M.Sc. Engg., Ph.D
Structural Engineering
4/208-C, Saheb Bagh, Anoop Shaher Road, Civil Lines, Aligarh
- Publication
International/National Journals
1. Baqi A., Bhandari N.M. and Trikha D.N., “Experimental study of Prestressed Masonry flexure Elements” Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society for Civil Engineers (A.S.C.E.), Volume 125, No. 3, 1999
2. Baqi A., and Bhandari N.M., “Post cracking Behaviour of Prestressed Masonry in Flexure”, Journal of Structural Engineering, American Society for Civil Engineers (A.S.C.E.) Vol. 133, No. 4, 2007.
3. Baqi A., “An Appropriate Control Prism for Prestressed or Reinforced Masonry Floor Systems,” The Masonry Society Journal (TMS Journal) U.S.A., Vol. 26, Number 1, July 2008, PP. 9-26.
4. Abdul Baqi and Zaid Mohammed , “Effect of U-turn in Reinforced Concrete Dog-legged Stair Slabs”, XXXIV International Conference on Civil, Structural and Earthquake Engineering , Istanbul, Turkey , June 20-21, 2013, and Proceedings of World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, U.S.A. , Issue 78, 2013., ISSN 2010-376X, and Journal of World Academy of Science Engg. and Technology, USA, Vol. 7, No. 6. 1060-1065, June-2013.
5. Mohd Shariq, Fatemeh Sultanzadeh, Amjad Masood and Abdul Baqi, “Tensile Strength of normal and high strength concrete with Polypropylene fibers at Elevated Temperature”, International Journal of Civil & Structural Engg. IJCSE, Vol.1, Issue 2, (ISSN 2372-3971), June 2014, pp. 22-26.
6. Amjad Masood, Fatemeh Sultanzadeh, Abdul Baqi and Mohd. Shariq, “Compressive Strength of normal and high strength concrete with Polypropylene fibers at Elevated Temperature., International Journal of Civil & Structural Engg. IJCSE, Vol.1, Issue 2, (ISSN 2372-3971), June 2014, pp. 15-21.
7. Md. Fozail Ahmad, Abdul Baqi and Mohammed Arif, ‘Analytical Investigation on Helical Stair Slab”, Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Chennai, India, Vol. 41, No. 4, Oct.-Nov. 2014, pp. 377-383.
8. Zaid Mohammad, S.M. Talha and Abdul Baqi, ‘Seismic Performance of Stairs as Isolated and Built-in RC Frame Building’, Advances in Structural Engineering (Dynamics), Vol. 2, Ed. Vasant Matsagar , Springer India 2015, ISBN 978-81-322-2192-0/2193-7_79, PP 1001-1014
9. Zaid Mohammad, Abdul Baqi and Mohammed Arif. “Seismic response of RC framed buildings resting on hill slopes”. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 173: 1792-99.
10. Zaid Mohammad, P. K. Gupta, M. A. Iqbal and Abdul Baqi. “Energy absorption in metallic targets subjected to oblique impact”. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 173: 145-52.
11. P. K. Gupta, M. A. Iqbal, Zaid Mohammad, Abdul Baqi and N. K. Gupta. “Energy absorption in thin metallic targets subjected to oblique projectile impact: A numerical study”. Thin-Walled Structures, 2018.
12. A. Fuzail Hashmi, M. Shariq, A. Baqi, “Successive sustained loading effect on the long-term deflection of flat slab”, SN Applied Sciences, Springer Nature, 2:1896, 2020.
13. M. Shariq, A.A. Khan, A. Masood, M. Arif & A. Baqi, “Experimental and Analytical Study of Flexural Response of RC Beams with Steel Fibers After Elevated Temperature”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering, Springer, (2020). (Available online) (Impact Factor: 0.975)
14. A. Fuzail Hashmi, M. Shariq, A. Baqi, “Flexural performance of high volume ?y ash reinforced concrete beams and slabs”, Structures, Elsevier, 25, (2020), 868-880. (Impact Factor: 1.839)
15. A. Hashmi, M. Shariq, A. Baqi, “Experimental and Analytical Investigation on the Age-Dependent Tensile Strength of Low Calcium Fly Ash Based Concrete”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, Springer, 6, 72, (2021).
16. M. Arif, M.G. Al-Hagri, M. Shariq, I. Rahman, A. Baqi and A. Hassan, “Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of Micro and Nano Additives based Modified Concrete Composites – A Sustainable Solution”, Journal of Institution of Engineers, India, Series A, Springer, 101, (2020), 89–104.
17. M. Y. Khan, A. Baqi. “Experimental and theoretical analysis of a new kind of building
envelope”. Material Today proceedings (2020) (in press).
18. Mohammad Z., Gupta P. K. and Baqi A. “Experimental and numerical investigations on the behavior of thin metallic plate targets subjected to ballistic impact”. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 146 (2020): 103717. (Impact Factor: 3.642) [ISSN: 0734-743X]
19. Mohammad Z., Gupta P. K., Baqi A. and Iqbal M. A. “Ballistic performance of monolithic and double layered thin-metallic hemispherical shells at normal and oblique impact”. Thin-Walled Structures, 159 (2021): 107257. (Impact Factor: 4.003)
20. Mohammad Z., Gupta P. K., Baqi A. and Iqbal M. A. “Energy dissipation characteristics of single curvature metallic shells subjected to ballistic impact”. European Journal of Mechanics/A-Solids (2021) (in communication).
- Strain Energy 2
- Mohr's Circle Gen. Hookes Law
- Strain Energy Concepts
- Failure Theories
- unit 2
- unit 2 (page 6-8)