Ph.D. (Mathematics), M.Phil, M.Sc., B.Ed., NET-JRF(AIR -17), GATE(AIR-138, 95%)
Assistant Professor
General Relativity, Geometric Flow and Convex Optimization
Department of Mathematics, AMU
Dr Musavvir Ali is an Assistant Professor (AL-12) in the Department of Mathematics at Aligarh Muslim University, India. He obtained his M.Phil and PhD in Mathematics on the theme of "Symmetries of Spacetime in General Relativity" in 2008 and 2013, respectively. M.Sc.-2006, B.Ed.-2004, B.Sc.(H)-2003, Intermediate - 1999, HS- 1997. He earned it throughout the first division.
QUALIFIED- CSIR-JRF (AIR-17), NET (AIR-38), GATE (AIR-136, Percentile- 95), Received- Young Relativist Award, Received- Best Paper Presentation at JU, Kolkata, Recieved- Departmental Merit Scholarship.
INTERESTS: RESEARCH> (A) Guided: 03 PhD students: (Dr Naeem A Pundeer, presently working as DS Kothari fellow, Mohammad Salman, working as Lecturer in DAV degree college Siwan, Bihar and Ehtesham Akhter), Guiding PhD Thesis: 03 (Keshav Godani, Saurabh Kumar and Shan e Alam) (B) Submitted a minor research project sanctioned by UGC under startup Grant. (C) Presently working as Co-PI on an International Research Project sanctioned by "the Institute of Scientific Research and Revival of Islamic Heritage, KSA. (D) Presently- Visiting Associate in Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA). As a researcher, his areas of interest are General Relativity, Riemannian Geometry, and Local Riemannian Geometry, and he is also interested in Convex Optimization. He has been playing a significant role in updating the curriculum to make his topic relevant to contemporary notions in differential geometry. He has consistently published his research papers in various national and international refereed journals. Some of those are The Universe, FILOMAT, Taibah Journal (Taylor & Francis), Journal of Geometry and Phys. (Elsevier), Journal of Geometry (Springer), and International Journal of Theoretical Physics (SPRINGER), Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences (ELSEVIER), Int. J. of Geom. meth. Phy. (World Scientific). Dr Musavvir Ali also receives the Young Relativist Award from The Tensor Society, India. He has presented his research papers at various international conferences in India & abroad (the University of Sau Paulo, Brazil, Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey, Moscow State Open University, Russia, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, and ICM Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).
INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATIONS > 1. Prof. J. Lopez Bonilla, Instituto Politecnico National, Mexico. 2. Prof. Y. J. Suh, Kyungpook National University, South Korea. 3. Dr Abdul Haseeb Malik, Jazan University, KSA, 4. Mohd Bilal, Umm Al-Qura University, KSA. 5. Prof. Zafar Ahsan, Visiting Professor, Int. Islamic University, Malaysia. 6. F. O. Zengin, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, 7. Yanlin Li, School of Mathematics, HMU, Hangzhou, China, Prof. Sezgin Altay Demirbag, ITU, Turkey.
TEACHING > (Since 2009 as JRF & SRF and Since 2013 as Assistant Professor). As a teacher, his interests are Calculus, Geometry, Differential Equations, Advanced Calculus, Mechanics, Complex Analysis, Linear and non-linear Programming, and Relativity. He has been teaching some papers on Mathematics for the last seven years. To date, he has taught (UG courses) viz., Calculus, Geometry (2D & 3D), Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Advanced calculus & Mechanics, Tensor Analysis, Diff. Geometry of Curves & Surfaces. (PG courses): Mechanics & special theory of Relativity, tensor calculus, and the general theory of relativity. Besides his regular classroom teaching sessions, Dr Ali has also cultivated the students of different departments for IIT-JAM for the last six years. Furthermore, he and some of his colleagues took responsibility for arranging the classes for CSIR-NET and GATE at RCA. The results have been encouraging, as every year, around 20-25 undergraduate students have secured good ranks in IIT-JAM, and another 7-8 students have qualified for NET & GATE. The teaching of Mathematics is his passion; therefore, whenever anybody approaches for assistance, he supports them as much as possible. He had taught an entire Biomathematics course in the Biochemistry department for two academic sessions. He delivered a series of lectures for PG students, PhD Scholars, and young faculty members on “Basics of Differential Equations” at Kumaun University, Nainital. Musavvir Ali had also been invited to deliver a talk on the theme of his research work for PhD students of NBHM Center of higher mathematics, BHU, Varanasi, and to have a Plenary lecture at Chitkara University, Punjab, India, on the occasion of National Science Day, 2021, Dr Ali was called to chair the sessions and deliver an invited talk in SPECTRUM: ICGAC2023, Rome, Italy.
