Dr. Athar Ali Khan
M. Sc., Ph. D
Associate Professor
Inventorization of Biodiversity, Impact of heavy metals on wild plant species
F-3, Azim Homes, Near Aamna ki Taal, Nagla Road, Sir Syed Nagar, Aligarh
I took my M. Sc. and Ph. D. Degrees from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. Before joining this department I taught at G. F. (PG) College, Shahjahnpur and worked as Research Associate in a Ford Foundation funded project on Participatory Forest Management at Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal. I have more than 20 years experience of teaching to UG and PG classes. I have been associated with teaching of Plant Taxonomy, Plant Ecology, Environmental Botany and Bryophytes. I am also associated with teaching of plant taxonomy to M. Sc. (Wildlife) and M. Sc. (Biodiversity Management), Department of Wildlife Sciences. I was member of the Committee to prepare NBSAP (National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan) for Gangetic Plains. I am mainly interested in inventorization of plant diversity, especially of protected areas. I have worked on the plant diversity of Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuaryc (as Co-PI in a project funded by MoEF), Kaimore Wildlife Sanctuary, Sonbhadra district, and proposed bird sanctuary at Shekha. I have also worked on antimicrobial potential of extracts of wild plants. I am also working on impact of heavy metals on wild plant species in single species and multi-species systems.