Population; Migration, Remote Sensing,GIS
1, Rainbow Roofs. Phase II, Anoopshaher Road, Aligarh, 202001
Dr. Rakhshanda F Fazli has obtained her MA, M.phil. in Geography and Ph.D. in West Asian Studies(Geography) from Aligarh Muslim University, India. She was awarded a fellowship under the Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) 2008 to attend the International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, ITC, Enschede, the Netherlands. She also received NNRMS ( National Natural Resources Management Scheme) Fellowships several times to attend short courses on Remote Sensing and GIS at the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun, India. Her area of interest is Migration, Population, Resource Development (Natural and Human Resources), Remote Sensing and GIS. She has published research articles in international and national journals of academic repute and chapters in books. She established and led several research clusters for master and doctoral programs in Migration, Diaspora, Tourism, Urbanisation and Water Resources Management in Saudi Arabia and India-GCC relations. She was the Project Director of a Research Programme conducted in 2018-2020 (INR 22,00,000) sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, India, titled "Dynamics of Return Migration: A Case Study of India-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries". Dr. Rakshanda has the acumen to convene the International Conference Successfully. She has been invited to present papers and lectures at international and national conferences, workshops and courses. Dr. Fazli has visited the U.K. (University of Cambridge & University of Oxford), France, The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium for academic purposes. She assumed several executive posts, including Co-Ordinator in admissions in the Faculty of International Studies, AMU, Aligarh; Examination superintendent; I.T. Co-ordinator in the Department of West Asian and North African Studies; Member of the Anti-Ragging Committee in the Department; Served as NSS Programme Officer; Member of Central Research Committee, Jamia Milia, New Delhi. Dr. Rakshanda is the member of Indian Association of Central and West Asian Studies, a Life Member of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing ( ISRS), of the International Geographical Union (IGU), and the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), a Life Member of Deccan Geographical Society, India.
- Publication
Book/s/ Monograph published
Fazli, R. F. (1997). Human Resources Development in West Asia . Aligarh: Centre of West Asian Studies, AMU.
Published Papers in Journals/ Conference proceedings
Faridi, R. A. & Fazli, R. F., (2020). Economic Reintegration of Return Migrants from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries to India: A Case of Uttar Pradesh in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 32, ISSN: 0975-7856, pp. 37-47.
Mohammed Suhail, Fazli, R. F., (2020). Assessment of water footprint under wheat cultivation in Uttar Pradesh in Chakraborty T., Mukherjee D., Shah S., (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Sustainable Development: The case of India, Routledge, London and New York, ISBN: 978-1-138-22710-1.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2019). Socio- economic Integration of Return Migrants from Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries to India in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 31, ISSN: 0975-7856, pp. 80-90.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2018). Indian Returnees from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: Estimates and projections in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 30, ISSN: 0975-7856.
Faridi, R. A & Fazli, R. F., (2017). Changing Migration Policies in Saudi Arabia: Impact on Indian Workers in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 29, ISSN: 0975-7856.
Fazli, R. F., Mohammed Suhail, Faridi, R. A, (2017) "Dynamics of Population Growth and its Impact on Land Use Land Cover Change in Riyadh." Deccan Geographer, Vol. 55, Number 1&2, June and December 2017, ISBN: 0011-7269.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2016). “ GCC Labour Market and Indigenous Women Participation: Dynamics of Inclusive policy” in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 28, ISSN: 0975-7856.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2016). Population in GCC Countries: Challenges and Opportunities. in A. Rehman(ed.), West Asia in Transition; Issues, Perspective and Global Concerns, Academic Excellence, New Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-83246-04-5.
Fazli, R. F. (2015). The Effect of Migration on the Urbanization of Abu Dhabi in Journal of West Asian Studies, Aligarh Muslim University, 27, ISSN: 0975-7856.
Fazli, R. F. (2015). Indian Migrants’ Issues in GCC Countries: Gap in Policies and Practices of Indian Government in Banisider Pradhan(ed.), West Asia in a Changing World. Academic Publications, Delhi.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2013-2014). Migration Dynamics after Arab Spring. Journal of West Asian Studies, 26, ISSN: 0975-7856.
Fazli, R. F. (2011-12). Women in Gulf Cooperation Council ( GCC) Countries: Changing Paradigms. Journal of West Asian Studies, 25, 73-82. doi:0975-7856
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2011-2012, July- December and January-June ). Urban Sprawl Mapping Using RS & GIS in Sant Ravidas Nagar, Bhadohi, UP and Consequences of Urban sprawl. UPJP, A Journal of Social Science, VIII(10& 11), 91-97.
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2010, July- December). Green Buildings in India: A Road Ahead for Sustainable Environment. UPJP, Journal of Social Sciences, VI(9), 182-187. doi:0975-8775.
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2010). Agro biodiversity and GIS. In M. Singh, & A. K. Paliwal (Ed.), Advancement in Science and Technology (pp. 90-94). New Delhi: University Grants Commission(UGC).
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2009, January-June). Urban Sprawl Mapping using RS & GIS.
Journal of Social Sciences, VI(6 & 7), 113-119.
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2009). Issus of Water Distribution in West Bank. Journal of West Asian Studies, 23, 162-177. doi:0975-7856
Fazli, R. F., & Faridi, R. A. (2008). Urbanization in Dubai: Process, Problems and Challenges.
Journal of West Asian Studies, 22, 201-209.
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2008). Socio-economic Profile of Carpet Weavers: A case study of Bhadohi District, UP. UPJP Journal of Social Sciences, I(5), 178-186.
Fazli, R. F. (2006). Indo-UAE Relations in 21st Century: Changing Paradigms. Journal of West Asian Studies, 20, 106-115.
Fazli, R. F. (2005). Geographical Information System: A Tool for Territorial Negotiations. In
M. Gulrez (Ed.), Settlements and Resistance in the Occupied Territories (pp. 182- 185). Aligarh: Centre of West Asian Studies, AMU.
Fazli, R. F. (2002). Development of Alternative Natural Resources in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of West Asian Studies, 16,73-80.
Fazli, R. F. (2001). Indian Labour Migration to Gulf: Problems and Prospects. Journal of West Asian Studies, 15,82-98.
Fazli, R. F. (1998). Industrial Development in the United Arab Emirates: An Ambitious but Viable Plan. Journal of West Asian studies, 12,94-80.
Articles/Chapters in Books
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2010). Participation of Women in Paid Jobs in Urban Areas: Issues and Challenges . In A. Pandey, women in 21st century (pp. 193-200). New Delhi: Radha Publications.
Faridi, R. A., & Fazli, R. F. (2009). Growth of Urbanization in India. In P. Ashitosh, Urbanization and Globalization in India: Trends and Issues. (pp. 124-131). New Delhi: Radha Publications.
Fazli, R. F. (1994). Physical Geography of West Asia. In C. o. Studies, West Asia: An Introduction (pp. 8-29). Aligarh Muslim University.
Paper Accepted for Publication
Fazli, R. F. (2020). Dynamics of Economic Development: Sustainability Assessment of Heavily Expatriate Manpower Dependent in GCC Countries in the University of Cambridge , UK (Accepted by conference directors for publication).
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