Bachelor of Dental surgery, Master of dental surgery, Doctor of Philosophy (Dental science)
Orofacial pain, TMD
Dept of Prosthodontics, ZA dental college
- Publication
Afroz S, Arakaki R, Iwasa T, Oshima M, Hosoki M, Inoue M, Baba O, Okayama Y, Matsuka Y. CGRP Induces Differential Regulation of Cytokines from Satellite Glial Cells in Trigeminal Ganglia and Orofacial Nociception. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 711.
Iwasa T, Afroz S, Inoue M, Arakaki R, Oshima M, Raju R, Waskitho A, Inoue M, Baba O, Matsuka Y, IL-10 and CXCL2 in trigeminal ganglia in neuropathic pain, Neuroscience Letters (2019),
Afroz S, Naritani M, Hosoki H, Matsuka Y, Posterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint: A rare case report. Cranio 28:1-6, 2018. doi: 10.1080/08869634.2018.1509823. [Epub ahead of print]
Afroz S, Naritani M, Hosoki H, Takechi K, Okayama Y, Matsuka Y, Prevalence of Posterior disc displacement of the temporomandibular joint in patients with the temporomandibular disorders: a systematic review with meta- analysis. Journal of Orofacial Pain and Headache. J Oral Facial Pain Headache 32(3):277–286, 2018. doi: 10.11607/ofph
Yan H, Afroz S, Dalanon J, Goto N, Hosoki M, Matsuka Y. Metal allergy patient treated by titanium implant denture: A case report with at least 4-year follow. Clin Case Rep 28:6, 1972-1977, 2018. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.1753. eCollection 2018 Oct.
Chimeddulam G, Nishigawa K, Naito Y, Dalanon J, Afroz S, Hayama R, Oshima M, Tomotake Y, Ichikawa T, Matsuka Y, Radiographic Investigation of the Marginal Bone Loss on Dental Implants. J Oral Health Biosci 31:13-24, 2018.
Hayama R, Kanemitsu Y, Goda C, Abe S, Okura K, Afroz S, Goto N, Raju R, Dalanon J, Oshima M, Marianito M. Rodis O, Okayama Y, Kawano F, Matsuka Y. Quality of life and job satisfaction among female dentists in Japan. J Oral Health Biosci 31:1-8, 2018.
Omoto K, Iwasa T, Afroz S, Ueda M, Okura K, Matsuka Y, Preliminary study of neural excitation with positron emission tomography after tooth mechanincal stimulation. J Jap Assoc Oral Rehabil 29:1:35-40, 2016.
Dalanon J, Gabinete IG, Javier HN, Galang KJ, Perales A, Sorela C, Belarmino, Renelson Esguerra MP, Docor R, Afroz S, Iwasa T, Rodis O, Suzuki Y, Okura K, Matsuka Y, Technology acceptance model in the use of a patient management software in a dental school in the Philippines, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 17, Issue 2 Ver. 8 February. (2018), PP 65-69 DOI: 10.9790/0853-1702086569
Afroz S, Rathi S, Rajput G, Rahman S A. Dental Esthetics and Its Impact on Psycho-Social Well-Being and Dental Self Confidence: A Campus Based Survey of North Indian University Students. J Indian Prosthodont Soc DOI 10.1007/s13191-012-0247-1
Afroz S, Tripathi A, Chand P, Sidhartha R S. Stress pattern generated by different post and core materials- a photoelastic study IJDR-987-10 accepted for publication.
Afroz S, Singh S V, Mehrotra D, Chand P. Prosthodontic rehabilitation after segmental mandibulectomy J Indian dent assoc. 2009: 3(8):264-266
Verma AK, Afroz S, Arya D, An overview of currently used dental luting cements. The Cusp 2009 vol 6 no2: 49-52.
Afroz S, Chand P. Collarless metal ceramic restoration to obscure umbrella effect. Indian J dent Res. 2010;21(4):600-2.
Afroz S, Rahman S, Rajawat I, Verma AK. Neutral zone and oral submucous fibrosis. Indian J dent Res. 2012;23(3):407-10.
Eskala Sa Mga Mukha Ng Pagsakit – Rebisado (FPS-R)- Facial pain scale, International association for study of pain, Translation credit: Junhel Dalanon, Shaista Afroz, Yoshizo Matsuka.
Timbangan Sa Mga Nawng Sa Kasakit – Girebisar (FPS-R) Facial pain scale, International association for study of pain, Translation credit: Junhel Dalanon, Shaista Afroz, Yoshizo Matsuka.
Matsuka Y, Afroz S, Dalanon JC, Iwasa T, Waskitho A, Oshima M. The role of chemical transmitters in neuron-glia interaction and pain in sensory ganglion. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2020;108:393–399. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.11.019