Department of Botany
1. Plant Pathology
2. Advanced Plant Physiology
3. Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding
4. Plant Biotechnology
5. Environmental Botany
6. Allelopathy
7. Taxonomy
As per the seats available.
M.Sc. Botany
In addition to teaching in Universities/Institutes, Ph.D. awarded students have numerous opportunities in Agriculture, Horticulture, Pharmaceutics and Environment sectors.
PEO-1: To develop fundamental background and training in research in Botany including specific experimental and research skills and approaches in selected areas of Plant Science, Molecular, and Modern Biology.
PEO-2: To provide opportunities for the development of transferable skills; inculcate a culture of quality and responsibility in conducting research.
PEO-3: To enhance students’ capacity to work with others, solve problems, and think critically and innovatively in areas chosen.
PEO-4: To demonstrate an understanding and concern for the high ethical standards in research, teaching, and service.
PEO-5: To demonstrate the ability to teach post-graduate and graduate courses in their areas of specialization.
PEO-6: To design and conduct relevant research themes in their areas of specialization.
PEO-7: To demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of their research work in a clear and explicit manner.
Upon completion of the Ph.D. program the students will be able to:
PO-1: demonstrate the understanding of scientific integrity, correct scholarly records and the consequences of deviation from the standard code of conduct in research laboratories.
PO-2: demonstrate core competencies for innovative approaches in their respective fields that would be relevant from a global perspective.
PO-3: demonstrate the capabilities to serve various higher academic institutions like Colleges, Universities, and Research Institutes in India and abroad.
PO-4: demonstrate the ways to mitigate the disastrous effects of environmental stresses on plant productivity.
PO-5: apply a significant range of advanced and specialized skills to act autonomously in the planning and implementation of plant science research.
PO-6: work collaboratively with all stakeholders to create, develop and exchange research knowledge to influence and benefit society and the economy.
PO-7: practice a proactive, self-critical and self-reflective approach to develop professional relationships with their counterparts worldwide.
PO-8: to develop leadership and managerial skills for entrepreneurship and industry based approach.
COURSE.currl :