PhD (UK) ; Post-doctorate (UK)
Millimeter Wave Circuit ; RF Device Modelling ; Nano-electronics
A/B-57, Medical Colony, AMU, Aligarh-202002 (UP), India
Muhammad Shah Alam is currently a Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He received the Queen's Research Fellowship, which is quite rare for non-European students, for carrying out a research study at the Queen's University of Belfast (QUB), UK, from where he received his PhD degree in Electronics Engineering in the Year 2002. He completed his Postdoctoral Study at the Queen's University of Belfast, UK, in the Year 2010, under the guidance of Prof. George Alastair Armstrong, in the area of Nano-electronics, funded by the Commonwealth Commission, London, UK, and Govt. of India. His research interests include Sub-THz Circuits and their Green Operation for ultra-low power for IoT/IoE Applications; Nano-Bio Sensor; Radio Frequency (RF) Device Modelling; Evaluation and Performance Comparison of Emerging Device Technologies; Multiband RF Circuit Design for Multi-gigabit Operations; Low-Cost Novel Antenna for New Radio for 5G/6G Technology; Investigation of Electromagnetic Radiation Effects on Human Body and Its Biological Impact. Dr. Alam has worked extensively in Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Circuit, RF device modeling, and Nano-electronics and published more than 80 research papers, including in reputed International journals like IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology Microwave Optical Letter, International Journal of Electronics, and Solid-state Electronics. He was a visiting scientist at the Technical University Dresden (TUD), Germany, from Nov 20 to Dec 19, 2014, under the Germany-India Bilateral Exchange Programme; the University of Ottawa, Canada, from Oct 23-24, 2010; Nano-technology Centre, the QUB (UK) from Dec 2004 to Feb 2005 jointly Funded by the Royal Society of London (UK) and Govt. of India for encouraging collaborative research work between Excellent Young and Outstanding Scientists from the United Kingdom and India. Dr. Alam completed a major research project in 2010, funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, under the National Nano-Mission Scheme. He collaborated with the QUB (UK) and completed the Design of Novel Nano-scale Devices for Low Power Application project in 2014. He was an Indian PI for the collaborative project, Performance Comparison of state-of-art CMOS and SiGe LNA for Multi-band Wireless, with German PI: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schroeter, Chair for Electron Devices and Integrated Circuits, TUD, Germany, completed the work in 2014, funded by DFG, Govt. of Germany, and INSA, Govt. of India.
He is a principal investigator of the research project entitled, Radiation Effect of Antenna Used in 5G Mobile Phone, during 2021-22 approved by the Deanship of Scientific Research, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia, and provided financial support for SAR 1,28, 210 (Grant Letter No. 20-13-14-011). Dr. Alam has more than 28 years of teaching/research experience, delivered invited talks at International Fora, and collaborated with the Institute of Repute. He has been to several countries for academic interaction and collaborative research, including the UK, USA, Canada, Denmark, France, Turkey, Malaysia, and Singapore. He has signed NDA for technical support from IHP Germany ( to carry out RF/Sub-THz Circuit Design up to 300 GHz. Dr. Alam has an interest in the teaching courses like RF Circuits and Systems, Communication Electronics, Digital Electronics, Circuit Theory, Advanced Device Modeling, RF System Design, µWave Devices, and ICs, µWave & Antenna, µWave Engineering and Sensors and Transducers. He was appointed as a Supdt. Of Exam at AMU, India, during 2018-2019 and successfully automated the examination process in the Z. H. College of Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh. He served in various administrative positions in AMU, India, including the Coordinator of the TEQIP project for improving the quality of Technical Education in the country, Govt. of India, from 2010-to 2017. Dr. Alam was appointed subject Expert during 2017-19 by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA), Govt. of India, for the accreditations of UG and PG programs in Electronics Engineering in the country. He holds membership in various professional bodies, including Fellow of IETE and Senior Member of IEEE.
- Publication
Most Recent Publications (See attached CV for more details):
- S. A. Ali, M. Wajid, A. Kumar, and M. S. Alam, "Design Challenges and Possible Solutions for 5G SIW MIMO and Phased Array Antennas: A Review," In IEEE Access, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3197226 [IF=3.367]
- M. Yusef Iqbal, M. S. Alam, S. Anand, and S. Intekhab Amin, “A FoM for Investigation of SB TFET Biosensor Considering Non-Ideality,” In IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 21, pp. 251-258, 2022 [IF=2.6]
- M. Shoaib, S. Intekhab Amin, N. Kumar, S. Anand, A. Chunn, and M. S. Alam, “Device and Circuit Level Assessment of Negative Capacitance TFETs for Low-Power High-Performance Digital Circuits”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Volume 11, Number 5, 2022 [IF=2.1]
M. S. Alam, "A Compact Co-Design of Antenna-LNA Sub-System for 60 GHz Communication", In Proc. of 9th IEEE International Conference on Communications and Electronics (ICCE-2022), Nha Trang, Vietnam, from 27 to 29 July 2022, doi: 978-1-6654-9745-9/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE
- S. Arif-Ali, M. Wajid, M. Usman, and M. S. Alam, "A High-Order EMSIW MIMO Antenna for Space Constrained 5G Smartphone," Sensor Journal, MDPI, 2021, 21(24):8350. [IF=3.576]
- A K Gangwar, M. S. Alam, V. Rajpoot, and A. K. Ojha, "Filtering antennas: A technical review," International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 31(10), 2021. [IF=1.694]
- S. Arif Ali, M. Wajid, and M. S. Alam, "Antenna Design Challenges for 5G Assessing Future Direction," in Enabling Technologies for Next-Gen Wireless Communications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, UK, 2021, ch.9, pp. 149-175.
- H. Khan, S. Arif Ali, M. Wajid, and M. S. Alam, "Characterization of Flexible Patch Antennas on Planar and Curved Surfaces," IOP Publishing (USA), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1998 (2021) 012035
- H. Khan, S. Arif Ali, M. Wajid, and M. S. Alam, "Antenna array design on a flexible substrate for wireless power transfer," Frontiers in Engineering and Built Environment, Khan, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 55-67, 2021.
- S. A. Ali, M. Wajid, and M. S. Alam, "A Compact Circularly Polarized Direct-coupled Dual EMSIW Antenna," In Proc. Of IEEE 6TH International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control, 2021, pp. 518-521, doi: 10.1109/ISPCC53510.2021.9609526.