Dr. Md. Shahid Nayeem
Biomolecular simulation, In silico Drug Design, In silico Protein Drug interaction, In silico Drug DNA interaction
Md. Shahid Nayeem after doing M. Sc. (Chemistry) from I.I.T. Delhi and M.E. (Polymer Technology) from Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi joined Goodlass Nerolac Paints in Mumbai. He left Nerolac paints to join Lectureship in D. S. College, Katihar under B.N.Mandal University, Madhepura Bihar and thereafter he worked as lecturer in Dr. R.M.L.S. College, Muzaffarpur under B.R. A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. He joined Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh on 15th September 2003 as Lecturer. His teaching interest is quantum chemistry and Biophysical Chemistry. He did his Ph.D. from I.I.T. Delhi in the area of Biophysical chemistry.His research interest is Molecular Dynamic Simulation of Biomolecule and Biomolecular electrostatics. He has published in international journals of repute namely ACS Biochemistry, JPC-B, ACS-omega, BBA-Proteins and Proteomics, Biochemical and biophysical research communication (BBRC), European Biophysical Journal (EBJ), Jornal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (JPBA), Biohys. J, FEBS J.
- Raninga N., Nayeem
S.M., Mullick R., Pandita E., Gupta S., Das S., Deep S.
and Sau AK "Stimulation of GMP formation in hGBP1 is mediated by W79
and its effect on the antiviral activity" FEBS Journal (In Press).
- Jahan I., Nayeem S.M., “Conformational dynamics of superoxide dismutase (SOD1) in osmolytes: a molecular dynamic simulation study ” RSC Advances, 10(46), 27598?27614, 2020.
- Khan A., Nayeem S.M., “Effect of TMAO and urea on Dimers and Tetramers of Amyloidogenic Heptatpeptides 23FGAILSS29” ACS Omega, 5, 26986?26998, 2020.
- Jahan I., Nayeem S.M., “Effect of osmolytes on conformational behavior of intrinsically disordered protein a-synuclein” Biophys. J., vol. 117, pp. 1922-1934, 2019. COVER PAGE, HIGHLIGHTED ON BIOPHYSICAL SOCIETY BLOG
- Chandel T., Zaidi N., Zaman M., Jahan I., Masroor A., Siddique I.A., Nayeem S.M., Ali M., Uversky N.V., Khan R.H. “A multiparametric analysis of the synergistic impact of anti-Parkinson's drugs on the fibrillation of human serum albumin” BBA-Proteins and proteomics, 1867 (3), 275-285, 2019.
- Jahan I., Nayeem S.M., “Effect of urea, arginine and ethanol concentration on aggregation of 179CVNITV184 fragment of sheep prion protein” ACS Omega, vol. 3, pp.11727-11741, 2018.
- Kausar, T., Nayeem S.M. “Correlating interfacial water dynamics with protein-protein interaction in complex of GDF-5 and BMPRI receptors” Biophysical Chemistry, vol. 240, pp. 50-62, 2018.
- Nayeem, S. M., Oteri, F., Baaden, M., and Deep, S., “Residues of Alpha Helix H3 Determine Distinctive Features of Transforming Growth Factor ?3” J. Phy. Chem. B ,vol. 121 (22), pp. 5483-98, 2017
- Srivastava A., MeenaS. K., Alam, M., Nayeem,S.M. Deep S., and Sau A. K., “Structural and Functional Insights into the Regulation of Helicobacter pylori Arginase Activity by an Evolutionary Nonconserved Motif” Biochemistry vol. 52 pp. 508-519, 2013.
- Nayeem, S. M. Deep S.,“Rationalization of poor solubility of TGF-b3 using MD Simulation” Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication, Vol.401, pp.544-47, 2010.
- Raninga N., Nayeem
S.M., Mullick R., Pandita E., Gupta S., Das S., Deep S.
and Sau AK "Stimulation of GMP formation in hGBP1 is mediated by W79
and its effect on the antiviral activity" FEBS Journal (In Press).