Structural Dynamics, Wind Engineering, Earthquake Engineering
A-4, Dilshad Colony, Dhorra, Aligarh
Time TableTime Table 2020-2021 (B.E. & B.Tech)Time Table 2020-2021 (B.E. & B.Tech) Autumn Semester
Prof. Shakeel Ahmad did B. Tech (Civil) in 1983 from AMU with I (Hons), M.Tech (Civil) in 1986 I (Gold Medal) from IIT, Roorkee and Ph.D (Str.) in 2001 from IIT, Rookee. Presently he is working as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, AMU, Aligarh. He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals and conferences like Wind and Structures an International Journal, Wind Engineering and Industrial aerodynamics, Journal of Wind Engineering and science, Journal of Engineering structures, Elsevier science, Journal of Building and construction Elsevier science, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, International journal of Engineering science and Technology etc. He has presented many papers in India and Abroad. He was reviewer for international Journals like Elsevier etc. He was invited in Korea and Dubai for chairing the sessions. Also, he has been invited in UPPSC for conducting interview for Civil Engineers from last fifteen years. He has been invited In UPSC, New Delhi since last fifteen years for evaluating Engineering services & Civil Services paper Evaluation. Prof. Ahmad has been awarded the Best Paper Award from Indian Society for Wind Engineering (2004) ,John C Gammon Prize by Institution of Engineers (2011)and architectural subject prize from Institution of engineers in Indian Engineering congress (2013) and two government research project from AICTE and UGC SAP (Special Assistance Programme). He has guided two Ph.D. Scholars and others are processing.
- Publication
Refereed Journals
1. A.M.C. Srivastava and Shakeel Ahmad (1988) "Geopotential Coefficients for Indian Geoid" Journal, Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Vol. IX No.2, pp 79-84.
2. Shakeel Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (2001)" Interference effects on wind loads on low-rise hip roof buildings", Journal of Engineering Structures, Elsevier B.V., Arnsterdarn, Netherlands Vol. 23, pp 1577-1589.
3. Shakeel Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (2002)"Wind pressures on Iow-rise hip roof buildings", Wind & Structures an International Journal, S. Korea Vol. 5 No. 6 pp 493-514
4. Shakeel Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (2002)"Effect of geometry on wind pressures on Iow-rise hip roof buildings", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, Elsevier B. V., Amsterdam, Netherlands Vol 90, No. 7 pp 755-779
5. Shakeel Ahmad and Krishen Kumar (2005) “Design wind pressure coefficients on low-rise hip roof buildings” Journal of wind and Engineering, Vol.2, No.1 pp 22-32
6. Shakeel Ahmad and Sabih Akhtar (2005), “Artificial Neural Network for Wind Loads on Low-Rise Hip Roof Buildings” Journal Institution of Engineers (India) Vol. 85, February 2005, pp 228-235.
7. M. Qamaruddin, Shakeel Ahmad (2007) “Seismic response of pure Friction masonry structure with restricted base sliding” Journal of Engineering Research, Vol. 4, No.1 pp 84-92
8. Shakeel Ahmad, K. Ali and M. Qamaruddin (2007),” Seismic Response of Restricted Base Sliding Single storey Masonry Building- An Experimental Study, Journal, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.88, August 2007, pp 34-40.
9. Shakeel Ahmad, Farrukh Ghani and M. Raghib adil (2009),” Seismic Friction Base Isolation Performance Using Demolished Waste in Masonry Building” Journal of Construction and building materials, 23 (2009) pp 146-152, Elsevier B. V., Amsterdam.
10 Shakeel Ahmad (2008),” Suppression of Wind Induced Vibrations Using Tuned Mass Damper” Journal of Wind and Engineering, Vol.5, No.1 January 2008, pp.29-38
11 J.N. Akhtar, J. Alam and Sh. Ahmad (2008),”The Influence of Randomly Oriented Hair Fibre and Lime on the CBR Value of Dadri Fly Ash” Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.9, No.5, pp 505-512.
12 J.N. Akhtar and Shakeel Ahmad (2009),” The Effect of Randomly Oriented Hair Fiber on Mechanical Properties of Fly-Ash Based Hollow Block for Low Height Masonry Structures, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 10 No. 2
13 Shakeel Ahmad, Amjad Masood and Afzal Husain (2011), “Seismic Pure Friction Base Isolation Performance Using Demolished Waste in Two-Storey Masonry Building” Journal, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.91, pp 10-17.
