PhD, M.Sc. (Applied Geology), B.Sc. (Honors) Geology
Associate Professor
GIS & Earth Observation in Hydrological Sciences, Hydrological Modelling, Groundwater - Surface Water Interactions
Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, AMU
I received B.Sc. Honours (Geology) & M.Sc. (Applied Geology) from AMU, Aligarh, in 2002 & 2004, respectively, and PhD from the Indo-French Center for Groundwater Research, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India, in 2011. My doctoral research focused on the links between land-use changes and groundwater quality in hard rock aquifers using GIS-based assessment techniques. I was a Research Fellow at LEGOS (Laboratoire d'Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales), Toulouse, France, in 2007, where I worked on the applications of satellite-based altimetric and GRACE-derived TWS to understand the dynamics of terrestrial waters. I worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at Pondicherry University from 2011 to 2015. In December 2015, I joined the Department of Geology, AMU, as Assistant Professor. In December 2020, I was appointed Associate Professor at the Interdisciplinary Department of Remote Sensing & GIS Applications, AMU.
My research interests include modelling the dynamics of surface and subsurface terrestrial waters using Remote Sensing & GIS-based tools. I am working on a DST-SERB-funded project on "Assimilation of SAR-based inputs for optimizing hydraulic simulation of floods with special emphasis on vegetated and urban setups".
I have 24 publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals (e.g. Hydrogeology, Advances in Space Research, Env. Earth Sc., J. Geol. Soc. of India, etc.), conference proceedings, and books. I am a regular reviewer in scientific journals and a member of academic associations and working groups like ISRS, IAHS, ISG, IAWEES, and CSDMS. I have delivered invited lectures at several workshops/training courses within India and conducted several workshops in the Interdisciplinary D/o Remote Sensing and GIS Applications.
Web Links
- Publications
- G Siraj, HH Khan, A Khan (2023), Dynamics of surface water and groundwater quality using water quality indices and GIS in river Tamsa (Tons), Jalalpur, India; Hydroresearch (Elsevier); In Press.
- A Khan, H Govil, HH Khan, PK Thakur, AP Yunus, P Pani (2021), Channel Responses to flooding of Ganga River, Bihar India, 2019 using SAR and optical remote sensing; Advances in Space Research (Elsevier); 69(4);1930-1947
- HH Khan, A Khan (2019), Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction along river Kali, near Aligarh, India; HydroResearch (Elsevier); 2(119-128)
- HH Khan, A Khan (2019), Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction, in Venkatramanan S, Prasanna MV, Chung SY, GIS and Geostatistical Techniques for Groundwater Science, Elsevier, pp 197-207
- A Khan, HH Khan, R Umar, MH Khan (2014), An integrated approach for aquifer vulnerability mapping using GIS and rough sets: study from an alluvial aquifer in North India; Hydrogeology (Springer); 22:1561-1572
- HH Khan, A Khan, S Ahmed, J Perrin, (2011), GIS based Impact assessment of land use changes on groundwater quality study from a rapidly urbanizing region of South India; Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer); 63:1289-1302
- HH Khan, A Khan , S Ahmed, MC Gennero, KD Minh, A Cazenave, (2013); Terrestrial water dynamics in the lower Ganges - estimates from ENVISAT and GRACE; Arabian Journal of Geosciences; 6:3693-3702
- HH Khan, A Khan, PD Sreedevi, S Ahmed, (2014); Mapping potential infiltration patterns using Digital Elevation Model; Journal of Geographic Information System; 6:345-357
- PD Sreedevi, PD Sreekanth, HH Khan, S Ahmed, (2013); Drainage Morphometry and its influence on hydrology in a semi-arid region using SRTM data and GIS; Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer); 70:839-848
- PD Sreedevi, S Owais, HH Khan, S Ahmed, (2009); Morphometric Analysis of a watershed of South India using SRTM data and GIS; Journal of the Geological Society of India (Springer);73:543-552
- K Subramanyam & HH Khan (2006); Pumping Tests: Planning, Preparation, and Execution (Pgs: 93-99) in Groundwater Dynamics in Hard Rock Aquifers - including sustainable management and optimal monitoring network design; Editors: S. Ahmed, R. Jayakumar, S. Abdin; ISBN 81-85589-25-9; Springer-CPC
- Models of Landscape Evolution
- The Hydrological Cycle
- Glacial Processes & Landforms - Part I
- Glacial Processes & Landforms - Part II
- Locating Earthquake Epicenter