Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing and GIS Applications

Thrust Area

Dept. data last updated on :17/03/2025

Remote Sensing & GIS applications in Water Resource Studies

    1. GIS based simulations of water & sediment dynamics in river basins and aquifers.
    2. Flood mapping and simulations using optical & microwave satellite data and rainfall-runoff modeling.
    3. Estimations of groundwater and surface water storage and flux using satellite altimetry and space-based gravity observations.
    4. GIS assisted mapping of Groundwater Potential Zones, Aquifer Vulnerability Zones, Water Quality Index etc. 

Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Environmental Studies

  1. Mapping of Land Use / Land Cover (LULC) and its temporal evolution (seasonal as well as long term) using multispectral satellite images.
  2. Climate Change Studies.