triple derivations on generalized matrix algebras, Comm. Algebra Vol. 48, No.6(2020)
- Aisha Jabeen and Mohammad Ashraf, Nonlinear ?-Lie derivations on unital algebras, Beitr Algebra Geom, Vol.61 (2020),731-746. 020-00500-z
- Hai Q. Dinh, Tushar Bag, Ashish K. Upadhyay, Mohammad Ashraf, Ghulam Mohammad, and Songsak Sriboonchitta, New quantum codes from a class of constacyclic codes over nite rings, J. Algebra and its Appl. Vol. 19, No. 12 (2020) 2150003 (19 pages);
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, On generalized Jordan derivations of generalized matrix algebras, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 35, No. 3(2020),733-744
- Mohammad Ashraf, Mohit Kumar and Ghulam Mohammad, A Subspace based Subspace inclusion graph on vector space, Contrib. Discrete Math.Volume 15, Number 2,(2020),73-83.
- Abdelkarim Boua, Mohammad Ashraf and A.Y. Abdelwanis, Generalized multiplicative?-skew derivations on rings, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat.Vol. 22, No. 2 (2004): 1-9.
- M. Shoeb Akhtar and Mohammad Ashraf Generalized Lie triple higher derivable maps on Rings, Questiones Math.(2020)
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. Shuaib Akhtar and Bilal A. Wani, Generalized ?-Lie higher derivable mappings on ?-rings, Algebra Colloq. Algebra, Vol. 27, No. 3 (2020) 415- 432; DOI: 10.1142/S1005386720000346
- Abdelkarim Boua and Mohammad Ashraf,Prime rings with involution involving left multipliers, Rivista Proyecciones Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 39, no. 2 (2020),341- 359.
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- Mohammad Ashraf, Aisha Jabeen and M. Shoeb Akhtar, Generalized Jordan triple (?, ? )-higher derivation on Triangular algebras, Filomat Vol. 33, No.8 (2019),22852294;
- Tushar Bag, Mohammad Ashraf, Ghulam Mohammad and Ashish Kumar, Quantum codes from (1?2u1?2u2?· · ·?2um)-skew constacyclic codes over the ring Fq +u1Fq + · · · + u2mFq, Quantum Inf. Process. 18 (2019), no. 9, Paper No. 270. 94B05
- Mohammad Ashraf and Bilal A. Wani, On derivations of rings and Banach algebras involving anti-commutator, Riv.Mat.Univ.Parma,Vol.10(2019),8597.
- Ahmad N. Alkenani, Mohammad Ashraf and Bilal A. Wani,Characterizations of *- Lie derivable mappings on prime *-rings, Rad HAZU, Matematic?ke znanosti, Vol. 23(2019), 51-68.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Sajad A. Pary and M. Arif Raza, On generalized derivations in semiprime rings involving anti-commutator, Beitr Algebra Geom., Vol.60(2019), 587598;
- Mohammad Ashraf, V. D. Filippis, S. A. Pary and V. K. Tiwari,Derivations vanishing on commutator identity involving generalized derivation on multilinear polynomials in prime rings, Comm. Algebra, https//
- Mohammad Ashraf, Bilal A. Wani and Feng Wei, Multiplicative ?-Lie Triple higher derivations of standard operator algebras, Questiones Math.,, in press
- Mohammad Ashraf, Mohit Kumar and Ghulam Mohammad, A regular graph on vector spaces,The Aligarh Bull. Math., Vol.37,no.1-2 (2019)
- Mohammad Ashraf and Bilal A. Wani, On Commutativity of Rings and Banach Algebras with Generalized Derivations, Adv.Pure Appl.Math.2019;10(2):155163.
- Tushar Bag, Ashish K. Upadhyay, Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad,Quantum codes from cyclic codes over the ring Fp[u]/ < u3 ? u >, Asian-Eur J. Math. Vol. Vol. 12, No. 7 (2019) 2050008 (10 pages);
- Shakir Ali, Mohammad Ashraf, M. Arif Raza and Abdul Nadeem Khan, n-commuting mappings on (semi)-prime rings with applications, Comm. Algebra,VOL. 47, NO. 5,(2019) 22622270
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, Generalized multiplicative derivations and commutativity of 3-prime near-rings, Afrika Matematika, Vol.30 (2019), 571580;
- Abdelkarim Boua and Mohammad Ashraf, Dierential identities and generalized derivations in prime rings with involution, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., Vol.43 (2019),165181.
