MBBS, M.S.Orth.
Assistant Professor
General Orthopaedics, Trauma (Fresh/Neglected), Arthroplasty, Paediatric Orthopaedics
4/146, Near University Farm, Qila Road, Firdaus Nagar, Aligarh-202002, UP
My area of interest is trauma, general Orthopaedics, arthroplasty & Paediatric Orthopaedics. Over last several years, I have acquired the skills in managing trauma (fresh as well as neglected), joint replacements and paediatric orthopaedic ailments.
Field of interest: Trauma, General Orthopaedics, Paediatric Orthopaedics & Arthroplasty
Published a book entitled “JESS in management of tibial plateau fractures with soft tissue injury”; ISBN:978-3-65913765-5 (Lambert Academic Publishing – LAP).
Total Articles: 59
International Journals = 31
National = 28
Indexed with PubMed = 29
“Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva - a case
report with brief literature review”. Sharique M, Yasir Salam Siddiqui, Mazhar Abbas,
Julfiqar, Sherwani MKA. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol.
2020;12(6):132‒135. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2020.12.00536.
“Vascular complication following total hip
replacement - A nightmare for Arthroplasty surgeon”. Siddiqui YS, Naqvi
SEH, Sherwani MKA, Arshad Ahmad. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol.
2019;11(5):183-186. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2019.
“Modes of failure of proximal femoral nail (PFN) in
unstable trochanteric fractures”.Siddiqui YS, Khan AQ, Asif N, et al. MOJ Orthop
Rheumatol. 2019;11(1):7‒16. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2019.11.00460.
glenohumeral joint dislocation with greater tuberosity avulsion”. Faizan M, JilaniLZ,
Abbas M,
Siddiqui YS,
Sabir AB, Sherwani MK, Khalid S.Chin J Traumatol.
6. “Minimally Invasive
Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis (Mippo) In Distal Tibial Fractures – A Prospective
Study From Developing Nation.” N.
Asif; Yasir Salam Siddiqui;
Jitesh Kumar; M. Zahid; M. Abbas; A. B. Sabir; Sohail Ahmed. J. Trauma Treat
2014S2 : 009.
7. “Locked compression plating for
peri- and intra-artiucular fractures around knee”. Jain
JK, Asif N, Ahmad S, Qureshi O, Siddiqui YS, Rana
A., Orthop Surg. 2013 Nov;5(4):255-60.
8. “Congenital Club Hand.” Siddiqui Y. S., Alam S., Sherwani MKA,
Rahman N., International journal of clinical & medical imaging; May 2014,
Vol 1, Issue 5.
9. “Winging of
scapula”. Nusra Rahman, Y. S. Siddiqui. Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (4).
combination induced Pseudoaneurysm – A drug addiction Case report”. R
Narula, Y. S. Siddiqui, K. Narula. SEAJCRR
2013, Jul-Aug Vol. 2 (4).
11. “Renal osteodystrophy presenting as ankylosing spondylitis: a case
report”, Narula Ramesh, Siddiqui Y.S., Iraqi Aftab Ahmed, Arya Anjana. Asian J Med Res;
Oct-Dec 2012, Vol-1, Issue-4;129-131.
12. “A woman of child-bearing age with bilateral pseudofractures”. Y. S. Siddiqui, Mohammad Zahid, Naiyer Asif,
Mazhar Abbas. Saudi Med J 2012; Vol. 33 (10).
Psuedoarthrosis”. Y. S. Siddiqui, M. Abbas, M. Zahid, N. Asif.
Saudi Med J 2012; Vol. 33(7), 794-95.
“Fixation using cannulated
screws and fibular strut grafts for fresh femoral neck fractures with posterior
comminution”. Mohammad Zahid,
Aamir Bin Sabir, Naiyer Asif, Mohammad Julfiqar, AQ Khan, Sohail Ahmad, Y. S.
Siddiqui; Journal
of Orthopaedic Surgery 2012;20(2):191-5.
15. “Metachronous
multicentric giant cell tumour of the upper extremity in skeletally immature
girl: A rare presentation”. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, Zahid M, Asif N, Sabir AB,
Siddiqui YS, Julfiquar.
