Assistant Professor
Kinetics of Micelles Catalysed Reactions
Dept. of Chemistry
- Publication
1. Farhat. H. Khan and R. Singh ,"Kinetics of oxidation of Chloramine T in presence of CTAB, Farhat Hasan Khan and Ritu Singh, IJPAC, 13 (3-4) (july-December, 2018.
2. Farhat. H. Khan and M. Alam," Kinetics and mechanism of micelle-catalysed oxidation of DL-alanine and glycine bychloramine-T", Asian J. Res. Chem., 2011, 4(3), 468.
3. F. Ahmad, R. Singh and Farhat. H. Khan, " Kinetics of micelle-catalysed oxidation of m-toluidine", Der Pharma Chemica, 2011, 3(1), 293.
4. F. Ahmad, M.A. Siddiqui, R. Singh and Farhat. H. Khan, "Effect of cationic surfactant on the kinetic of oxidation of propionaldehyde", Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 23(10), 4245.
5. R. Singh, Farhat. H. Khan, M. Alam and F. Ahmad," Kinetics of oxidation of m-toluidine by sodium dichromate", Archives of applied Science Research, 2010, 2(6), 131.
6. Farhat. H. Khan and F. Ahmad," Micellar effect on two phase kinetics of oxidative degradation of lysine", Oxidation Communications, 2004, 27(4), 869.
7. Farhat. H. Khan and F. Ahmad, "The role of micelles on kinetics and mechanism of the decarboxylation of amino acid", Oxidation Communications, 2000,23(1), 285.