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. Shuaib Akhtar and Aisha Jabeen, Additivity of r-Jordan triple maps on triangular algebras , Pacic J. Appl. Math., Vol.9. No.2 (2018), 121-136.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Almas Khan and Malik Rashid Jamal, Traces of Permuting Generalized n-Derivations of Rings, Miscolk Math Notes 19, No. 2(2018),731740.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Sajad A. Pary and M. Arif Raza, On dierential identities involving commutator and anti-commutator in prime and semi-prime rings, An. Stiint. Univ. Al. I. Cuza Iasi. Mat. (N.S.) Vol. 64(2), (2018), 273-281.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Bilal A. Wani and S.A. Pary, Derivations of Rings and Banach Algebras involving commutator, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 76, 1 (2018), 55 62
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Skew cyclic codes over Fq + uFq + vFq, Asian-Eur. J. Math., Vol. 11, No.5 (2018)(11 pages);
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear Lie triple higher derivation on triangular algebras, Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 715, 2018
- Mohammad Ashraf and malik Rashid Jamal, Generalized derivations on ?-prime rings, Kyungpook Math. J., Vol. 58(2018), 481-488;
- Mohammad Ashraf and Bilal A. Wani, On certain functional equations related to Jordan ?-derivations in semiprime ?-rings and standard operator algebras, Pure Math. Appl. (PU.M.A.) 27 (2018), no. 1, 117.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear generalized Lie triple higher derivation on Triangular algebras, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc., Vol. 44, No. 2 (2018), 513530.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Sajad A. Pary, An identity involving automorphisms Of prime rings inspired by Posner's theorem, Journal of Taibah University for Science, Vol. 12, NO. 3 (2018), 344347;
- Mohammad Ashraf, A. Boua and M. Aslam Siddeeque, Generalized multiplicative derivations in 3-prime near-rings, Math. Slovaca, Vol.68, No. 2, (2018), 331-338;
- Ahmad N. Alkenani, Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear generalized Jordan (?, ? )-derivations on Triangular algebras, Spec. Matrices, Vol.6 (2018),216228.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Vincenzo De Filippis, A note on Generalized Skew Derivations on Lie ideals, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. Math. Sci. Vol. 128 (2018), no. 2, Art. 21, 14 pp
- Mohammad Ashraf, Shakir Ali and Bilal A. Wani, Nonlinear ?-Lie higher derivations of standard operator algebras, Comm. Math., Vol. 26(2018),1529;
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, On skew cyclic codes over Fq+vFq+v 2Fq, Tiblisi Mathematical Journal, Vol. 11(2) (2018), 35-45.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Quantum codes over Fp from cyclic codes over Fp[u, v]/hu 2 ? 1, v3 ? v, uv ? vui, Cryptogr. Commun.
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. Arif Raza and Sajad A. Pary, Commutators having idempotent values with automorphisms in semiprime rings, Math. Reports, 20(70) 1 (2018), 51-57.
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Abdelkarim Boua and Mohammad Ashraf, Prime rings with involution involving left multipliers, Mathematica, 59 (82), No 1(2), (2017),124-133.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear Jordan triple higher derivable mappings on Triangular algebras, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 41 (2017),118.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, (?, ? )-?-Jordan ideals in ?-Prime Rings, Georgian. Math. J. (2017)
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear generalized Jordan (?, ? )-higher derivations on triangular algebras,J. Algebra and Comp. Appl., Vol. 7, Issue 4(2017), 1-20.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Nazia Parveen and Bilal A. Wani, Generalized higher derivations on Lie ideals of triangular algebras, Comm. Math. Vol. 25(2017) 35-53.
- Mohammad Ashraf, and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On generalized (?, ? )-n-derivations in prime near-rings, Georgian. Math. J.(2017).
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear generalized Lie triple derivation on Triangular algebras, Comm. Algebra Vol.45, No.10 (2017)4380- 4395.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, Lie triple higher derivable maps on ring, Comm. Algebra Vol.45, No. 5(2017), 2256-2275.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Vincenzo De Filippis and Almas Khan, A result on generalized skew derivations on Lie ideals in Prime rings, Beitr Algebra Geom., Vol. 58(2017), 341-354.
- Research Paper Publications 2016
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On generalized (?, ?)-n-derivations in rings, Southeast Asian Bull. Math., Vol.40(2016), 783-796.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Abdelkarim Boua, Identities related to derivations in prime rings, Pacic J. Appl. Math. Vol. 8, No. 2(2016), 149-156.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, Some commutative theorems for ?-prime rings with (?, ? )-derivation, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc.42(5)(2016), 1197-1207.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Quantum codes from cyclic codes over Fq + uFq + vFq + uvFq, Quantum Inf. Process.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman and Mohd. Arif Raza, A note on commutativity of semiprime Banach algebras, Beitr Algebra Geom., Vol. 57(2016),553560.
