Assistant Professor
Immunohistochemical biomarkers, SIBLING proteins, Immunofluorescence,
Aligarh Greens, Aligarh, U.P
Dr Nasir Ahmad Salati is working as Assistant professor in the Department of Oral Pathology/Oral Medicine & Radiology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP, India. He is actively involved in undergraduate teaching in the said discipline . He is also involved in teaching in clinical teaching of BDS & MBBS courses. His area of interest and research are: Special stains, immunohistochemistry, FNAC, Salivary Gland Histochemistry & Cryosurgery. He has got publications in various reputed journals like: University Journal of Dental Sciences, Journal of Indian Dental Association (JIDA), Guident, International journal of Advancements in Research and Technology (IJOART),International Organisation of Scientific Research (IOSR), International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Invention (IJPSI),International Journal of Applied Basic Medical Research, Indian Journal of Genetics & Molecular Research & Journal Of Dental & Medical Sciences (JDMS). He has many online articles & a book to his credit. He is Reviewer & Member of Journal of Contemporary Dental Sciences, Associate Editor "CUSP"Journal of IDA Aligarh Branch, Member of Editorial Board & Reviewer Journal of Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. He has presented many papers in UP State Conferences, Indian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology, OOOE and various National Oral & Maxillo-pathology PG Conventions. He sucessfully completed a project titled "Evaluation of OPN Expression in Potentially Malignant Disorders & Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas- An IHC Study" as part of curricular study in MU. He has attended many CDEs, CPDs, CMEs,Seminars, Symposia & Workshops including,EDUCATIONAL RESOURSE PLANNING (ERP) Workshop ORGANISED UNDER THE AEGIS OF NATIONAL MISSION ON EDUCATION, through ICT, MHRD, Govt. Of India IPR-Patent processing organised by National institute of intellectual Property Management, Nagpur.