Near 39-5-10, Opposite Darsgah Islamia School, Labbipet, Vijayawada-10 (A.P)
The topics of my M.Tech thesis and Ph.D thesis from renowned Earthquake Engineering Department at IIT-Roorkee are as under, which is my area of interest. Topic of M.Sc Engg Dissertation: Seismic Response of Single Storey Masonry Building with Sliding Sub-Structure Topic of Ph.D. Thesis: Out-of-plane Behaviour of Unreinforced Masonry Infill Panels My current research is on macro and micro study of high and normal strength concrete at elevated temperatures along with the use and study of recycling of Waste materials for construction. I had UPCST and AICTE sponsored projects in these areas. Set up a lab for the study of materials at elevated temperatures. My research work includes study of Seismic Response, Design and Modeling of UR Masonry Structures I am engaging Courses the following courses at Undergraduate and post graduate level Design of Concrete Structures-I Design of Steel Structures Bridge Engineering Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures I have published papers in the following refereed International Journals given below, Bulletin Indian Society of Earthquake & Tech., Roorkee, India Journal of Ferrocement, Bankok, Thailand Indian Concrete Journal Journal of Institution of Engineers Journal for Environmental Engineering and Policy Springer, University of Cincinnati, Pennsylvania, U.S.A Pergamon Elsevier Science Ltd, Cement and Concrete Research-An International Journal, USA Science Direct, Elsevier Science Ltd, Construction and Building Materials-An International Journal, USA Was also a member of Academic Council and at administrative front. Presently I am President of Tennis Club and acting Secretary of Games Committee. At present I am also the Provost of Nadeem Tarin Hall appointed for the third time in last 15 years
1 Qamaruddin, M., Qadeer, A., Ali, S. M. & M. Amjad (1990) “Seismic Response of Single Storey Masonry Building with Discontinuity at Floor Level”, Bulletin Indian Society of Earthquake & Tech., Roorkee, India, Paper, Vol. 27, No.3, 15-18, September, 65-69.
2 Qadeer, A., Qamaruddin, M. & M. Amjad (1993) “Building Frame Analysis Considering Beam Column Joint Deformation”, Journal of Structural Engg., SERC, Madras, India, Vol.20, No.3, October, 155-160.
3 M. Amjad, Ghani, F., A. Tazyeen & Rawat, D. S. (1998) “Variation in Strength of Concrete on Addition of Demolished Waste”, Indian Concrete Journal, Bombay, India, Vol. 72, No.8, August, 395-399.
4 M. Arif, S. Akhtar, M. Amjad, M. Garg & F. Basit (2001) “Flexural Behaviour of Fly Ash Mortar Ferrocement Panels for Low Cost Housing”, Journal of Ferrocement, Vol.31, No.2, April, 125-135.
5 M. Amjad, A. Tazyeen, M. Arif & Fareed, M. (2002) “Waste Management Strategies for Concrete”, Journal for Environmental Engineering and Policy Springer, University of Cincinnati, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Vol.3, No.1-2, February, 15-18.
6 M. Amjad, S. Akhtar, M. Arif & M. Haquie (2003) “Performance of Ferrocement Panels in Different Environments”, Pergamon Elsevier Science Ltd, Cement and Concrete Research-An International Journal, USA, Vol.33, No.4, April, 321-326.
7 M. Amjad, S. Akhtar, M. Arif & M. Haquie (2005) “Rehabilitation of R.C & FRC Beams by Ferrocement - An Experimental Investigation”, Journal of Structural Engg., SERC, Madras, India, Vol.31, No.4, January-March, 125-135
8 M. Amjad. H. Abbas, M. Arif S. A. Khan & M. Haquie (2006) “Waste Utilisation in Recycled Concrete”, Journal of Structural Engg., SERC, Madras, India, Vol.33, No.3, August-September, 243-246.
9 M. Shariq, J. Prasad, and A. Masood (2010) “Effect of GGBFS Based on Time dependent Compressive Strength of Concrete,” Science Direct, Elsevier Science Ltd, Construction and Building Materials-An International Journal, USA, 24, 1469-1478. (Impact Factor: 3.169)
10 S Ahmad, A. Masood and A Husain (2011) “Seismic Pure Friction Base Isolation Performance Using Demolished Waste in Two-Storey Masonry Building,” Journal of Institution of Engineering, India, Vol. 91, February, 10-17.