- Mohammad Ashraf and A. Boua, On semiderivations in 3-prime near-rings, Comm. Korean Math. Soc., Vol. 31, No. 3 (2016),433-445.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On Lie Higher Derivable mappings on Prime Rings, Beitr Algebra Geom, Vol.57, No.1 (2016), 137-153.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, Posner's rst theorem for ?- ideals in prime rings with involution, Kyungpook Math. J., 56(2016),343-347.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque,Generalized derivations on semigroup ideals and commutativity of prime rings, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino Vol. 73/2, 3-4 (2016).
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aisha Jabeen, Nonlinear Jordan triple derivable mappings on triangular algebras, Pacic J. Appl. Math., Vol.7,No. 4(2016),229239.
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. R. Jamal and M. R. Mozumder,On the traces of certain classes of permuting mappings, Georgian Math. J. (2016)
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On Jordan triple higher derivations on prime ?-rings, Palestine J. Math. Vol. 5, No.2 (2016), 208-217.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On Jordan triple higher derivable mappings in rings, Mediterr. J. Math. Vol. 13, Issue 4 (2016),1465-1477.
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aslam Siddeeque, On certain dierential identities in prime rings with involutions, Miskolc Math. Notes, Vol. 16 (1), (2015), 33-44.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Aslam Siddeeque, On generalized ??i?n-derivations in rings with involutions, J. Adv. Res. Pure Math. Vol.7,No.4 (2015), 65-74.
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. Aslam Siddeeque and M. R. Mozumder On (?, ?) ? ? ? nderivations and certain n-additive mappings in rings with involution, Gulf J. Math. Vol 3, Issue 4 (2015),13-25.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On ? ? n-derivations in prime rings with involution, Georgian Math. J. Vol. 21, No.1(2015), 9-18.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On semigroup ideals and generalized n-derivations in prime near-rings, Sarajevo J. Math., Vol.11 (24), No.2, (2015),1-10.
- Ahmad N. Alkenani, Mohammad Ashraf, Nadeem-ur-Rehman and M. Arif Raza, Generalized derivations with power values on Lie ideals in rings and Banach algebras, Int. J. Algebra, Vol. 9, (2015), no. 7, 311 - 325
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, On skew cyclic codes over a semi-local ring, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 3 (2015) 1550042 (10 pages).
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Construction of quantum codes from cyclic codes over Fp + vFp, Int. J. Inform.& coding theory,Vol. 3, No. 2, (2015), 137-144.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On skew centralizing traces of permuting nadditive mappings, Kyungpook Math. J., Vol.55, No.1(2015), 1-12;MR#3335860.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, On Jordan higher K-derivations in semiprime Gamma rings, J. Adv. Res. Pure Math. Vol.7(2015)(to appear)Doi:10.5373/jarpm.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, On constacyclic codes over two classes of rings, Pacic J. Appl. Math. Vol.6, No.4 (2015), 273282.
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. Aslam Siddeeque and Nazia Parveen, On semigroup ideals and n-derivations in near-rings, J. Taibah Univ. Science 9(2015),126-132;
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On semigroup ideals and (?, ? ) ? nderivations in near-rings, Ren. Sem. Univ. Polytec. Torino Vol.72(2014),161-171.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Some constacyclic codes over Fp + vFp, The Aligarh Bull. Math. Vol.33(2014),5-14.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Quantum codes from cyclic codes over F3 + vF3,Int. J. Quantum Information Vol. 12, No. 6 (2014) 1450042 (8 pages),
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, Identities concering generalized derivation on Lie ideals of prime rings, JMI International J. Math. Sci., Vol. 5 (2014), 1-10.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Ghulam Mohammad, Skew cyclic codes over F3 + vF3, Int. J. Inform.& coding theory, Vol.2, No.4(2014), 218-225; MR#3290652
- Mohammad Ashraf and Nazia Parveen, Jordan higher derivable mappings on rings, Algebra, Volume 2014, Article ID 672387, 9 pages;
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On generalized n-derivations in nearrings, Palestine J. Math. , Vol. 3 (Spec 1) (2014), 468-480; MR#3274628.
- Mohammad Ashraf, N. Parveen and M. R. Jamal, Traces of permuting n-derivations and commutativity of rings, Southeast Asian Bull. Math. Vol.38(2014),321-332; MR3237409.
- Mohammad Ashraf, M. R. Mozumder and Almas Khan, On Jordan triple ?*- centralizers of semiprime rings, Demonstratio Math. Vol. 47 (2014), no. 1, 130-136; MR#3200190
- Mohammad Ashraf, A. Boua and A. Raji, On derivations and commutativity of prime rings, J. Taiba Univ. Science, Vol.8 (2014), 301-306.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddique, On ?-derivations in near-rings with involution, J. Adv. Res. Pure Math., Vol. 6, No.2(2014),1-12,
- Mohammad Ashraf and Malik Rashid Jamal, Some dierential identities in prime ?-rings, Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3) 32 (2014), no. 1, 193-205; MR#3082727.