14 Shakeel Ahmad, Farrukh Ghani and Muzammil Hasan (2011),” Use of Waste Human Hair as Fibre Reinforcement in Concrete”, Journal, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol.91, February 2011, pp 43-49.
15 Shakeel Ahmad, M. Muzzammil and Isam Zaheer (2011),” Numerical Prediction Of Wind Loads on Low Buildings”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.5 pp 59-72.
H. Irtaza, S. Ahmad and T Pandey (2011),” 2D study of wind forces around multiple cooling towers using computational fluid dynamics techniques”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 116-134, ISSN: 2141-2820 (print), 2141-2839 (online).
17 S. Ahmad, A Husain, F. Ghani and M.N. Alam (2014), “use of solid waste (foundry slag) mortar and bamboo reinforcement in seismic analysis for single storey masonry building” Journal, Institution of Engineers (India), Vol. 94(4), pp 263-269.
18 Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan Ahmad Khan, Hina Gupta. (2014) Seismic Performance of a Masonry Heritage Structure, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2014, pp -335-340.
19 Shakeel Ahmad, Md. Ehtasham Ansari, Hina Gupta. (2014) Dynamic Response of Plane Frame Buildings Subjected to Tornado Loads, IOSR-JMCE Journal e-ISSN: 2278-1684, p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 4, 2014 pp 63-69.
20 M. Daniyal, S. Ahmad (2015) Application of waste ceramic tile aggregates in concrete. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Technology 4(12), 2015.
21 S. Ahmad, RA Khan, M. Daniyal (2015) Solid waste (ceramic tiles) as a replacement for concrete aggregate. Journal of Solid Waste Technology & Management 41(4), 2015 pp 216-225.
22. Amna sarfraz, Rehan A Khan, Shakeel Ahmad (2017) Seismic vulnerability of irregular buildings. Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology 4(1), 2017 pp 39-44.
23 Kamran, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan A Khan (2017) “Seismic Performance of a Heritage School Building”, Procedia Engineering Elsevier 173(2017) 1763-1770
24 Saba Shamim, Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan A. Khan (2019), “Finite Element Analysis of Masonry Wall Subjected To Blast Loading”. International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE), ISSN(p) 2394-2827.
25 Saba Shamim, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan Khan (2020), “Numerical Modelling of Masonry Panel Subjected to Surface Blast Loading”. Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume- XII, Issue- V11, pp. 846-857.
26 Saba Shamim, Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan A. Khan (2020), “Homogenous Finite Element Modelling and Seismic Analysis of a Massive Unreinforced Masonry Heritage Building and its Proposed Rehabilitation”. International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Volume-8, Issue-6, pp. 1170-1175.
27 Saba Shamim, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan Khan (2020), “An Investigation on Response of Blast Load on Masonry Structure”. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 58,
28 Hadee Mohammed Najm and Shakeel Ahmad (2020). “Mechanical Performance Evaluation of Concrete with Waste Coarse Ceramic Aggregate”. In Smart Cities—Opportunities and Challenges (Pp. 593-605). Springer, Singapore. https://Doi.Org/10.1007/978-981-15-2545-2_49,
29 Hadee Mohammed Najm and Shakeel Ahmad (2021). “The Effect of Metallic and Non-Metallic Fiber on the Mechanical Properties of Waste Ceramic Concrete”. Innovative Infrastructure Solution. 6, 204.
30 Hadee Mohammed Najm and Shakeel Ahmad (2021). “The Effect of Hybrid Fiber on the Mechanical Performance of Waste Ceramic Concrete”. Manuscript submitted to the journal of Engineering and Applied Science Research for Publication.
31 Hadee Mohammed Najm and Shakeel Ahmad (2021). “Effect of Elevated Temperatures Exposure on the Mechanical Properties of Waste Ceramic Concrete Reinforced with Hybrid Fibers Materials”. Manuscript accepted in Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences.
32 Hadee Mohammed Najm and Shakeel Ahmad (2021). “Mechanical Performance of Concrete Made with Waste Ceramic Materials”. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of the Innovative Infrastructure Solution for Publication (under Review).
33 Hadee Mohammed, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan Ahmad Khan (2021). “Experimental Investigations on the Seismic Response of Waste Optimal Ceramic Reinforced Concrete Frame Model”. Manuscript in progress.
34 Hadee Mohammed, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan Ahmad Khan (2021). “Experimental & numerical Investigations on the Seismic Response of Waste Optimal Ceramic Reinforced Concrete Frame Model”. Manuscript in progress.