“Aneurysmal bone cyst of pubis- a rare presentation”. Saudi Medical Journal,
Vol. 31 (3),March 2010. Abdul Q. Khan, Y.
S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh P., M.K.A. Sherwani.
“Primary synovial chondromatosis of hip”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (3), March 2010. Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB,
Kumar G.
“Metastasis from scapular Ewing’s
sarcoma presenting as sutural diastasis: An unusual presentation”. Asif N, Khan AQ, Siddiqui YS, Mustafa H. Int J Shoulder Surg - January-March 2010 /
Volume 4 / Issue 1: 18-21.
“Congenital vertical
talus”. Saudi Medical Journal,
Vol. 31 (3), June, 2010. Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB,
Kumar G.
“Kienbock’s Disease”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (2), February 2010 (1357-1358). Abdul Q. Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh P.
“Bennett’s fracture
Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (9), September 2010 (1066-1067).
Y. S. Siddiqui, Zahid M, Sabir AB,
Kumar G.
“Enchondromas in small bones of hand”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (10), October 2010 (1177-78). Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB,
Kumar G.
“A child with congenital constriction bands”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (10), November 2010 (1177-1178).
Siddiqui YS, Khan AQ, Abbas M, Siddiqui HQ .
“Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (1), January 2011 (89-90).
Siddiqui HQ, Zahid M, Sohail Ahmed, Siddiqui
YS, Khan AQ, Abbas M,.
“Giant cervical exostosis”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (1), January 2011 (80-82). Abbas
M, Khan AQ, Siddiqui YS, Bashir R. Khan.
“Kohler’s Disease”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 29 (9), September 2008 (153-154). Abdul Q. Khan, M.K.A. Sherwani, Y. S. Siddiqui, N.Z. Hali.
“A child with congenital longitudinal radial deficiency”. Saudi Med J. 2011 Feb;32(2):199-200. Siddiqui YS, Abbas M, Khan AQ, Jilani LZ.
Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (5), May 2011 (534-5). Siddiqui HQ, Zahid M,
Sohail Ahmed, Siddiqui YS.
imperfecta.” Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MA, Khan AQ, Gupta A. Saudi
Med J. 2011 Jun;32(6):645-6.
30. “A baby with limb length
Siddiqui YS, Pathania VP. Saudi Med J. 2012
“Congenital short
Y. S. Siddiqui, M.
Abbas, M. Zahid, N. Asif. Saudi Med J. 2012 Apr; Vol. (4): 455-456.
“Letter to editor: Early Experience with
the Trochanteric Fixation Nail-Advanced (TFN-A): A Descriptive Review of
Thirty-Four Cases from a Single Center.” Siddiqui, Y.S., Abbas, M. & Julfiqar. JOIO (2021).
“Reverse distal femoral locking compression plate a salvage
option in nonunion pf proximal femoral fractures”. Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MKA. Indian J Orthop
2017; 51:347-348.
“Neglected orthopedic oncology – causes, epidemiology and
challenges for management in developing countries”. Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MK, Khan AQ,
Zahid M, Abbas M, Asif N. Indian J Cancer. 2015 Jul-Sep;52(3):325-9.
“Long thoracic nerve dysfunction causing scapular winging – Case report with Anatomical
review”. N. Rahman, Farooqui
N., Y. S. Siddiqui. JBJD, Jan., 2014, Vol –
29, 81-82.
“Pathological Fractures in Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
of the Bone: A Case Series with Review of the Literature”. Y. S. Siddiqui, Abdul Qayyum Khan, MKASherwani. Journal of Clinical and
Diagnostic Research. 2013 March, Vol-7(3): 513-517.
“Is Renal Osteodystrophy A Neglected Entity?”. R Narula, Y. S. Siddiqui, K. Narula. JCDR-2014, Jan., Vol
– 8(1)332-333.
“Giant cell tumor of the
first metatarsal”. Siddiqui
YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, J Can Res Ther 2011;7:208-10.
8. “Concurrent occurrence of
transarticular and intramedullary skip metastases in osteosarcoma of distal
femur detected on plain radiographs.” Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G., Indian J Cancer. 2011 Jul-Sep;48(3):368-70.
