Department of Physics


Dept. data last updated on :20/03/2025

Utilization/Management of X-ray Diffraction Facility

Department of Physics has Powder X-Ray Diffraction facility. This facility can be utilized by the researchers of the department or other departments of the University as per the following procedure:

1. Users need to fill the requisition form, which can be downloaded from departmental webpage through the link:, duly signed by supervisor or project leader and Chairperson of the concerned department.

2. Then a time slot is allotted on first come first serve basis.

3. As of now this facility is free of cost.

Purchase of Seminar Library Books and their Filing in Shelves

STEP1: Approval for book Purchase

1. Submission of books recommendation by different faculty members and students to the seminar library.

2. Recommendations are checked by SPA (Library) for duplicate, availability, etc.

3. Approval is taken for the recommended books by Departmental purchase Committee.

STEP2: Order Placement and Physical Verification of Purchased Books

1. The recommended list of books is sent to the Maulana Azad library, A.M.U. for placing order.

2. Physical verification: Annual physical verification by the internal staff of the department. In every 3 years, a committee of the central library does the through physical verification.

STEP3: Processing Bill

1. Accessioning of books in the accession register of Seminar Library.

2. Finally, the bill is processed and submitted to accounts section.

STEP4: Technical Processing

1. Technical processing of the books including classification, cataloguing and indexing is done.

2. Physical processing of the books including pasting of authority slips, placing the tags and stamping is carried out.

3. Then the books are placed in shelves according to their call number by the library staff.

Stock Verification of Library Books

STEP1: Noting the Accession Number

1. Staff notes down the accession numbers of books on the library shelves.

2. Separate sheets of paper are prepared for each library shelf. Each member of the physical verification committee are given one set of sheets and is asked to note down the accession numbers of books in the library shelves that is specifically assigned to him.

3. While noting the accession numbers, book is physically checked and is taken out of shelf, if the book is damaged/beyond repair.

STEP3: Re-verifying the missing Books

1. List of books again checked with collection.

2. The final list of missing books is reported to the Chairperson for necessary action.

Book Issue and Return Policy of Seminar Library in Department of Physics


Max. Book Issued

UG & PG: 01 (Overnight)

Ph.D.: 06 (2 months)

For Reading Room: No Limit


Max. Book Issued

Faculty Members (Regular/Adhoc): 12 (4 months)

In case of loss/damage, the concerned has to bear the cost of the book OR has to submit the latest edition of the book

Infrastructure Maintenance (Equipment and Buildings)

I. Lab Equipment

STEP1: Entry of Faulty Instruments

1. Enter the details of the faulty Instrument in the register assigned for it (laboratory specific).

STEP2: Apply for Repair

1. Incharge/Department committee takes the estimate for Instrument that needs to be repaired.

2. Submit repair budget to the department.

3. As per requirement and availability of funds, Incharge/Department committee will take permission for repair of Instruments from University.

4. After approval, Place order for repair (Invite quotations if required) as per GFR rules applicable at the time.

5. Take the receipt of items given for repair from the vendor while giving him/her Instruments for repair.

STEP3: Verification and Bill Processing

1. Instrument must be properly checked by faculty, while receiving the repaired Instruments.

2. Strike through the repaired Instrument from the register.

3. If faculty is satisfied with working of Instruments, Submit bills (Incharge/Department committee) to accounts section for making payment to the vendor only after satisfying with the repaired Instrument.

II. Building Maintenance

STEP1: Submitting Requirement to Building Department

1. Department submits its maintenance requirements to the Building Department of the University for necessary action.

Procurement of Goods/Items/Equipment

GFR-2017 will be referred for the above process/procedure and GFR 2017 shall prevail over this SOP in all matters of procurement/ repair etc. by the Department. Amendments in the SOP, if any, will be incorporated as per the notification received from time to time.

I. Steps for Non-Recurring items:-

STEP1: Issuing the Item

1. After successful installation report, the procuring officer issues the item in the desired lab and thereafter it remains in the custody of the lab In-charge.

