Department of Physics
About the Department
The department aims to excel and achieve a prominent status in Physics teaching and research.
To build a creative and stimulating environment conducive for teaching and research.
To impart high quality Physics education and equip students for global Physics competence.
To promote research and creative activities among faculty and students.
To develop state of art facilities for teaching and research.
To sensitise students to contribute for the welfare of society through competence in Physics.
The Physics Department of the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (UP), India was established in 1912. The Department has rich teaching and research traditions since its inception and the first Ph.D. in Physics was awarded in 1926. Eminent Scientists who at some point of time were the faculty member / student of the Department are Prof. Wali Mohammad, Prof. Rudolf Samual, Prof. P. S. Gill, Prof. R. K. Asundi, Prof. P. Venkateshwarlu, Prof. A. N. Mitra, Prof. H. S. Hans, Prof. Rais Ahmad, Prof. M. Z. R. Khan, Prof. M. L. Sehgal, Prof. P.I. John (Padam Shri), Prof. M.S.Z. Chaghtai, Prof. M. Shafi, Prof. Israr Ahmed, Prof. S. K. Singh, Prof. Tariq Aziz, Prof. R. Prasad, Prof. Siraj Hassan, Prof. M. Sami etc. Presently there are 8 Professors, 8 Associate Professors, 14 Assistant Professors, 4 Guest Teachers and about 60 Research Scholars in the Department.
The Department offers six semesters undergraduate B. Sc. (Hons.) and four semesters postgraduate M. Sc. courses. The choice based credit system (CBCS) has been implemented. The intake for the undergraduate and post graduate programmes is 120 and 50 respectively. Besides these, the Department also offers Ph.D. program in various research areas of experimental and theoretical physics.
Over the years, the growing international reputation of the Department has enabled it to join several international collaborations such as ALICE, CBM, PANDA etc., with Universities like University of Valencia, Spain; University of Tokyo, Japan; Universitat Erlangen, Germany etc. The faculty members are also involved in national collaborations viz. India based Neutrino Observatory Project. Faculty members are also collaborating with the scientists working at TIFR Mumbai, BARC Mumbai, IUAC New Delhi, VECC Kolkata, IUCAA Pune, UGC-DAE-CSR Kolkata & Indore, JNU New Delhi, IIT-Bombay, IIT-Ropar etc.
The Department's illustrious legacy and its continuous stride in academic
excellence over many decades have been duly acknowledged by the University
Grants Commission, New Delhi, India and Department of Science & Technology,
New Delhi, India resulting in the endowment of financial assistance through
schemes such as DRS-SAP, DSA phases I, II & III, COSIST, FIST and PURSE.
These grants have helped the Department in strengthening the infrastructure and
the procurement of state of the art instruments for research as well as
undergraduate and postgraduate laboratories. Some of the important instruments
in various laboratories are FTIR (Tensor 37, Bruker) Spectrometer, X-ray
Diffractometer (6100-Shimadzu), Scanning Microscope (DM 2500 M & DM 6000
M), High Power Nd: YAG Laser (Brilliant B), Telescope (CGE Pro 14"),
UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer (Lambda 950, Perkin Elmer), Simultaneous Thermal Analyser
(STA- 8000, Perkin Elmer), Andor Mechelle 5000 Monochromator with ICCD and
Acton 0.5 Monochromator attached with PMT, Cryo-cooler for low temperature
measurement, alpha, beta and gamma spectrometers etc.
The Department has an excellent seminar library with more than 13,000 reference
books and nearly 10,000 bound journals. The seminar library has seating
capacity of one hundred persons and about 400 membership of students and
Research in the Department is being pursued in
many of the major contemporary areas of experimental and theoretical physics,
viz, Nuclear Physics, High Energy Physics, Atomic and Molecular Physics,
Condensed Matter Physics, Astrophysics, Photonics and Non Linear Dynamics. The
research groups involved in these areas, broadly clubbed together, are as
Nuclear Physics:
Prof. B.P. Singh
Prof. Isar Ahmad Rizvi
Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics:
Prof. Anisul Ain Usmani
Prof. Mohammad Sajjad Athar
Dr. Abbas Ali
Dr. Nasra Neelofar (Women's College)
Dr. Huma Haider (Women's College)
Dr. Rafi Alam
Dr. Raktim Abir
Dr. Sudhir Kumar Gupta
Dr. Najimuddin Khan
Atomic, Molecular and Laser Physics:
Prof. Shabbir Ahmad
Prof. S. M. Afzal
Dr. S. Jabeen Shah Mohammad
Dr. Mohammad Jane Alam
Dr. Haris Kunari
Experimental High Energy Physics:
Prof. Shakeel Ahmad
Dr. Nazeer Ahmad
Dr. Danish Azmi
Dr. S.K. Noor Alam
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics:
Prof. Shahid Husain
Prof. Faiyazur Rahman
Prof. Tufail Ahmad
Prof. M. Wasi Khan
Dr. Shikha Chauhan
Dr. Arham Shareef Ahmed
Dr. Jai Prakash
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics:
Prof. S. S. Z. Ashraf
Dr. Faraz Ahmad Inam
Non-Linear Dynamics:
Dr. Haider Hasan Jafari
Plasma Physics:
Dr. Saba Hussain (Women's College)
Theoretical Physics:
Dr. Arif Mohd