“Chondroblastic osteosarcoma of proximal
fibula”. Y. S.
Siddiqui, Pathania
VP, Manisha Mendiratta, N. Rahman; Oncol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Reports Vol.1 / Issue 1 / Jul–Dec, 2012.
10. “Bilateral Proximal Femoral Deficiency – a rare
presentation”. Journal of Bone and
Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010.
Abdul Qayyum Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui,
N. Z. Hali.
“The Role Of The Jess
(Joshi’s External Stabilization System) Fixator In The Management Of Tibial
Plateau Fractures Which Are Associated With Severe Soft Tissue Injuries”, Mohd. Zahid, Sherwani MKA, Yasir S Siddiqui, Mazhar Abbas, Naiyer
Asif, Aamir Bin Sabir; Journal of Clinical and
Diagnostic Research [serial online] 2010,
December; 4:3356-3361.
“Role of ankle arthrodesis in end stage ankle arthrosis : REVIEW
ARTICLE”. Journal
of foot & ankle surgery Vol. XXVI, no.-1, June, 2011 (33-37), Abdul Qayyum Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, M.K.A. Sherwani, Ambareesh P.
“Calcaneal Ewing’s Sarcoma with Skip Metastases to the adjacent Tarsal
Bones”. Yasir
S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid ,
Aamir Bin Sabir, Naiyer Asif, Gaurav Kumar, Meraj Akhtar; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic
Research. 2011 Feb, Vol-5(1):117-119.
ankle and its management”. Journal of foot &
ankle surgery. Vol. XXV, no.-1, June 2010: 21-27. M.K.A. Sherwani, Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh
15. “Removal of bent K- nail by in-situ straightening of nail :
a case report”. The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and
Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian
Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012; 75-78. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Asif
N., M.K.A. Sherwani, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
fracture in Primary Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma of Proximal Humerus: Case report with
review of literature” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and
Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic
Association, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010; 35-39. Abdul Qayyum Khan, M.K.A. Sherwani, N.
Asif, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
17. “Neglected anterior dislocation of hip : a rare injury
managed conservatively – a case report” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation
- an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association,
Vol. 5, No. 2, 2012; 159-162; Yasir S. Siddiqui, Huda N., Quamer J.
18. “Osteochondroma of
spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra”. Journal
of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010. Q. Azam, S. Ahmad, J.
Jameel, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
“Calcaneum – rare site
for Ewing’s sarcoma”. Journal
of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010. Q.
Azam, S. Ahmad, J. Jameel, Yasir S.
Siddiqui, T. Mujtaba.
20. “Calcaneal chondromyxoid fibroma – a rare site of a rare
tumor”. The Journal of Orthopaedics – an official
publication of Chhattisgarh chapter of IOA, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010. Yasir S. Siddiqui, Huda N., Sherwani MKA.
21. “Giant cell tumour of the first metatarsal – a
case report” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and
Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian
Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010; 59-62. Zahid M, Sabir AB, Siddiqui YS, Julfiquar.
“Bilateral Post
Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Rare Presentation”. The
Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology
and Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian
Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011; 44-47. Siddiqui YS, A.A. Iraqui, Zahid M.,
Abbas M., Jilani L.Z.
23. “Eosinophillic Granuloma Of Tibia Presenting As Osteomyelitis – A Case
of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -26, January 2011, 31-33. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, O.A.Qureshi, Ayush
“Spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia presenting as juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis”. The
Indian Practioner, Vol. 64, No. 2:101-104. Y.S.
Siddiqui, M. Zahid, A.B. Sabir, M. Akhtar.
25. “Giant cell tumour of talus: Review of differential
diagnosis and treatment options – Case report”. Journal
of foot & ankle surgery. 2010: 48-52. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, M. Abbas, Jesan.
“Multiple Carpometacarpal
Fracture dislocation of the hand - An uncommon pattern of injury which is often
missed: A case report with review of literature”. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research.
2011 Jun, Vol-5(1):117-119. Yasir S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid , Aamir Bin Sabir, Gaurav Kumar.
“Neglected Peritalar
Dislocation:A Case Report with Review of Literature”. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 August, Vol-5(4): 849-852. Yasir S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid , Aamir Bin Sabir, Hatif Q. Siddiqui.