- Shakir Ali, Mohammad Ashraf, Salahuddin Khan and Joso Vukman, Commutativity of rings involving additive mappings, Questiones Math., Vol. 37, No.2 (2014),215-229(ID: 7799945 DOI:10.2989/16073606.2013.779994); MR#3225557
- Research Paper Publications 2013
- Shakir Ali, Mohammad Ashraf, Salahuddin Khan and Joso Vukman, Commutativity of rings involving additive mappings, Questiones Math., Vol. 37, No.2 (2014),215-229(ID: 7799945 DOI:10.2989/16073606.2013.779994); MR#3225557
- Mohammad Ashraf and Almas Khan, On generalized Jordan triple (?, ? )-higher derivations in prime rings, ISRN Algebra Volume 2013, Article ID 684792, 8 pages; MR#3166542.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddique, On (?, ? )-n-derivations in nearrings, Asian-Eur. J. Math. Vol. 6, No. 4(2013) 1350051 (14 pages)DOI: 10.1142/S1793557113500514; MR#3149268.
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. Aslam Siddeeque, On permuting n-derivations in near-rings, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 28, No.4 (2013),697-707,; MR # 3126601.
- L. Oukhtite, A. Mamouni and Mohammad Ashraf, Commutativity theorems for rings with dierential identities on Jordan ideals, Comment.Math.Univ.Carolin. Vol. 54,No.4 (2013),447-457; MR # 3125069.
- Mohammad Ashraf, N. Rehman and Abu-Zaid Ansari, An additive mapping satisfying an algebraic condition in rings with identity, J. Adv. Res. Pure Math. 5 (2013), no. 2, 38-45.; MR # 3041331.
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- Mohammad Ashraf, Shakir Ali, N Rehman and M. R. Mozumder, On generalized left (?, ?)-derivations in rings, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 38 (2012), no. 4, 893-905.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Almas khan, Generalized (?, ? )-higher derivations in prime rings, SpringerPlus 2012, 1;13 DOI: 10.1186/2193-1801-1-31).
- Mohammad Ashraf and M. R. Mozumder, On Jordan ?-*Centralizers in semiprime rings with involution, Int.J.Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 7, No.23 (2012), 1103-1112.
- Mohammad Ashraf, N. Rehman, Shakir Ali and M. R. Mozumder, On generalized (?, ?)-derivations in semiprime rings with involutions, Math. Slovaka Vol.62 (2012),451-460.
- A. Alkenani, Mohammad Ashraf and Almas Khan, generalized Jordan triple (?, ? )- higher derivations in rings, Aligarh Bull. Math. Vol. 31, No.1-2 (2012) 65-71.
- . Mohammad Ashraf, Shakir Ali and Almas Khan, Generalized (?, ?) ? -derivations and related mappings in semiprime ? -rings, Asian-Eur. J. Math. Vol.5, No.2 (2012), DOI:10.1142/S1793557112500155.
- Research Paper Publications 2011
- Mohammad Ashraf, N. Rehman, Shakir Ali and M. R. Mozumder, On Generalized (?, ? )-Biderivations in rings, Asian-Eur. J. Math. Vol.4(3) (2011), 389-402. DOI: 10.1142/S1793557111000319.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Almas Khan, Commutativity of ?-Prime Rings with Generalized Derivations, Rend. Sem. Math. Univ. Padova, Vol.25(2011),71-79.
- Research Paper Publications 2010
- Mohammad Ashraf, Asma Ali and M. R. Mozumder, On Lie ideals and generalized Jordan (?, ?)-derivations in rings, Internat. J. Pure & Applied Math., Vol.64, No.4 (2010),461-465
- Mohammad Ashraf and Malik Rashid Jamal, Orthogonal generalized derivations in ?rings, The Aligarh Bull. Math. Vol.29, No.1 (2010),41-46.
- Mohammad Ashraf, N. Rehman, Shakir Ali and M. R. Mozumder, On semi prime rings with generalized derivations, Bol. Soc. Paran. Mat. Vol.28(2) (2010), 25-32.
- Mohammad Ashraf, H. Marubayashi, N. Rehman and S. Ali, On generalized (?, ?) derivations in prime rings, Algebra Colloq. Vol. 17(Spec.1)(2010), 865-874.
- Claus Haetinger, Mohammad Ashraf and Shakir Ali, On higher derivations: A survey, Inernat. J. Math. Game Theory & algebra, Vol.19, No.5-6 (2010), 359-379.
- Mohammad Ashraf, Almas Khan and Clause Haetinger, On (?, ? )-higher derivations in prime rings, Int. Electronic J. Algebra, Vol.8(2010), 65-79; MR # 2660541.
- Mohammad Ashraf and Malik Rashid Jamal, Orthogonal derivations in ?-rings, Advances in Algebra, Vol.3, No.1 (2010),1-6.