1. Last 5 years performance of Department of Physics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh New
2. 2013-2022: Total Publications: 1114, Avg. citations/paper: 24.55, h-index: 77 New
3. MoUs with Fermi National Accelerator Lab (USA), University of Valencia (Spain), INO (India), Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi (India) New
4. Collaboration with a Nobel Laureate and many national and international institutes New
National Conference on Functional Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
(February 21-23, 2022)
Centenary Celebration Conference on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Reactions (March 2-4, 2020)
National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science and Spectroscopy (March 2-3, 2019)
International Workshop on Heavy Flavor Production at LHC Energies Using the Di- Muon Spectrometer (February 26 – March 02, 2018)
International Workshop on Frontiers of Electroweak Interactions of Leptons and Hadrons (November 02-06, 2016)
National Conference on Recent Trends in Nuclear Physics (February 15-16, 2016)
Workshop on the Frontiers of Nuclear and Particle Physics (March 19 -20, 2012)
National Conference on Recent Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (March 14-15, 2011)