28. “Internal Fixation in Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneum
Fractures: Relevance in Developing Nations” . Journal
of foot & ankle surgery Vol. XXV, no.-2, December 2010. (24-32) Abdul Qayyum Khan, Chandrasekaran, Y. S. Siddiqui,
M.K.A. Sherwani, Ambareesh P.
1. “Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva - a case report with brief literature review”. Sharique M, Yasir Salam Siddiqui, Mazhar Abbas, Julfiqar, Sherwani MKA. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2020;12(6):132‒135. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2020.12.00536.
2. “Vascular complication following total hip replacement - A nightmare for Arthroplasty surgeon”. Siddiqui YS, Naqvi SEH, Sherwani MKA, Arshad Ahmad. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2019;11(5):183-186. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2019.
3. “Modes of failure of proximal femoral nail (PFN) in unstable trochanteric fractures”.Siddiqui YS, Khan AQ, Asif N, et al. MOJ Orthop Rheumatol. 2019;11(1):7‒16. DOI: 10.15406/mojor.2019.11.00460.
glenohumeral joint dislocation with greater tuberosity avulsion”. Faizan M, JilaniLZ,
Abbas M,
Siddiqui YS,
Sabir AB, Sherwani MK, Khalid S.Chin J Traumatol.
6. “Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis (Mippo) In Distal Tibial Fractures – A Prospective Study From Developing Nation.” N. Asif; Yasir Salam Siddiqui; Jitesh Kumar; M. Zahid; M. Abbas; A. B. Sabir; Sohail Ahmed. J. Trauma Treat 2014S2 : 009.
7. “Locked compression plating for peri- and intra-artiucular fractures around knee”. Jain JK, Asif N, Ahmad S, Qureshi O, Siddiqui YS, Rana A., Orthop Surg. 2013 Nov;5(4):255-60.
8. “Congenital Club Hand.” Siddiqui Y. S., Alam S., Sherwani MKA, Rahman N., International journal of clinical & medical imaging; May 2014, Vol 1, Issue 5.
9. “Winging of scapula”. Nusra Rahman, Y. S. Siddiqui. Saudi Med J 2014; Vol. 35 (4).
10. “Fortwin-Phenargan combination induced Pseudoaneurysm – A drug addiction Case report”. R Narula, Y. S. Siddiqui, K. Narula. SEAJCRR 2013, Jul-Aug Vol. 2 (4).
11. “Renal osteodystrophy presenting as ankylosing spondylitis: a case report”, Narula Ramesh, Siddiqui Y.S., Iraqi Aftab Ahmed, Arya Anjana. Asian J Med Res; Oct-Dec 2012, Vol-1, Issue-4;129-131.
12. “A woman of child-bearing age with bilateral pseudofractures”. Y. S. Siddiqui, Mohammad Zahid, Naiyer Asif, Mazhar Abbas. Saudi Med J 2012; Vol. 33 (10).
13. “Congenital Psuedoarthrosis”. Y. S. Siddiqui, M. Abbas, M. Zahid, N. Asif. Saudi Med J 2012; Vol. 33(7), 794-95.
14. “Fixation using cannulated screws and fibular strut grafts for fresh femoral neck fractures with posterior comminution”. Mohammad Zahid, Aamir Bin Sabir, Naiyer Asif, Mohammad Julfiqar, AQ Khan, Sohail Ahmad, Y. S. Siddiqui; Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2012;20(2):191-5.
15. “Metachronous multicentric giant cell tumour of the upper extremity in skeletally immature girl: A rare presentation”. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, Zahid M, Asif N, Sabir AB, Siddiqui YS, Julfiquar.
16. “Aneurysmal bone cyst of pubis- a rare presentation”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (3),March 2010. Abdul Q. Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh P., M.K.A. Sherwani.
17. “Primary synovial chondromatosis of hip”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (3), March 2010. Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G.
18. “Metastasis from scapular Ewing’s sarcoma presenting as sutural diastasis: An unusual presentation”. Asif N, Khan AQ, Siddiqui YS, Mustafa H. Int J Shoulder Surg - January-March 2010 / Volume 4 / Issue 1: 18-21.
