Ph.D. (Structures) in Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
B-24, Medical Colony, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002 (U.P.) India.
Having 29 years teaching and research experience in the field of Civil Engineering specially Structural Engineering. Published/Cited more than 24 research papers in Journals/Conferences of National and International repute. Attended more than 28 Conferences/Workshops etc. in India and abroad. Organized seven Workshop/Conference/Faculty Training Programme as Secretary/Chairman/Coordinator. Supervised more than 26 MTech. dissertations and got published one book by a German Publisher. Completed one research project amounting Rs.15.00 lacs. Completed a number of consultancy works involving structural design, third party inspection and soil testing etc. Also involved in the lab testing of materials since last 20 years. Held administrative responsibilities like Assistant Proctor, Deputy Proctor and Warden etc. in the University administration. Acted as external examiner/ paper setter/member interview boards in different Universities/Colleges at U.G./P.G. Level and Public Service Commissions . Received Unified scholarship, National Merit scholarship, Gate scholarship and Rasheed Ahmad Sherwani Award during studentship.
- Key Publications
1. R.A. Khan, H. Varshney and I.K. Khan “Sustainable Use of Wastewater in Concrete Construction: A Review”, J. of Building Engineering, Vol. 41, Elsevier, Sept., 2021, 102411.
2. I.K. KHAN (2014), “Lateral Strength of Low Cost Clay Brick Masonry Wall Panels”, J. of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research, Vol. 1, No., 3, USA, Sept., pp.179-189.
3. I.K. Khan (2014), “Performance of Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Beam”, Int. J. of Science, Environment and Technology, India, Vol. 3, No. 3, June, pp. 836-840.
4. I.K. Khan (2014) “Bamboo Sticks as a Substitute of Steel Reinforcement in Slab”, Int. J. of Engineering and Management Research, India, Issue 2, Vol. 4, April 2014, pp 123-126.
5. I.K. Khan and H. Abbas (2011), “Static and Dynamic Response of Cost Effective Un reinforced Brick Masonry Buildings”, Int. J. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Wroclaw, Poland, Vol. XI, No. 4, pp 921-941.
6. I.K. Khan and M.S. Jafri (2015), “Performance of SFRC with Varying Mixes and Percentages of Fibres”, 3rd Int. Conf. Recent Treads in Engineering and Technology (ICRET’ 2015) organized by International Institute of Engineers at Holiday Inn, Istanbul, Turkey, Sept.2-3.
7. I.K. Khan and M.S. Jafri (2012), “Performance Study of Rice Husk Ash Concrete”,11th Int. Conf. on Concrete Engineering and Technology (CONCET 2012) at Centre for Innovative Construction Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 12-13.
8. I.K. Khan (2012), “Mechanical Properties of Low Cost Un-reinforced Brick Masonry”,11th Int. Conf. on Concrete Engineering and Technology (CONCET 2012) at Centre for Innovative Construction Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, June 12-13.
9. I.K. Khan and M.S. Jafri, (2011), “Behaviour of RC Slabs under Impact Load”, International Conference on “Recent Innovation in Technology”, Deptt. of Civil Engineering, RIT, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Feb. 10-12.
10. M.S. Jafri and I.K. Khan, (2011), “Behaviour of RC Beams under Impact Load”, International Conference on “Recent Innovation in Technology”, Deptt. of Civil Engineering, RIT, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Feb. 10-12.