Ph.D., M. Tech
Assistant Professor
Finite Element Analysis, Multi-Hazard Protection of Structures(Earthquake, Blast and Fire), Soil-Structure Interaction and Underground Construction in Soil and Rock
Minar-e-Syed, Umar Bagh, Aligarh
Time TableNew Time Table of session 20-21Time Table 21-22 Odd SemTime Table 22-23 Odd SemTime Table 24-25 Even Sem
Assistant Professor, ZHCET, AMU (Since February 2015)
Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee, 2014)"FE Analysis of Containment Structure subjected to Aircraft Crash"
M.Tech(IIT Roorkee,2010) Geotechnical Engg.
B.Tech (A.M.U., 2008) Civil Engineering
Research Paper Published: 100
International Journal (SCI): 50
Conferences: 37 Book Chapters: 11
Citations: 751(Scopus), 1101(Google) h-index: 18
Current Research Field: (1) Underground Structures (UGC Funded) (2) Extreme loading on RC Structures (3) Deep foundations
Reviewer in Journal:
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Elsevier
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno Press, Korea
Polymer Composite, Wiley
Thin walled structures, Elsevier
J. of Inst. of Engineers, Elsevier
Membership of Technical Associations: 4 (a) IGS (b) WASET (c) IAPS (D) IAGR
Honours / Awards: Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, Sep 2015, PNUCENE, Elsevier Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing, May 2015, NED, Elsevier
Institute fellowship at IIT Roorkee during doctoral research (2010-2014), MHRD fellowship during M. Tech (2008-10)
- Research Publication Details
For more details please visit:
Google Scholar page:
Scopus Author Profile: Profile:
ResearchGate page:
Research Collaborations:
1. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, IN.
2. CSIR - CBRI, Roorkee, IN.
3. Universiti Teknologi Petronas Malaysia
4. King Saud University, Riyad, KSA
- Journal Publications
M.A. Iqbal, S. Rai, M. R. Sadique, P. Bhargava; Numerical simulation of aircraft crash on nuclear containment structure, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier, 243,2012 (SCI Indexed, IF 1.541, Scopus Citation 38)
M. R. Sadique, Md Sadique Nawab, Understanding Post-Failure Response of Squeezing Tunnels and Mitigation, International Journal of Global Technology Initiatives, 1, 2012, (ISSN: 2277-6591, IF 0.5)
M.R. Sadique, M.A. Iqbal, P.Bhargava, Nuclear containment structure subjected to commercial and fighter Aircraft crash, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier, 260,2013 (SCI Indexed, IF 1.541, Citation 36)
M.A Iqbal, M.R. Sadique P. Bhargava, N. M. Bhandari, Damage Assessment of Nuclear Containment Against Aircraft Crash, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Elsevier, 278,2014 (SCI Indexed, IF 1.541, Citation 13)
M.R. Sadique, M.A Iqbal, P. Bhargava, Crash analysis of military aircraft on nuclear containment, , Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Techno Press, 53(1), 2015, (SCI Indexed, IF 2.804, Scopus Citation
M.R. Sadique, A. Rawsan M.A. Iqbal, P. Bhargava, Behavior of Critical RCC Structures under Crash Induced Fire, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, 2(14), 2015 pp. 67-72, ISSN: 2349-8404
A Rawsan, MA Iqbal, M.R. Sadique, Safety Analysis of Nuclear Containment Structure against Aircraft Crash and Induced Fire, Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research, 2(9), 2015 pp. 778-785 (ISSN: 2350-0077)
M.R. Sadique, MA Iqbal, P Bhargava, Impact Analysis of Fighter Jet Near the Nuclear Containment Base, Procedia Engineering, Elsevier, 173, 1342-1348, 2017 (Scopus Citation 2)
M. A. Khan, M. R. Sadique, M. M. Alam, Stress Analysis of Tunnel in Soft Soil: A State of Art Report, International Journal of Advance Research in Science 6 (Special issue 03) 181-95, 2017
S Ahmed, M. R. Sadique, VA Sawant, Response of Pile foundation to Horizontal Load: A Review, International Journal of Advance Research in Science 6 (Special Issue 03) 171-76, 2017
Mohd. Khubaib Altamush, Imran Alam, Abdul Baqi, M. R. Sadique, Finite element analysis of dog-legged stair-case, International Journal for Science and Advance Research In Technology, 2(5), 396-98
Mohammad Zaid, A. Talib, M. R. Sadique, “Stability Analysis of Rock Slope having Transmission Tower”, IJRECE, 6: (2), (2018)
M. R. Sadique, M.A. Iqbal, A. Rawsan, P. Bhargava, Response of RCC structure against crash and induced fire, Thin Walled Structures, Elsevier, 126, 182-192, 2018, (SCI Indexed, IF 3.488, Scopus Citation 2)
M. W. Naqvi, M. F. Akhtar, Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, “Effect of Superstructure on the Stability of Underground Tunnels”, Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 8: (1), 114-142, (2020)
Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, M. Samanta, “Effect of Unconfined Compressive Strength on Dynamic Response of Shallow Rock Tunnel”, SN Applied Sciences, 2(12): (1-13), (2020)
Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, M. M. Alam, M. Samanta, “Effect of Shear zone orientation on the stability of rock tunnel subjected to blast loading”, Geomechanics and Engineering,
(23, 245), (2020)17
Mohammad Zaid and M. R. Sadique, “Numerical Modelling of Internal Blast Loading on a Rock Tunnel”, Advances in Computational Design, 5: (4), (2020)
Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, “The response of rock tunnel when subjected to blast loading: Finite element analysis”, Engineering Reports, 2021;3:e12293.
Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, “Blast resistant behaviour of tunnels in sedimentary rocks”, International Journal of Protective Structures, First Published August 20, 2020
Mohammad Zaid, M. R. Sadique, M. M. Alam, “Blast analysis of tunnels in Manhattan-Schist and Quartz-Schist using coupled-Eulerian–Lagrangian method”, Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 6: (2), 1-10 (2021)
Mohammad Zaid and M. R. Sadique, “A simple approximate simulation using Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) Simulation in investigating effects of internal blast in rock tunnel”, Indian Geotechnical , Accepted, (2021)
M. A. Khan, M. R. Sadique, I. H. Harahap, Mohammad Zaid, M. M. Alam, “Static and Dynamic Analysis of the Shielded Tunnel in Alluvium Soil with 2D FEM Model”, Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, Accepted (2021)