19. “Congenital vertical talus”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (3), June, 2010. Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G.
20. “Kienbock’s Disease”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (2), February 2010 (1357-1358). Abdul Q. Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh P.
21. “Bennett’s fracture dislocation”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (9), September 2010 (1066-1067). Y. S. Siddiqui, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G.
22. “Enchondromas in small bones of hand”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (10), October 2010 (1177-78). Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G.
23. “A child with congenital constriction bands”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 31 (10), November 2010 (1177-1178). Siddiqui YS, Khan AQ, Abbas M, Siddiqui HQ .
24. “Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (1), January 2011 (89-90). Siddiqui HQ, Zahid M, Sohail Ahmed, Siddiqui YS, Khan AQ, Abbas M,.
25. “Giant cervical exostosis”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (1), January 2011 (80-82). Abbas M, Khan AQ, Siddiqui YS, Bashir R. Khan.
26. “Kohler’s Disease”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 29 (9), September 2008 (153-154). Abdul Q. Khan, M.K.A. Sherwani, Y. S. Siddiqui, N.Z. Hali.
27. “A child with congenital longitudinal radial deficiency”. Saudi Med J. 2011 Feb;32(2):199-200. Siddiqui YS, Abbas M, Khan AQ, Jilani LZ.
28. “Osteopoikilosis”. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 32 (5), May 2011 (534-5). Siddiqui HQ, Zahid M, Sohail Ahmed, Siddiqui YS.
29. “Osteogenesis imperfecta.” Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MA, Khan AQ, Gupta A. Saudi Med J. 2011 Jun;32(6):645-6.
30. “A baby with limb length discrepancy”. Siddiqui YS, Pathania VP. Saudi Med J. 2012 Mar;33(3):328-9.
31. “Congenital short femur”. Y. S. Siddiqui, M. Abbas, M. Zahid, N. Asif. Saudi Med J. 2012 Apr; Vol. (4): 455-456.
1. “Letter to editor: Early Experience with the Trochanteric Fixation Nail-Advanced (TFN-A): A Descriptive Review of Thirty-Four Cases from a Single Center.” Siddiqui, Y.S., Abbas, M. & Julfiqar. JOIO (2021).
2. “Reverse distal femoral locking compression plate a salvage option in nonunion pf proximal femoral fractures”. Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MKA. Indian J Orthop 2017; 51:347-348.
3. “Neglected orthopedic oncology – causes, epidemiology and challenges for management in developing countries”. Siddiqui YS, Sherwani MK, Khan AQ, Zahid M, Abbas M, Asif N. Indian J Cancer. 2015 Jul-Sep;52(3):325-9.
4. “Long thoracic nerve dysfunction causing scapular winging – Case report with Anatomical review”. N. Rahman, Farooqui N., Y. S. Siddiqui. JBJD, Jan., 2014, Vol – 29, 81-82.
5. “Pathological Fractures in Primary Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma of the Bone: A Case Series with Review of the Literature”. Y. S. Siddiqui, Abdul Qayyum Khan, MKASherwani. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 March, Vol-7(3): 513-517.
6. “Is Renal Osteodystrophy A Neglected Entity?”. R Narula, Y. S. Siddiqui, K. Narula. JCDR-2014, Jan., Vol – 8(1)332-333.
7. “Giant cell tumor of the first metatarsal”. Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, J Can Res Ther 2011;7:208-10.
8. “Concurrent occurrence of transarticular and intramedullary skip metastases in osteosarcoma of distal femur detected on plain radiographs.” Siddiqui YS, Zahid M, Sabir AB, Kumar G., Indian J Cancer. 2011 Jul-Sep;48(3):368-70.
9. “Chondroblastic osteosarcoma of proximal fibula”. Y. S. Siddiqui, Pathania VP, Manisha Mendiratta, N. Rahman; Oncol. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. Reports Vol.1 / Issue 1 / Jul–Dec, 2012.
10. “Bilateral Proximal Femoral Deficiency – a rare presentation”. Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, N. Z. Hali.
