PhD (IIT Roorkee), MTech (IIT Roorkee), BTech (AMU)
Assistant Professor
Fluvial and Channel Hydraulics, Hydraulic structures, River Engineering, Computational hydraulics, Urban Flood.
Hadi Nagar, Dhorra, Aligarh-202001 (INDIA),
9760518481 , 7088145452
Time Table 2022-2023_Odd SemTime Table 2020-2021Time Table 2021-2022 odd sem
- Publication
International Journals (Refreed):
1. Hussain, A., Ahmad, Z., Asawa, G. L., (2010). Discharge characteristics of sharp- crested circular side orifices in open channels. Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Elsevier 21(3), 418-24.
2. Hussain, A., Ahmad, Z., Asawa, G. L. (2011). Flow through sharp-crested square side orifices under free flow in open channels. Journal of Agricultural Water Management. Elsevier 98(10), 1536-1544.
3. Hussain, A., Ahmad, Z., Asawa, G. L. (2012). Flow through side square orifices in open channels. ISH journal of Hydraulic Engg. Taylor & Francis. 17(SP 1), 12-22.
4. D Khan, A Hussain, Z Ahmad (2013). Energy dissipation of skimming flow over stepped spillway. Dam Engineering, International water power and dam construction. XXIII (4), 187-206.
5. Hussain, A., Ahmad, Z., Ojha, C.S.P. (2014). Analysis of flow through lateral rectangular orifices in open channels. Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Elsevier 36(10), 32-35.
6. Hussain, S., Hussain A., Ahmad, Z. (2014). Discharge characteristics of orifice spillway under oblique approach flow. Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. Elsevier 39(3), 09-18.
7. Hashid, M., Hussain A., Ahmad, Z. (2015), Discharge characteristics of lateral circular intakes in open channel flow. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier 2015, 46, 87-92.
8. Hussain, A., Khan, D. (2015), Non-Linear Predictive Model for Scour Downstream of a Block ramp using Support Vector Machines. Dam Engineering, International water power and Dam construction. 2015, Vol 26 (2), 1-15.
9. Hussain, A., Ahmad, Z., Ojha, C.S.P. (2016). Flow through lateral circular orifice under free and submerged flow conditions. Journal of Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier 36 (10), 32-35.
10. Shariq, A., Hussain, A. and Ansari, M. A., (2018). Lateral Flow Through The Sharp Crested Side Rectangular Weirs in Open Channels. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier, Vol. 59; 8-17. ISSN:0955-598611. Hussain, A. and Haroon, A., (2019). Numerical analysis for free flow through side rectangular orifice in an open channel. ISH journal of Hydraulic Engg. Taylor & Francis. ISSN:0971-5010
12. Ansari, M. A., Hussain, A., Shariq, A., and Alam, F., (2019). Experimental and numerical studies for estimating coefficient of discharge of side compound weir. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
13. Shariq, A., Hussain, A. and Ahmad Z. (2020). Discharge equation for the gabion weir under through flow condition. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Elsevier, Vol. 74; 101769. 8-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2020.101769
14. Ansari, M. F., Hussain, A. and Ansari, M. A., (2020). Experimental studies and model development of flow over arched labyrinth weirs using GMDH methods.. Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research, Taylor & Francis.
15. Hashid, M., Hussain A., Ahmad, Z. (2021). Critical submergence for sised circular intake
in an open channel flow. Journal of Hydraulic Research, Taylor & Francis. 59:1, 136-147. Faisal A, Mujib A A, Ajmal H, Jahangeer J. (2021). “Model development for estimation of sediment removal efficiency of settling basins using group method of data handling.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 147(2): 04020043.
- CEC3190 GVF_Part1
- CEC3190 GVF_Part2
- GVF_3
- GVF_4
- Gradually Varied Flow Part5_1
- Gradually Varied Flow Part5_2