University's Corporate Life> (As a faculty member), Dr Ali has been TPO (Mathematics) and Scrutinizer in the department from the very beginning, his joining as a permanent AP. He is always one of the prominent members of the team, working for NAAC and IQAC. Dr Ali has had the good fortune of organizing almost all the national days and events, such as Science Day, Education Day, Swachhta Pakwara, National Mathematics Week, etc. Also, he's shouldering many departmental committees such as the Seminar Library committee, office maintenance committee, etc. In the 2019 RCA, AMU appointed Dr Ali as a mentor for mathematics students interested in preparing for civil services. Dr Ali has been an elected member of the Executive Committee, and President, AMUTA. Presently he is elected member of the Executive Council, AMU (24 May 2023- 23 May 2026)
(As a student) He has been a national Hindi debater, sports person (athletics & Mountaineering-hiking), author of one-act plays, monologues, and poems, and appeared in stage performances. Also, he has won many national & state-level awards for Aligarh Muslim University. Dr Ali was also the Vice-president of the Aligarh Mathematical Society (2005-06) and Senior House & Senior Hall from 2004-06.
- Research Paper Publications 2024
- A NOTE ON X-log CONVEXITY IN Rn. Ehtesham Akhter and Musavvir Ali*.Palestine Journal of Mathematics Vol 13(2) (2024), 172–180. (SCOPUS INDEXED).
- ??w-Invexity and optimality problem. Musavvir Ali* and E. Akhter.Journal of Taibah University for Science, (Taylor & Francis)18:1, 2359207, DOI: 10.1080/16583655.2024.2359207.
- Research Paper Publications 2023
Curvature Inheritance Symmetry on M-Projectively Flat Spacetimes. Musavvir Ali*, Absos Ali Shaikh, Mohammad Salman, and Fusun Ozen Zengin, Int. Jour. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. (World Sci. Pub. Co.) (Accepted) 2023 1750078(14 pages) (Scopus, SCI, Impact factor- .765).
- Special type convex functions on Riemannian manifolds with application. Ehtesham Akhter and Musavvir Ali*. AIMS Mathematics. 20238(7): 15081–15091,DOI: 10.3934/math.2023770.
- Spacetime admitting semiconformal curvature tensor in f(R) modify gravity. NA Pundeer, Farook Rahaman, Musavvir Ali and Sameh Shenawy.International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics World Scientific Publishing Company(2023) 2350176 (12 pages)DOI: 10.1142/S0219887823501761.
- Research Paper Publications 2013
- Ricci Solitons and Symmetries of Spacetime Manifold of General Relativity. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan. Global. J. Adv. Clas. Mod. Geoms. ISSN: 2284-5569, 2013, 1(2), 75-84.
- Geometry of charged rotating black hole. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan. SUT Journal of Mathematics, 2013, 49(2), 129-143 (Impact factor- .355).
- Geometry of Schwarzschild Soliton. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan. Journal of the Tensor Society, ISSN: 0974-5428, 2013, 7, 49-57.
- Research Paper Publications 2012
- Symmetries of Type D Pure Radiation Fields. Zafar Ahsan and Musavvir Ali. Int. Jour. Theo. Physics (Springer Publication) ISSN: 0020-7748(print)1572-9577(web) 2012, 51, 2044-2055. (Impact factor- 1.188).
- Research Paper Publications 2022
- Curvature inheritance symmetry in Ricci flat spacetimes, Musavvir Ali, Mohammad Salman, and Mohd Bilal, Universe 2022, 8, 408. (SCIE, I.F. : 2.813) 2022.
A spacetime admitting semiconformal curvature tensor Musavvir Ali*, Naeem Ahmad Pundir, and Mohd Bilal, Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol.27, No.1, 2022, pp. 130-137. Geometry Balkan Press (Romania), 2022 (Scopus).
- LP-Kenmotsu manifolds admitting $\eta$-Ricci solitons and spacetime. Musavvir Ali*, Abdul Haseeb, and Yanlin Li, Journal of Mathematics, 2022, Article ID 6605127, 10 pages (Scopus $\&$ SCIE, Scopus IF: 1.56).
Conharmonic symmetry inheritance and its physical significance in general relativity Musavvir Ali*, and Mohammad Salman, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, pp 1-17, Accepted, 2022(Scopus).
The semiconformal curvature tensor on Relativistic spacetimes, Musavvir Ali*, and Naeem Ahmad Pundir, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, pp 1-15, Accepted, 2022(Scopus).
- Research Paper Publications 2018
- Curvature properties of Robinson-Trautman metric Absos Ali Shaikh, Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan Journal of Geometry ((C)Springer Nature Switzerland AG), Vol 109:38(2018),ISSN: 0047-2468(Print)1420-8997(Online).
