J.N. Medical College Library
Medical Education
Biomed Central is a UK-based open access publisher that produces over 250 open access journals.
Clinical Care Options (CCO) is a pioneer in the creation of continuing education and decision support resources for healthcare professionals. It creates continuing education across a variety of therapeutic areas, from cardiology to HIV to oncology. The education is delivered in multiple formats, including live events and various online modalities.
Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high quality, independent evidence to inform health-care decision making. It is a collection of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis which summarize and interpret the results of medical research.
EyeWiki is an eye encyclopedia of content written by ophthalmologists covering the vast spectrum of eye disease, diagnosis, and treatment in the field of ophthalmology.
Dr. Najeeb's Lectures: A collection of the world's most popular video lectures across all preclinical and clinical topics.
Health Videos from Medline Plus:These animated videos show the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them.
Human Anatomy Atlas: The BioDigital Human is an interactive 3D software platform for visualizing anatomy, disease, and treatment.
MedKnow Publications: A part of Wolters Kluwer's India Health Division that produces open access scholarly medical journals.
MedlinePlus is an online health information resource that offers over 18,000 links to accurate and current medical information. It includes drug information, an illustrated medical dictionary, the latest health news, directories of doctors, dentists, and hospitals, surgery videos, and interactive health tutorials.
Medical Encyclopedia: The A30. D. A. M Medical Encylopedia includes over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries. It also contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations.
MedScape is a website providing access to medical information for clinicians; it also provides continuing education for physicians and health professionals.
MEDtube: MEDtube is the world's largest video-centric social e-learning platform for Healthcare Professionals. The MEDtube library contains medical videos, images, cases, animations, eCourses with tests, etc.
OAJSE - Open Access Journal Search Engine: Browse and search open access medical journals in English language.
Omnicuris - India's largest online Platform for Doctors: It provides free online Continuing Medical Education (CME) across 50 plus specialties for Medical Professionals.
Online Journals on Medical Education: Comprehensive list of open access Journals on Medical education.
Open-i is an Open Access Biomedical Image Search Engine of National Library of Medicine (NLM). The database can be searched to retrieve abstracts and images (including charts, graphs, clinical images, etc.) from the open source literature, and biomedical image collections. Searching may be done using text queries as well as query images.