Department of Linguistics
Important Laboratories
The language technology lab, nowadays, has become
an essential part for conducting research on language processing and
understanding various linguistic theories. In this era of globalization and
digitalization, the role of language has become very significant and key to
knowledge and communication. Students would be able to understand the natural
language interaction between human and machine which has now become the part of
everyday life.
Language Technology lab of the Department of Linguistics offers state-of-the-art facilities that support linguistic processing of languages especially phonological, morphological and syntactic processing and translation from theoretical and computational perspective. It also implements and establishes the interaction between human and machine. It helps in carrying out high quality research and academic activities such as, documentation of endangered languages: Birhor and Chinali. Several research activities like analysis and processing of the languages at all linguistic levels and other documentation processes have been completed using different language softwares installed in lab PC. Hands-on sessions and practical programs are also conducted to assist students and researchers for understanding nature of languages and their practical aspects.
In addition, the language technology lab provides facilities which allow the student to practice and assess one’s speech and pronunciation. It helps the students in recording and analyzing language data, while doing sociolinguistics analysis, discourse analysis or any area which they work upon.
Lab’s systems are equipped with following Language Tools and Softwares for Language processing and Analysis.
Transliteration Tools