National/ International Conference/Seminar/Workshop/Symposia
1. Shakeel Ahmad and A.M.C. Srivastva: (1988)"Assessment of highest flood level", Proceedings of the U.G.C. national seminar on flood conservation and drainage works in Uttar Pradesh, M.M.M. Engineering College Gorakhpur Jan. 1-2 pp 54-57.
2. Shakeel Ahmad and R.D. Gupta (1992)"Performance measures of Gumbel EV-I distribution using Monte Carlo Tests", Proceedings of the VIII APD IAHR, Pune pp A-44l-450.
3. Mohd. Athar, Shakeel Ahmad and Umesh Bansal: (1995)"A comparative study of flow characteristics of non-concentric orifice plates", Proceeding of the 22nd National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power, IIT Madras pp 349-357.
4. M.B. Ahmad, ShakeeI Ahmad and Sabih akhtar: (1995)"Along wind response of high- rise buildings", Proceeding National Seminar on high-rise structures design and construction practices for middle level cities, Allahabad, Nov .14-16, pp II-59-67.
5. Amjad Masood, ShakeeI Ahmad and Mehboob A. Khan: (1995)"Analysis and design of talI cylinder Iatticed steel tower under wind effect", proceeding, National Seminar on high-rise structures design and construction practices for middle level cities, Allahabad, Nov.14-16, pp VIII-28-39.
6. M.B. Ahmad, ShakeeI Ahmad and Sabih Akhtar: (1996)"A CAD package for along wind analysis of framed structures", Proceedings, First National Conference on computer aided structural analysis and design Hyderabad, Jan-3-5, pp 151- 157.
7. ShakeeI Ahmad, Sabih Akhtar and SuniI K. Saraswat: (1997)"Variation of Gust Factor along high-rise Latticed steel tower under wind effect", Proceedings of the International conference on Civil Engineering for sustainable development, University of Roorkee, Feb.13-15 Vol II, pp 463-469.
8. Sabih Akhtar, ShakeeI Ahmad, Amjad Masood and Nadeem Ahmad: (1997)"Comparison of along wind response of high rise buildings by Davenport and EmiI Simiu Methods", Proceedings of the International conference on Civil Engineering for sustainable development, University of Roorkee, Feb.13-15 Vol II, pp 483-495.
9. Muzzammil, Shakeel Ahmad, A.G. Ghafoori and Manish Gupta (1997),”Effect of Channel Characteristics on Muskingum Parameters” Proceedings, 24th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid power, Dec. 26-28, pp D6-D12
10. ShakeeI Ahmad, Sabih Akhtar, Shamim A. Khan and M.B. Ahmad: (1999)"Analysis of tall circular towers with constant diameter under wind effect", Proceeding, International Conference on advances in structural engineering SERC, Ghaziabad, pp 47-53.
11 ShakeeI Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (1999)"Wind pressure coefficients on TTU building- A mathematical model", Proceedings, specialist conference on ms & Structural Engineering, Putra University, Malaysia July 19-22.
12. ShakeeI Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (1999)"Neural Network Modeling of wind induced pressures on Texas Tech Experimental Building", proceeding of the National Seminar on wind Engineering, I.I.K. Kharagpur Dec. 2-4, pp 111- 118.
13. ShakeeI Ahmad and Krishen Kumar: (2000)"Effect of roof pitch on wind pressures on hip roof', Proceedings 4th Co1liquium on Bluff Body aerodynamics, Bochem, Germany 11-14.
14. Shakeel Ahmad (2001),”Housing in cyclone prone areas” proceeding Workshop on disaster awareness and management, AMU Aligarh pp 75-93.
15. Shakeel Ahmad (2002),”Artificial Neural Network modeling for wind loads”, proceedings National workshop on wind effects on buildings and structures, AMU Aligarh pp 132-150.
16. Sabih akhtar and Shakeel Ahmad (2002),”A comparison of codal provisions for wind loads on buildings” proceedings National workshop on wind effects on buildings and structures, AMU Aligarh pp 185-192.
