Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee), M.Tech., B.Tech. (AMU),
Associate Professor
Structural concrete, Creep and shrinkage of concrete, Behavior of concrete at elevated temperature, Cementitious/Sustainable concrete; Geopolymer concrete
4/77 A-1, Kabir Colony, Anupshahar Road Aligarh
Dr. Mohd Shariq is Associate Professor in the Department. He did his B.Tech and M.Tech. (Structural Engg.) from AMU and Ph.D. (Structural Engg.) from IIT Roorkee. He worked as a 'Research Assistant' in the Department on the DRDO project entitled 'Analysis of Projectile Impact Problems' sponsored by the Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India from July 2001 to June 2002. His research areas are structural concrete, long-term properties of admixture-based concrete, concrete at elevated temperature, sustainable concrete. He has published research papers in various International and National journals and conferences such as Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Cement and Concrete Composites (Elsevier), Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier), Building and Environment (Elsevier), Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (Elsevier), Structures (Elsevier), Magazine of Concrete Research, Computers & Concrete (Techno-Press), Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer), Journal of Institution of Engineers India (Springer), Indian Concrete Journal, Journal of Structural Engineering (SERC), etc. He is the reviewer of ACI Materials Journal, Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier), Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier), Engineering Structures (Elsevier), Structures ( Elsevier), Journal of Building Engineering (Elsevier), Propulsion and Power Research (Elsevier), Computers & Concrete (Techno Press), Advances in Concrete Construction ( Techno Press), International Journal of Pavement Engineering (Taylor & Francis), International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (Springer), etc. Dr. Shariq is a life member of Indian Concrete Institute (Ghaziabad Center), The Indian Science Congress Association, The Institution of Engineers (India), Indian Society for Construction Materials and Structures, Indian Society for Applied Mechanics, Indian Society of Wind Engineering, Indian Geotechnical Society (Delhi Chapter). Granted Australian Patent No. 2021101312 “A Method for Preparing Modified Cement and Evaluating Mechanical and Chemical Properties” by the Patent Office, IP Australia, Government of Australia on May 5th, 2021.
- Key Publication
Amer Hassan, Mohammed Arif and M. Shariq, A Review of Properties and Behaviour of Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Structural Elements- A Clean Technology Option for Sustainable Development, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 245, (2020) 118762. (Impact Factor: 11.072)
Amer Hassan, Mohammed Arif and M. Shariq, Use of geopolymer concrete for a cleaner and sustainable environment - A review of mechanical properties and microstructure, Journal of Cleaner Production, Elsevier, 223, (2019) 704-728. (Impact Factor: 11.072)
M. Shariq, J. Prasad and H. Abbas, Creep and drying shrinkage of concrete containing GGBFS, Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier, 68 (2016) 35-45. (Impact Factor: 9.930)
M. Shariq, H. Abbas, H. Irtaza and M. Qamaruddin, Influence of openings on seismic performance of masonry building walls, Building & Environment, Elsevier, 43 (2008) 1232-1240. (Impact Factor: 7.093)
Mohd Shariq, Jagdish Prasad and H. Abbas, Effect of GGBFS on age dependent static modulus of elasticity of concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 41(2013) 411-418. (Impact Factor: 7.693)
Mohd Shariq, Jagdish Prasad, and Amjad Masood, Studies in ultrasonic pulse velocity of concrete containing GGBFS, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 40(2013) 944-950. (Impact Factor: 7.693)
M. Shariq, J. Prasad and A. Masood, Effect of GGBFS on time dependent compressive strength of concrete, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 24(2010) 1469-1478. (Impact Factor: 7.693)
M.S. Rais, M. Shariq, A. Masood, A. Umar and M.M. Alam, An experimental and analytical investigation into age-dependent strength of fly ash mortar at elevated temperature, Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier, 222 (2019) 300-311. (Impact Factor: 7.693)
M. Shariq, H. Abbas and J. Prasad, Effect of magnitude of sustained loading on the long-term deflection of RC beams, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Elsevier/Springer, Vol. 19, No. 3, (2019) 779-791. (Impact Factor: 4.042)
Mohd Shariq, Jagdish Prasad and Husian Abbas, Long-term deflection of RC beams containing GGBFS, Magazine of Concrete Research, 65(24), 2013, 1441-1462. (Impact Factor: 2.460)