M.D.S., F.D.P.S. (Mumbai), F.J.P.S. (Japan), F.N.A.M.S. (New Delhi)
Assistant Professor
Maxillofacial Prosthodontics & Implantology
H 9, Vikram colony, Ramghat road , Aligarh
Dr Pankaj Kharade is a faculty member in Department of Prosthodontics at Aligarh Muslim Universisty. He has completed his M.D.S. from esteemed Dr R Ahmed Dental College, Kolkata. Dr. Pankaj Kharade has worked as faculty member at prestigious Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He was part of maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation team and several cancer research projects at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. He has been awarded Fellowship by Japan Prosthodontic Society as well after his extensive training in Maxillary sinus grafting and Implantology at Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine, at Okayama University Japan. He was also selected by National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi for advanced training in Dental Implantology at Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences, New Delhi. He has also worked in various premier institutes of India such as Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Scinces, New Delhi & PGIMER, Chandigarh. He has around 50 publications on his credit in reputed International & National journals. He also serves as Editor & reviewer for several international journals. He is recipient of various International & National awards.
- Publication
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Gorakh A. A technique for fabrication of cranial prostheses using high-temperature vulcanizing silicone material." J Prosthet Dent. 2016 Dec 23. pii: S0022-3913(16)30541-8. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2016.10.010.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Simple, time saving chairside device for radiographic diagnosis of vertical bone height & soft tissue thickness for implant placement- Clinical Report. Gen Dent. 2012 Jan-Feb;60(1):e22-5. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Indirect resin-bonded fibre reinforced composite anterior bridge- A case report. Gen Dent. 2012 May-Jun;60(3):e170-2. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S. Management of velopharyngeal disorder with pharyngeal obturator- A case report. Gen Dent. 2013 Nov-Dec; 61(7):e26-8. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Kharade P, Sharma S. Simple method of fabrication & characterization of cast partial framework obturator for life like appearance- A case report. Gen Dent. 2013 Sep-Oct; 61(6):42-5. American Pubmed indexed journal.
- Sharma S., Tewari R. K., Mishra S. K., Kharade P. A rare case of unilateral mandibular second molar with three distal roots diagnosed with spiral computed tomography- Case report. Endo. Pract. Today;2012; 6(4): 301-5.
- Tewari RK, Mishra SK, Sharma S, Kharade P. Nonsurgical Endodontic Retreatment: A Case of Dental Quackery. Int J Exper Dent Sci, 2012;1(1):34-36.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Surgical guide in precise implant placement. Dental Practice; 2011 Jan-Apr;10(1):38-41.
- Kar R, Kharade P, Kundu M, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Maxilllofacial rehabilitation of head & neck cancer patients. Indian Medical Journal;105(9):292-3.
- Kharade P, Banerjee A, Gupta T. Platform switching- minimizing periimplant crestal bone loss. Clinical Dentistry, 2011 June;5(6):20-25.
- Kharade P, Kar R, Banerjee A. Prosthodontic rehabilitation of edentulous epileptic patient- A case report. Clinical Dentistry, 2011 Dec;5(12):74-77.
- Sharma S, Kharade P, Tewari R K, Soni V, Banerjee A, Gupta T. "Ace conservative management of dual midline diastema - a case report" . Clinical Dentistry, 2014 ; Sept., Vol. 8: 9-13.
- Dr. Pankaj Kharade, Dr. Kanchan Dholam, Mr. Pravin Bhirangi. Simple prosthesis for a cancer patient with segmental mandibulectomy and free fibula flap reconstruction : A clinical report. Gen Dent. 2015 Jul-Aug; 61(7):e23-25.
- Mittal S. Kharade P, Kumar B, Gupta-Mittal C. The future of Implant dentistry- An Editorial commentary. Journal of Implant and Advanced Clinical Dentistry;39. (American journal).
- Sharma S., Tewari R. K., Mishra S. K., Kharade P, Trivedi H. Multivisit in-office vital bleaching as a conservative treatment option for dental fluorosis. Clinical Dentistry,2015:7; 28-31.
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Bachher G, Bhirangi P, Ahire G. Interim rehabilitation of a compromised edentulous maxillectomy patient. JIDA. May 2015, Vol 9, Issue 5; 23-26.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Sharma S, Tewari R K, Rajput G. Lightness is Imperative for Rightness of Function. Clinical Dentistry May 2015, Vol , Issue 22-26.
- Dholam K, Kharade P. Abstract-Association of history of dental extraction in patients with carcinoma of the alveolus of the maxilla and mandible- an audit. Asia-Pac J Clin Oncology 2014;10(Suppl. 9): 1–264.
- Kharade P, Dholam K, Bachher G, Bhirangi P, Ahire G. Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis- A boon for management of partial glossectomy patients to improve speech & swallowing. . Clinical Dentistry,2015 July;9(1):8-11.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Sharma S. Anterior indexing technique for orbital prosthesis fabrication. J Prosthet Dent 2017.
- “Effect Of various Die Spacer thickness On Crown Retention” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3848430574.
- “Extra oral prosthetic rehabilitation an Overview” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3659745447.
- “Rehabilitation of Maxillofacial Defects with Prosthesis- An Outline” – L. A. Publications, Germany (February 18, 2014). ISBN-13: 978-3659760860.
- Kharade P. A technique for fabrication of cranial prostheses using high-temperature vulcanizing silicone material- Editorial commentary. Open journal of Prosthetics & Orthotics.
- Kharade P, Verma M, Islam S, Sharma S, Bodh R. "Fibular Graft- Effective Panorama for Prosthetic Rehabilitation of Resected Mandible" accepted for publication in Journal of Craniofacial Surgery