STEP2: Labeling the Procured Item

1. Label procured items with reference number:

Physics Dept./Purchase year/Stock register number/Stock Register page number

STEP3: Maintaining LogBook and Assets Loan Register

1. A logbook is maintained for the equipment.

2. Asset loan register is maintained for its purpose, whenever required.

II. Steps for Recurring items:-

STEP1: Issuing the Item

1. After successful procurement, the procuring officer issues the item in the desired lab and thereafter it remains in the custody of the lab In-charge.

STEP2:Maintaining the Record

1. Record is maintained for the usage.

Department Cleanliness

Class Room Cleaning:



Dust mop tile floors


Disinfect door handles (inside and outside)


Empty trash receptacle


Straighten and clean furniture


Clean chalk boards and chalk trays


Dust monitor/overhead projector


Check for burned out lights


Damp mop floor of classroom


Wipe all horizontal surfaces, including students’ desks


Wash trash receptacles


Dust light fixtures and clock


Laboratory Cleaning:



Dust mop tile floors


Wet mop on floors


Empty trash/waste pot


Straighten and clean furniture


Disinfect and clean all sinks and fixtures


Clean all working surfaces


Dusting of machine/equipments


Clean walls, doors and windows


Wash trash receptacles and sanitary boxes


Dust ceiling and light fixtures


Corridor and Staircase Cleaning:



Clean and disinfect drinking water cooler


Empty trash receptacle


Mop floor


Dust Grills


Clean doors, horizontal surfaces, windows and walls


Clean mats and grids under mats(if any)


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Clean Staircase


Office (Chairperson’s and Staffs’) Cleaning:



Empty trash receptacle


Mop floor & dust mop


Dust mop and wet mop entire floor


Wipe down window ledges


Wet mop tile floors


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Wash trash receptacle


Staffroom Cleaning:



Disinfect all sinks and fixtures


Disinfect all toilets, urinals and fixtures


Disinfect all door and partition handles


Empty trash and sanitary receptacles


Replace trash liners and fill dispensers


Clean all horizontal surfaces


Sweep and wet mop(disinfect) floors


Clean mirrors


Spot clean walls, doors, jams and windows


Wash trash receptacles and sanitary boxes


Clean Grills


Dust ceiling and light fixtures


Entrance and Lobby Cleaning:



Empty trash receptacle


Dust mop floors


Dust all horizontal surfaces


Mop floors(wet)


Disinfect door handles (inside and outside)


Dust mop and wet mop entire area


Clean floor grills


Dust ceiling area and light fixtures


Wash trash receptacle


Garden/Lawn Cleaning:



Sweep all surfaces including footpath


Collection of struck off leaves, stems etc.


Empty trash receptacle


Cutting of grass, shrubs, herbs etc.


Dumping of plant waste



The students/faculty seeking contingency from their respective fellowships/individual projects can avail the contingency grant through following procedure.

I. Without Advance

STEP1: Permission from Chairperson

1. Take the permission from the Chairperson for the purchase of the item(s).

STEP2: Permission for Payment

1. Procure the items for which the permission was taken as per the guidelines of General finance Rules (2017), Govt. of India.

2. Mention/attach the item(s) procured.

3. Also mention the amount spent and the vendor’s details (account).

4. Process the bill as per University guidelines.

STEP3: Payment to Vendor

1. Payment to the vendor is done by the appropriate section/authority of the University.

II. With Advance

STEP1: Permission for Advance

1. The permission from the Chairperson for the purchase of the item(s) is taken and the required advance amount is mentioned.

2. The permission is submitted in accounts section.

STEP2 : Procure Item(s)

1. Procure the item(s) for which the advance was taken.

2. Take the valid/genuine bill from the vendor(s).

STEP3: Settling the Bills

1. After completing the STEP 2, fill the contingency form.

2. Submit all the bills (after making into the concerned stock register) to account section along with the contingency form.

3. Mention the money spent and left (if any) in the contingency form.

Extra-Curricular Activity

STEP1: Notification of Extra-Curricular Activity

1. Notices related to Extra-Curricular Activity are put up on the departmental notice boards/website and for inviting the students to participate/register under Extra-Curricular Activity

STEP2: Registration

1. Interested students can register themselves in office of Physics Department.

Facilitating Differently Abled Students

Academic activities which take place are made accessible to people with mobility.