17. Shakeel Ahmad, Krishen Kumar and Iqbal Khalil Khan (2002),”Model/Full-sacle comparison on the roof of the Texas Tech University (TTU) experimental building” proceeding National conference on wind engineering, IIT Roorkee, PP 432-444
18. Shakeel Ahmad, Krishen Kumar and Hassan Irtaza (2002),”Effect of wind direction on interference amongst low-rise hip roof buildings”, proceeding National conference on wind engineering, IIT Roorkee, PP 228-234
19. Shakeel Ahmad and Sabih Akhtar (2002),”Variation effect of parameters influencing along wind response of high-rise buildings”, proceedings National conference on wind engineering, IIT Roorkee, PP 235-242
20. M. Qamaruddin, S. Ahmad, H.Irtaza and S.M.Waseem (2002), “Seismic response of multi-storey structures with restricted base sliding” Proceeding, International conference on Advances and new challenges in earthquake engineering research, Hablin, Hong-Kong, China pp 471-479
Shakeel Ahmad, H.Irtaza, M. Qamaruddin and M. Nadeemul Hoda (2002), “Seismic response of single-storey structure with restricted base sliding”, proceeding, 12 symposium on earthquake engineering , IIT Roorkee pp-1429-1440.
22. Shakeel Ahamd, Sabih Akhtar and Arman Rasool (2004),”Artificial Neural Network application for defection on high rise buildings” Second National Conference on Wind engineering, Nagpur, Feb. 12-14 2004 , pp- 436-446
23. Shakeel Ahmad, M.Qamaruddin, Hassan Irtaza and M. Zafarul Islam (2004),”Response of Multi-Storey Masonry Building Subjected to Bi-directional Earthquake Ground Motions”, Proceedings, 13th Earthquake World Conference, August 1-4, 2004 ,Canada, Paper No. 236
24. Shakeel Ahmad (2004), “Effect of wind direction on wind pressures on low-rise 20o hip roof buildings, Proceedings, CONSTRUCT 2004, 3-4 Feb, 2004 held at St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Kannayakumari, Tamilnadu, India
25 Shakeel Ahmad (2004),”Effect of roof pitch and wind direction on wind pressures on low-rise hip roof buildings”, Advanced Structure & Engineering Mechanics Conference to be held 2-4 September 2004 at Seoul, S.Korea
26 M. Qamaruddin, S. Ahmad, Z. Ahmad and M.A. Beg (2004), “Response of Single Storey Masonry Buildings with sliding sub-structure subjected to Bi-directional Earthquake Ground Motions”, Proc. Of JSSI 10th Anniversary International Symposium on Performance of Response controlled Buildings, November17-19, 2004, Yokohama, Japan
27 M. Qamaruddin, S. Ahmad (2005),”Response of pure friction seismic isolated masonry buildings subjected to bi-directional earthquake ground motions”, Proceedings, 9th World Seminar on seismic Isolation, Energy dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures, Kobe, Japan, June 13-16, 2005.
28 Shakeel Ahmad, M. Rashid Khan and SQA Naqvi (2005),” suppression of dynamic responses using tuned mass damper-Part-I”, Proceeding, International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS, 2005 Nov. 20-22, Nanjing, China, Vol.2 pp 1715-1727
29 Shakeel Ahmad, M. Rashid Khan and SQA Naqvi (2005),” suppression of dynamic responses using tuned mass damper-Part-II”, Proceeding, International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS, 2005 Nov. 20-22, Nanjing, China, Vol-3 pp 1728-1738
30 Shakeel Ahmad and Ahmad Rehan Usmani (2005),” Comparison of Indian code with American Concrete Institute (ACI) code for circular concrete chimney responses” Proceeding, Third National Conference on Wind Engineering, Jan 5-7, 2006 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
31 Shakeel Ahmad and M. Ghalib (2006),” Torsional Response of Building Structures to Seismic Forces” Proceeding, National conference on Earthquake Disaster Technology and Management 11-12 Feb, 2006 held at Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad.
32 Shakeel Ahmad and M. Nadeem Ahmad (2006),”Artificial Neural Network application for dynamic responses” proceedings Fifth International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE5) , Tehran, 14-16 May 2007
33 Shakeel Ahmad, M.M. Quadri and M. Qamaruddin (2006), “Torsional Response of Building Structures to random ground excitation” proceeding 13SEE held at IIT Roorkee, Dec 18-20, 2006, Vol II pp 727-735.
34 Arshad Umar, Shakeel Ahmad and Faizanullah Khan (2007), ‘Dynamic Analysis of Slack Mooring system under wave and wind excitations’, proceeding, National conference on Civil Engineering: Advancement and challenges (CEAC-2007), Department of Civil Engineering, Maharishi Markendeshwar Engg. College, Mullana (Ambala) held on 9-10 March 2007.