- Research Paper Publications 2019
- Curvature properties of Special type of Pure Radiation Fields Absos Ali Shaikh,Haradhar Kundu, Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan Journal of Geometry and Physcis ((C) Elsevier), Vol 136(2019)195- 206 factor- .712).
- . Semiconformal curvature tensor and spacetime of General Relativity Musavvir Ali and Naeem Ahmad Pundeer Differential Geometry-Dynamical Systems ((c) Balkan Society of Geometers, Romania) Vol. 21(2019)14-22.
- Proper Semiconformal Symmetries of Spacetimes with Divergence-Free Semiconformal Curvature Tensor Musavvir Ali, Naeem Ahmad Pundeer and Y. J. Suh, FILOMAT, 33(16), 5191-5198, 2019 (SCI IF: 0.854).
- Research Paper Publications 2021 Ali M, Salman M, Bilal M. Conharmonic Curvature Inheritance in Spacetime of General Relativity. Universe. 2021; 7(12):505., I.F.: 2.813) 2022.
- Research Paper Publications 2020
- Semiconformal symmetry-A new symmetry of the spacetime manifold of the general relativity Naeem Ahmad Pundeer, Musavvir Ali, Naeem Ahmad and Zafar Ahsan, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20, 241-254, 2020(ESCI, Scopus).
- Semiconformal curvature tensor and perfect fluid spacetimes in general relativity Musavvir Ali, Naeem Ahmad Pundeer, and Akram Ali, Journal of Taibah University for Science, 14(1), 205-2010, 2020 (I.F. : 1.863).
- Chapters in Books:
- Contributed a chapter in the book on Differential Geometry and Functional Analysis, Narosa Pub. New Delhi India, ISBN: 978-81-8487-421-1.
- Research Paper Publications 2017
- Curvature tensor for spacetime of general relativity Zafar Ahsan and Musavvir Ali Int. Jour. Geom. Methods Mod. Phys. (World Sci. Pub. Co.) vol.14, 2017 1750078(13 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S0219887817500785. (Impact factor- .765)
- Petrov Type D Spacetimes and Lanczos Potential Zafar Ahsan, Mohd. Bilal and Musavvir Ali, Journal of The Tensor Society (JTS) ISSN: 0974-5428, Vol 11(2017)97-105.
- Research Paper Publications 2015
- Symmetries of Type N Pure Radiation Fields. Zafar Ahsan and Musavvir Ali. Int. Jour. Theo. Physics (Springer Publication)ISSN: 0020-7748(print)1572-9577(web) 2015, IJTP-D-14-00304R1. (Impact factor- 1.188).
- Gravitational Field of Schwarzschild Solitons. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan. Arab J.Math. Sci. (Elsevier Publication) ISSN: 1319-5166, p 15-21 (2015).
- Quasi-Conformal Curvature Tensor for the Spacetime of general relativity. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, ISSN- 2219-5688, 2015, 4(1), 233-240.
- Research Paper Publications 2014
- On some properties of the W-curvature tensor. Zafar Ahsan and Musavvir Ali. Palestine Journal of Mathematics, ISSN- 2219-5688, 2014, 3(1), 61-69.
- On Ricci Soliton and symmetries of type N PR fields. Musavvir Ali and Zafar Ahsan Proceedings, Deptt. Of Mathematics Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-8487-421-1. p 1-10, 2014.
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 1.2(Part 1)
- MSc Mechanics MMM3003- Lecture 1.5 Part 1
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 1.2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 1.3
- Present lecture is about moment of the couple, composition of couples in a force system and related theorems & examples.
- MSc Mechanics MMM3003- Lecture 1.5 Part 2
- MSc Mechanics MMM3003- Lecture 1.6 & 1.7
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 1.9
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture Notes 1.10
- MSc Mechanics MMM3003: Lecture 1.11
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 1.12
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 1.13
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 1.14
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 2.1 part 1
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 2.1 Part 2
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 2.2
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 2.3 part 1
- Mechanics MMM3003 Lecture 2.3 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.1
- MSc-Mechanics, MMM 3003 Lecture 2.4
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.4 par 2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.5
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.6
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.7
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.7 part 2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.8
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 2.8 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.5
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.2 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.3
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.3 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.5
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.6
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.7
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.8
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.8 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.9
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.9 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.10
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.10 part 2
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.11
- Tensor Analysis BSc, MMB 556, Lecture 1.11 part 2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.1
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.2 part 2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.3
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.3 part 2
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.4
- MSc- Mechanics(MMM3003); Lecture 3.4 part 2