Written materials are provided to supplement lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions. Announcements regarding class times, activities, field work, industry visits etc., are given in writing as well as verbally. Key statements and instructions are repeated or highlighted in some way.

Department has the ramp facilities for differently abled students to access the seminar library and classroom and toilets.

Scientific Laboratory/Organization Visit

STEP1: Seeking Permission

1. Contact to the Organization/Laboratory by writing a letter showing interest in visiting and seek their permission for the visit.

2. Mentioning a tentative schedule of visit, number of visitors, advantages of the visit to the students as well as Industry.

STEP2: Notification and Approval

1. After receiving a positive reply from the Industry/Company/Organization/Laboratory, notice is put on the department noticeboard regarding visit and interested students are asked to submit consent form (signed by parents) by stipulated date.

2. An Approval is taken from the University for availing the transportation facility and refreshment of students and faculty members who are going for the trip.

3. Approval must also indicate the exact schedule of the visit.

STEP3: Going for Visit

1. The concerned transporter is informed by giving letter/order for hiring his services to provide transport on the stipulated date, place and time.

2. The attendance of the students is collected prior to start of travel.

3. The concerned person or organizers are contacted and necessary formalities are completed.

4. After the visit, a detailed report about the visit along with photos is submitted to the Chairperson’s office.

Placement and Carrier Counselling

The department has Training & Placement Office (TPO) cell which is associated with Training & Placement Office (General) of the University.

The TPO cell invites speakers from the industry/organization for the Guidance & Motivation of the students.

For further detail:


Dr. Haider Hasan Jafri

Mobile: +91-9997972679 



Prof. Shakeel Ahmad (Convener)

Dr. M. Wasi Khan

Dr. Sudhir Kumar Gupta

Dr. Raktim Abir


STEP1: Preparation

Preparation for the seminar/workshop/conference involves a number of activities listed below:

1. Constitute Organizing Committee with the approval of the Chairperson/BOS.

2. Organizing Committee prepares the event schedule.

3. Determine the budget available to host event &sources to raise the funds.

4. Determine the theme/topic to be discussed at the event.

5. Identify target group and number of participants required.

6. Secure venue–(site visit of venue to ensure it is adequate).

7. Finalize event details –(breaks, resources needed).

8. Contact relevant funding agencies, Departments or target group to inform them of event (time, date, venue, duration, break information). Send email(s) to target groups for participation.

9. Follow up onto ensure the information was received.

10. Finalize list of persons attending the event.

11. Source and prepare all necessary resources needed by organizer and Presenter – (books, manuals, 12. projectors, name tags, etc.).

12. Secure caterer to provide meals if not included in venue package.

13. Contact Accountant and request Local Purchase Order.

STEP2: Implementation


Funding is an integral part of any event, ince the amount of funding available for the hosting of the event will determine a number of factors in planning the event.

1. Venue

2. Duration

3. Number of participants

4. Equipment–(Presentation Media)

5. Informational packets/Materials/certificates

6. Availability of refreshments

Points to consider:

1. Expertise/strong research background

2. Ability to convey knowledge to a large audience

3. Unbiased and non-partisan(do not invite speakers that are aligned with a particular cause/group)

4. Honorarium

5. Travel expenses

6. Identify alternative speaker as a precaution

Sponsorship is generated for the event and rest of the expenses are catered by the department.


Determine the length of the seminar, the mode(s) of deliverance, equipment needs of Presenter, handouts and other learning material for participants, breaks and refreshments, and deadlines for replying. Secure a caterer to provide refreshments if not included in venue package.


Initial contact of those Departments or persons identified to attend the seminar, with the full details of the seminar included. Includes:

1. Deadline for response

2. Seminar overview/outline

3. Requirements for eligibility

4. Number of participants required


1. Invitations from Chairperson are sent to the invited speaker(s) or resource person(s), Guest of Honor, Chief Guest etc.

2. The event is advertised on noticeboards, website, poster distributions in other institutions, social networking websites etc. for wider publicity.

3. Registration for the event.

4. A list of registered persons is prepared and intimated about event schedule.

5. On the spot registration (if available) and Attendance.

6. Event starts as per schedule on proposed date.

STEP3: Evaluation

1. Feedback from the registered persons

2. Certificate Distribution