11. “The Role Of The Jess (Joshi’s External Stabilization System) Fixator In The Management Of Tibial Plateau Fractures Which Are Associated With Severe Soft Tissue Injuries”, Mohd. Zahid, Sherwani MKA, Yasir S Siddiqui, Mazhar Abbas, Naiyer Asif, Aamir Bin Sabir; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research [serial online] 2010, December; 4:3356-3361.
12. “Role of ankle arthrodesis in end stage ankle arthrosis : REVIEW ARTICLE”. Journal of foot & ankle surgery Vol. XXVI, no.-1, June, 2011 (33-37), Abdul Qayyum Khan, Y. S. Siddiqui, M.K.A. Sherwani, Ambareesh P.
13. “Calcaneal Ewing’s Sarcoma with Skip Metastases to the adjacent Tarsal Bones”. Yasir S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid , Aamir Bin Sabir, Naiyer Asif, Gaurav Kumar, Meraj Akhtar; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 Feb, Vol-5(1):117-119.
ankle and its management”. Journal of foot &
ankle surgery. Vol. XXV, no.-1, June 2010: 21-27. M.K.A. Sherwani, Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, Ambareesh
15. “Removal of bent K- nail by in-situ straightening of nail : a case report”. The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2012; 75-78. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Asif N., M.K.A. Sherwani, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
fracture in Primary Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma of Proximal Humerus: Case report with
review of literature” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and
Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic
Association, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010; 35-39. Abdul Qayyum Khan, M.K.A. Sherwani, N.
Asif, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
17. “Neglected anterior dislocation of hip : a rare injury managed conservatively – a case report” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2012; 159-162; Yasir S. Siddiqui, Huda N., Quamer J.
18. “Osteochondroma of spinous process of fourth cervical vertebra”. Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010. Q. Azam, S. Ahmad, J. Jameel, Yasir S. Siddiqui.
19. “Calcaneum – rare site for Ewing’s sarcoma”. Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -25, January 2010. Q. Azam, S. Ahmad, J. Jameel, Yasir S. Siddiqui, T. Mujtaba.
20. “Calcaneal chondromyxoid fibroma – a rare site of a rare tumor”. The Journal of Orthopaedics – an official publication of Chhattisgarh chapter of IOA, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2010. Yasir S. Siddiqui, Huda N., Sherwani MKA.
21. “Giant cell tumour of the first metatarsal – a case report” The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010; 59-62. Zahid M, Sabir AB, Siddiqui YS, Julfiquar.
22. “Bilateral Post Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Rare Presentation”. The Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation - an official publication from Central Zone of Indian Orthopaedic Association, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011; 44-47. Siddiqui YS, A.A. Iraqui, Zahid M., Abbas M., Jilani L.Z.
23. “Eosinophillic Granuloma Of Tibia Presenting As Osteomyelitis – A Case Report”. Journal of Bone and Joint Diseases, Vol. -26, January 2011, 31-33. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, O.A.Qureshi, Ayush Kumar.
“Spondylo-epiphyseal dysplasia presenting as juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis”. The
Indian Practioner, Vol. 64, No. 2:101-104. Y.S.
Siddiqui, M. Zahid, A.B. Sabir, M. Akhtar.
25. “Giant cell tumour of talus: Review of differential diagnosis and treatment options – Case report”. Journal of foot & ankle surgery. 2010: 48-52. Abdul Qayyum Khan, Yasir S. Siddiqui, M. Abbas, Jesan.
26. “Multiple Carpometacarpal Fracture dislocation of the hand - An uncommon pattern of injury which is often missed: A case report with review of literature”. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 Jun, Vol-5(1):117-119. Yasir S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid , Aamir Bin Sabir, Gaurav Kumar.
27. “Neglected Peritalar Dislocation:A Case Report with Review of Literature”. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2011 August, Vol-5(4): 849-852. Yasir S Siddiqui , Mohd. Zahid , Aamir Bin Sabir, Hatif Q. Siddiqui.
28. “Internal Fixation in Displaced Intra-articular Calcaneum Fractures: Relevance in Developing Nations” . Journal of foot & ankle surgery Vol. XXV, no.-2, December 2010. (24-32) Abdul Qayyum Khan, Chandrasekaran, Y. S. Siddiqui, M.K.A. Sherwani, Ambareesh P.