35 Shakeel Ahmad and M. Nadeem Ahmad (2007).”Artificial Neural Network Modeling for Earthquake Magnitude and Random Ground Excitations” proceedings, International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS, 2007 Nov. 28-30, Shanghai, China, Paper No. 267
36 Shakeel Ahmad, M. Muzzammil and Isam Zaheer (2007), “Numerical Prediction of Wind Loads on low Buildings”, Paper accepted for presentation in NCWE-07 to be held at SERC, Chinnai on 30th Oct. to 1st Nov., 2007.
37 Shakeel Ahmad and M.M. Quadri (2008),” Torsional Response of Building structures to seismic forces” Proceedings, The Second National Conference on "Focusing on Advances in Civil Engineering" (FACE 08), TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, 21 - 23 February, pp 21-27.
38 Shakeel Ahmad, Farrukh Ghani and M. Raghib adil (2008),” Utilization of recycled Solid waste in building construction”, Proceeding, All India seminar on advances in environmental science and Technology, organized by The institution of Engineers (India), pp 419-428.
39 Shakeel Ahmad, Farrukh Ghani, J.N. Akhtar and M. Hasan (2009),” Use of waste Human hair as fibre reifocement in concrete”, Proceeding, International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of structures in Civil Engineering, ISISS, 2009, held at Guangzhou, China (Paper No. 341) November 28-30.
40. Shakeel Ahmad and M. Ehtesham Ansari (2009),”Response of Transmission Towers Subjected to Tornado Loads”, proceedings in VII- Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, held at Taipei, Taiwan (Paper ID: 10203) Nov. 8-12, 2009.
41. Shakeel Ahmad, Altamash Raza, Hina Gupta. (2014) Mechanical Properties of Bamboo Fibre Reinforced Concrete. 2nd International Conference on Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICRSET’2014), Dubai (UAE), pp.189-193.
42. Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan Ahmad Khan, Hina Gupta. (2014) Seismic Analysis of a Masonry Heritage School Building. 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, ISBN 978-93-5174-119-0.
43. Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan Ahmad Khan, Md Daniyal (2015) Solid Waste (Ceramic Tiles) as a replacement for Concrete Aggregate, 13th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology & Management, held at Widener University, Philadelphia, PA USA from March 15-18,2015.
44.Shakeel Ahmad, Rehan Ahmad khan, Kamran and Mohammad Asad (2016) Seismic Performance and Rettrofitting Of Masonry Heritage Building, Structural Engineering convention 2016 at Taramani, Chinnai from 21-23 December.
45. S. Ahmad, R.A. Khan, S. Shamim and M. Asad (2018): Experimental and Analytical study of Seismic low-cost retrofitted masonry building, 10th Australasian Masonry conference , Sydney 11th Feb to 14th Feb, 2018.
46. Saba Shamim, Rehan A. Khan, Shakeel Ahmad (2019), “Rel?ab?l?ty Analys?s of Grav?ty Dam Under Se?sm?c Forces”. Proceeding Of National Conference On Water Resources Management (WRM2019), March 15 - 16, 2019 Civil Engineering Department, A.M.U., Aligarh.
47. Saba Shamim, Shakeel Ahmad and Rehan Khan (2019), “An Investigation on Response of Blast Load on Masonry Structure”. Proceedings of the international conference on smart cities- opportunities and challenges. March 14-16, 2019, JMI, New Delhi. (Accepted)
48. Hadee Mohammed and Shakeel Ahmad (2019), “Mechanical performance evaluation of concrete with waste coarse ceramic aggregates”. Proceedings of the international conference on smart cities- opportunities and challenges. March 14-16, 2019, JMI, New Delhi. (Accepted)
Hadee Mohammed and Shakeel Ahmad (2021) , "Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation & Prediction the Mechanical Properties of Waste Ceramic Optimal Concrete"Proceedings ofthe 3rd Annual International Conference on Innovative Engineering Intelligent System Integration held from 29-30 July -2021 (ICISI-2021) Ajeenkya DY Patil University, Charholi (BK.), Pune, India.(Accepted inJournal of Oriental Research Madras).Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation & Prediction of the Mechanical Properties of Waste Ceramic Optimal Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature"50Hadee Mohammed and Shakeel Ahmad (2021) , "Proceedings ofthe International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering held from 24-26 September -2021 (Yukthi 2021) Government Engineering College Kozhikode, Kerala - India.(Accepted inMaterial Today: Proceedings).