Prof. Anwar Sadat

    Ph. D., M.Tech




    Electronic Instrumentation





    Even semester 2022-23

Presently Principal Investigator of a research project entitled, Development of quick and inexpensive instrument for assessment of adulteration in milk, sanctioned by CSIR, New Delhi of amount about 20 Lakhs. Successfully completed in 2005 another research project entitled, Analytical/quick test system for determining the composition of the oil blends, by CSIR, New Delhi of amount Rs.16.00 lacs. Supervised one Ph. D. entitled, Development of Electronic Techniques for Studying the Characteristics of Eatable Items, which was completed on 14.03.2015. Published 9 research papers in international journals of good Impact Factor and 12 papers published in proceeding of various national and international conferences. All Citations 75, h-index: 3 and i10-index: 2 from google scholar. Contributed one chapter, 6H-SiC Based Power VJFET and Its Temperature Dependence, in book, Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness in Heterogeneous Networks. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2013, ISSN 1867-8211, ISBN 978-3-642-37949-9, Volume 115, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-37949-9_28, pp 325-332, Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Awarded best paper in the technical session (IMPACT 2013). Chair Tech. session in AFHAFBC-2014, held in J. N. U., New Delhi Co-Chair Technical session IMPACT-2009 held in AMU. Reviewer of IEEE Pervasive computing Journal and Journal of food engineering, Elsevier Science Journal. Teaching experience more than 18 years. Designed two courses Industrial Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics & Instrumentation. Taught two Post Graduate Courses (M. Tech.) Advance Microprocessor system & design, Advance Electronics instrumentation.
  1. Publication
    1. Pallavi Gupta, Anwar Sadat & M. J. R. Khan, “An Optoelectromechanical Sensor for Detecting Adulteration in Anhydrous milk fat”, IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, Vol. 14, No. 9, September 2014, ISSN: 1530-437X, Impact factor: 1.852, pp2930-2931.


    1. Anwar Sadat, “Determining the Adulteration of Diesel by an Optical Method” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 100– No.13, August 2014. 



    1. Anwar Sadat, “Electronic Technique for the Determination of Added Water to Milk”, INROADS- An International Journal of Jaipur National University
      Volume 3, Issue 1s,  Year  March  2014, Pages 94-96, ISSN : 2277-4904, Journal DOI: 10.5958/j.2277-4912


    1. Anwar Sadat , Pallavi Gupta &  M. J. R. Khan “Acoustic attenuation technique for the detection of adulteration in milk”, Special issue on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering, Published by International Journal of Computer Applications (IJCA), Number 1, year of publication 2011, New York, USA, Pages 1-2, ISBN:978-93-80865-61-7, ISSN 0975-8887, Impact factor 0.835.


    1. Anwar Sadat & Iqbal A. Khan, “A Novel technique for the measurement of liquid viscosity”, Journal of Food Engineering, Published by Elsevier’s Science Ltd, Oxford, England, Volume 80, Issue 4, June 2007, Pages 1194-1198. Impact Factor: 2.845, ISSN: 0260-8774, Cited: 12.


    1. Anwar Sadat, Pervez Mustajab & Iqbal A. Khan, “Determining the adulteration of natural milk using ac conductance measurement”, Journal of Food Engineering, Published by Elsevier’s Science Ltd, Oxford, England Volume 77, Issue 3, December 2006, Pages 472-477. Impact Factor: 2.845, ISSN: 0260-8774, Cited: 21.


ELA1112; Lecture 3
ELA1112; Lecture 4
ELA1112; Lecture 1
ELA1112; Lecture 2