11 M. Shariq, J. Prasad, and A. Masood (2013) “Studies in Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Of Concrete Containing GGBFS,” Science Direct, Elsevier Science Ltd Construction and Building Material, An International Journal, Vol. 40, 944-950. (Impact Factor: 3.169)
12 M. Shariq , J. Prasad, A. Masood and A.K. Ahuja, (2013) “Modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture and compressive strength relationships of concrete containing GGBFS,” Indian Concrete Journal, Bombay, India, Vol. 87, Issue 11, November, 53-60 (RG Impact Factor: 0.20)
13 T. Ahmad, M. Arif and A. Masood, (2014) “Experimental Investigations on Ferrocement Roof Slab System for Low Cost Housing”, Global Research Analysis, ISSN NO. 2277-8610, Vol. 2, Issue 9, September, 2013.
14 T. Ahmad, M. Arif and A. Masood (2014) “Experimental Investigations on Ferrocement Roof Slab System for Low Cost Housing”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, January, 2014, Volume 95,
Issue 1, pp 9-18.ISSN NO. 2250-2149.15 Amjad Masood, Fatemeh Soltanzadeh, Abdul Baqi and Mohd Shariq (2014). “Compressive Strength of Normal and High Strength Concrete with Polypropylene Fibers at Elevated Temperature”, International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering– IJCSE, Volume 1: Issue 2 [ISSN: 2372-3971], 25th June, 15-21.
16 Mohd Shariq, Fatemeh Soltanzadeh, Amjad Masood and Abdul Baqi (2014) “Tensile Normal and High Strength Concrete with Polypropylene Fibers at Elevated Temperature”, International Journal of Civil & Structural Engineering– IJCSE, Volume 1: Issue 2 [ISSN: 2372-3971], 25th June, 22-26
17 S.M. Talha, A. Masood, M. Arif and M. Shariq, (2016) “Effect of high temperature on high strength RC confined columns with steel fibers”, Point of View, Indian Concrete Journal, Vol. 90, No. 12, Dec. 2016, 60-66. (RG Impact Factor: 0.20)
18 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar and Amjad Masood (2017) “Properties of normal concrete, self–compacting concrete and glass fibre-reinforced self-compacting concrete- An experimental study”. Procedia Engineering (Elsevier) Vol. 173(C). pp 807-813.(cited by 11)
19 Subhan Ahmad, Arshad Umar and Amjad Masood (2017) “Influence of Polyvinyl Alcohol Fibres on Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete” SKIT Research Journal – An International Journal, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 48-52.
20 A. Masood, M. Shariq, M. Masroor Alam, T. Ahmad and A. Beg, (2018) “Effect of elevated temperature on the residual properties of quartzite, granite and basalt aggregate concrete” Journal of Institution of Engineers, India, Series A, Springer, Sept., 2018, 99(3):485–494,
21 Subhan Ahmad, Mohammad Nayeem, Arshad Umar, Amjad Masood, “Performance of self-compacting concrete at room and after elevated temperature incorporating admixtures”, Advances in Concrete Construction - An International Journal, TECHNO Press, Volume 7, Number 1, February 2019, 31-37, doi:
22 M.S. Rais, M. Shariq, A. Masood, A. Umar and M. M. Alam, An experimental and analytical investigation into age-dependent strength of fly ash mortar at elevated temperature, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 222, (2019) 300-311. (Impact Factor: 4.046)
23 S. Pal, M. Shariq, H. Abbas, A.K. Pandit and A. Masood, Strength characteristics and microstructure of hooked-end steel fiber reinforced concrete containing fly ash, bottom ash and their combination, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 247, (2020) 118530. (Impact Factor: 4.046)
24 M. Shariq, A.A. Khan, A. Masood, A. Arif and A. Baqi, Experimental and analytical study of flexural response of RC beams with steel fibers after elevated temperature, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transaction of Civil Engineering, Springer, (2020). (Impact Factor: 0.8)
25 M.S. Khan, M. Shariq, S. Akhtar and A. Masood, “Performance of high volume fly ash concrete after exposure to elevated temperature”, Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Springer, (2020) 56, 781-794, (Impact Factor: 0.692)
26 A. Rehman, A. Masood S. Akhtar, S.M. Ibrahim and M. Shariq, (2021) “Experimental and numerical investigation into flexural bond strength of RC beams exposed to elevated temperature”, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 282, 3 May 2021, 122630