M.Tech., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Environmental Engineering, Water and Wastewater Treatment
350, Road 6, Iqra Colony, Aligarh 202002
Dr. Farrukh Basheer has been a member of the faculty of Department of Civil Engineering at Aligarh Muslim University since 2011. He received a B.Tech. in Civil Engineering and M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University. He received PhD degree from Aligarh Muslim University in 2012. Throughout his academic career Dr. Basheer has been an active researcher, and has undertaken research particularly in the area of biological wastewater treatment. He has authored over 30 publications. Presently he is involved in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate environmental engineering courses. Dr. Basheer got four projects from different government funding agency in his early career namely UGC start-up grant, TEQIP-II Seed Money and Early Career Research Award (ECRA) Project, DST-SERB. Dr. Basheer recently has received core research grant from Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) Department of Science and Technology Government of India for a period of 3 years (2021-2024)
- Publication
- Mohd Imran Siddiqui, Hasan Rameez, Izharul Haq Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer. “Aeration control strategy design based on dissolved oxygen and redox potential profiles for nitrogen and phosphorus removal from sewage in a sequencing batch reactor” Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier Volume 50, 2022, 103259 (SCI Impact Factor: 7.34)
- Asad Aziz , Hasan Rameez, Ashish Sengar, Diwakar Sharma, Izharul Haq Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer"Biogas production and nutrients removal from slaughterhouse wastewater using integrated anaerobic and aerobic granular intermittent SBRs – Bioreactor s stability and microbial dynamics" Science of the Total Environment 2022 (SCI Impact factor: 10.753)
- Farrukh Basheer, Asad Aziz, Diwakar Sharma, Ashish Sengar, Izharul Haq Farooqi. “Bioenergy production and slaughterhouse wastewater treatment in column type anaerobic sequencing batch reactor without any external mixer or gas/liquid recirculation”.Journal of Environmental Engineering. (ASCE) 2021., 147(3): 04021004 2021 (SCI Impact Factor 1.657)
- Khan, S.U.; Farooqi, I.H.; Usman, M.; Basheer, F. “Energy Efficient Rapid Removal of Arsenic in an Electrocoagulation Reactor with Hybrid Fe/Al Electrodes: Process Optimization Using CCD and Kinetic Modeling.” Water 2020, 12, 2876. (SCI Impact Factor: 3.103)
- Aziz A, Farrukh Basheer, Ashish Sengar, Irfanullah, Saif Ullah Khan, Izharul Haq Farooqi “Biological wastewater treatment (Anaerobic-Aerobic) technologies for safe discharge of treated slaughterhouse and meat processing wastewater” Science of the Total Environment, (Elsevier)686,2019 Pages 681-708 (SCI Impact Factor: 7.963)
- Saif Ullah Khan, Dar Tafazul Islam, Izharul Haq Farooqi, Sohail Ayub and Farrukh Basheer, “Hexavalent chromium removal in an electrocoagulation column reactor: Process Optimization using CCD, adsorption kinetics and pH modulated sludge formation” Process Safety and Environmental Protection, (Elsevier) 122, 2019, Pages 118-130 (SCI Impact Factor: 6.15)
- Ashish Sengar, Asad Aziz, Izharul Haq Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer, "Development of denitrifying phosphate accumulating and anammox micro-organisms in anaerobic hybrid reactor for removal of nutrients from low strength domestic sewage"Bioresource Technology,2018, (Elsevier) (SCI Impact Factor: 9.64)
- Ashish Sengar, Farrukh Basheer, Asad Aziz, Izharul Haq Farooqi "Aerobic granulation technology: Laboratory studies to full scale practices" Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) 2018 ( SCI Impact Factor: 9.297)
- IH Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer “Treatment of Adsorbable Organic Halide (AOX) from pulp and paper industry wastewater using aerobic granules in pilot scale SBR” Journal of Water Process Engineering, Elsevier 2017, 19: 60-66 (Impact Factor:5.48)
- I.H. Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer and Pradeepika Tiwari “Biodegradation of Methylene Blue Dye by Sequential Treatment using Anaerobic Hybrid Reactor and Submerged Aerobic Fixed Film Bioreactor” Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series A, Springer 2017 DOI: 10.1007/s40030-017-0251-x
- Farrukh Basheer, M.H. Isa, and I H Farooqi “"Biodegradation of o-Nitrophenol by Aerobic Granules with Glucose as co-substrate" Water Science and Technology , IWA U.K. 01/2012; 65(12):2132-9. ISSN Print: 0273-1223 (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.915)
- Farrukh Basheer and I. H.Farooqi “ Biodegradation of m-Cresol by aerobic granules in Sequencing Batch Reactor” Environmental Technology, Taylor and Francis, UK 2012; 33(16) 1847-1856 ISSN Print 0959-3330 (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.247)
- Farrukh Basheer, and I.H. Farooqi “Biodegradation of p-Cresol by Aerobic Granules in Sequencing Batch Reactor” Journal of Environmental Sciences, Elsevier 2012; 24(11) 2012-2018. ISSN: 1001-0742 (SCI, Impact Factor: 5.565)
- Farrukh Basheer and I H Farooqi “Development of aerobic granules in sequencing batch reactor with p-nitrophenol as sole carbon source” Journal of water Reuse and Desalination, IWA U.K. 05/2012; 1(2):22-32 ISSN Print: 2220-1319(SCI, Impact Factor: 3.154)
- Izharul Haq Farooqi, Farrukh Basheer and M. Hasnain. Isa, “Co - Degradation of Phenol and m- Cresols by Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor”, Water Science and Technology, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 73-79, 2007, IWA Publication UK ISSN Print: 0273-1223(SCI, Impact Factor: 1.915)
- CEC 2170 Air Pollution Control Devices I
- CEC 2170 Air Pollution Control Devices II I