Care Taker Unit
Care Taker Unit
Staff of Caretaker Unit:
1. Assistant Registrar
2. Care Taker
3. Multi Tasking Staff
4. Safaiwala
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Regular Cleaning of galleries, offices and chambers in the building.
· Mopping on floor surfaces regularly.
· Emptying and cleaning bins.
· Cleaning of toilets and toilet areas.
· Cleaning of internal glass, internal and external door glass and internal side of external windows
· Cleaning of external windows at ground level as necessary
· To clear waste material accumulated in the corridors, rooftops and courtyard to avoid blockage.
· Cleaning of open areas of building to prevent accumulation of stagnant water and breeding of mosquitoes.
· To make necessary arrangement to dispose of unused furniture and junk items on regular basis.
· Building maintenance and repair, including external walls, internal walls, rooftop and floors. Building services facilities such as piping, water pumps, fire safety equipment, lifts and metal railings are inspected regularly. Immediate repairs are carried out if such facilities are damaged.
· Repairs and maintenance of electricity supply system.
· To ensure the safety of building, electrical testing is done and informed to Electricity Department wherever necessary.
· Yearly refilling of Gas/Powder cylinders of Fire Extinguishers System installed in Administrative Block, Registrar’s Office to safe guard the lives and property.
· Ensure that clear passage is maintained on fire escape routes.
· Proper monitoring through CCTV camera for security and safety purpose.
· Arrangements of different types of meetings such as Court Meeting/Executive Council/Finance Committee/Academic Council/Selection Committees/Conferences/Seminars/Meeting through Video Conferencing.
· To attend all complaints lodged by the concerned staff.
· The waste separation and recovery facilities are maintained in good working and hygienic conditions to avoid creating nuisance to the staff.
· Regular inspection is done to enable timely identification of deteriorated building elements and informed to the Building Department for the immediate repair.
· The repairs and maintenance of electricity supply system are undertaken by the trained electricians.
· Staffs are advised that the power loading does not exceed the maximum loading approved by the electricity department.
· All water storage tanks are cleansed at regular times for quality control.
· Opening and closing, unlocking and locking of gates of galleries and buildings of Admin. Block.
· Receive and check goods and supplies and take them to the appropriate place for storage.
Care Taker
Administrative Block
Registrar’s Office