Ph.D., M.Sc. Engineering, B.Sc. Engineering
Instrumentation and Measurements
9456033796 ,
Syed Javed Arif received B.Sc. (Engg.) in Electrical Engineering and the M.Sc. (Engg.) and PhD. in Instrumentation and Measurement from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh, India. He has served as Electronics Engineer in AMU, Aligarh, India from 1991 to 1997. Since 1997 he is on the faculty of the AMU Aligarh, India. Currently, he is a Professor in the Department of Electronics Engineering, AMU, Aligarh India. His area of interest is Instrumentation and Measurement, measurement of seismic vibration for the prediction of earthquakes. He also has three awarded patents in the area of machine and seismic vibration measurement for the prediction of earthquakes.
- Patent Filed and Published
S. J. Arif, Shahedul Haque Laskar, Syed Mohammad Hamza and Tabassum Rasul “A Method and Device for Calibration of a Shake Table based on Rotating Magnetic Field,” Patent Application 202011040888, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Filing Date: 21 Sept. 2020.
S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Adil Sarwar, “Measurement of Speed and Calibration of Tachometers Using Rotating Magnetic Field,” IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol., 63, no., 4, pp. 848-858, April 2014.
S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and K. F. Khan, “Harnessing Low Power Wind Energy from Riverine and Isolated Potential Pockets Using Wound Rotor Induction Machines”, Special Issue of International Journal on Earth Science and Climate Change (USA), pp. 1-9, March 2013.
S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Accurate Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibrations near Nuclear Power Plants,” Elsevier’s Journal of Physics Procedia, vol., 37, pp. 43-50, Oct. 2012.
S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and K. F. Khan, “A High Resolution Measurement of Foreshocks for the Prediction of Earthquakes”, International Journal on Earth Science and Climate Change (USA), vol., 3, no.,2, pp. 1-6, Oct. 2012.
S. J. Arif, Imdadullah, and S. H. Laskar, “Instantaneous Angular Speed Measurement for Low Speed Machines,” Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering (USA), vol., 3, no., 5, pp. 21-32, March 2012.
S. J. Arif with Adil Sarwar, and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Solar PV Based Multistage Grid Tie Inverter,” Journal of Innovative Systems Design and Engineering (USA), vol., 3, no., 6, pp. 77-90, 2012.
S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Very Fast Measurement of Low Speed of Rotating Machines Using Rotating Magnetic Field,” IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation & Measurement, vol., 61, no., 3, pp. 759-766, March 2012.
S. J. Arif with M. S. Ansari and S. A. Rahman, “A Non-Linear Feedback Neural Network for Graph Coloring International Journal of Computer Applications (USA), vol.39, no.16, pp 31-33, Feb. 2012.
S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Rotating Magnetic Field Based Measurement of Large Machine Vibrations,” Special Issue of International Journal of Computer Applications on Electronics, Information and Communication Engineering (USA), pp 12-16, Dec. 2011.
1. S. J. Arif, Shahedul Haque Laskar, Syed Mohammad Hamza and Tabassum Rasul “A Method and Device for Calibration of a Shake Table based on Rotating Magnetic Field,” Patent Application 202011040888, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Filing Date: 21 Sept. 2020.
2. S. J. Arif and Shahedul Haque Laskar, “An Instrument for Measurement of Seismic Vibrations and Foreshocks for the Prediction of Earthquakes,” Patent Application 201911053683, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 01/2020, p-66, Jan. 03, 2020
3. S. J. Arif and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Calibration of Tachometers,” The Patent Office Journal, Application No. 2517/DEL/2013, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.40/2013, p-24845, Oct. 04, 2013.
4. S. J. Arif and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Transducer for the Measurement of Instantaneous Angular Speed,” Patent Application 2578/DEL/2011, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No.49/2011, p-23961, Dec. 9, 2011.
5. S. J. Arif and Shahedul Haque Laskar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based High Resolution Measurement of Velocity and Acceleration of Seismic Vibration,” Patent Application 778/DEL/2011A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 17/2011, p-7116, Apr. 29, 2011.
6. S. J. Arif and M. S. J. Asghar, “A Rotating Magnetic Field Based Ultra Fast Transducer for the Measurement of Very Low Speed,” Patent Application 2183/DEL/2010A, Indian Official Journal of the Patent Office, Issue No. 14/2011, p-6126, Apr. 8, 2011.
1. S. J. Arif, “A Simple and Efficient Method for Accurate Measurement and Control of Power Frequency Deviation” accepted in ICCT 2016: 18th International Conference on Communication Technology to be held in London, United Kingdom on June, 23-24, 2016.
2. S. J. Arif, K. F. Khan, A. A. Ansari “A Synchro Based Vibration Sensor for Diesel Generators in Mining and Petroleum Industries”, accepted in ICERME 2016: 18th International Conference on Electronics, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering to be held in London, United Kingdom on June, 23-24, 2016.
3. S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Flexible Asynchronous Ac Link for Power System Network Interconnection", in Proc. of EnergyTech 2012, International Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, from May 29-31, 2012.
4. S. J. Arif, Shahedul Haque Laskar and Imdadullah, “Measurement of Machine Vibrations by Using a Fast Rotating Magnetic Field,” in Proc. of IEEE sponsored Int. Conference (IMPACT-2011), AMU, Aligarh, in Dec. 17-19, 2011.
5. S. J. Arif, M. S. J. Asghar and Imdadullah, “Rotating Magnetic Field Based Instantaneous Angular Speed Measurement of Low Speed Rotating Machines,” in Proc. of IEEE sponsored International Conference (IMPACT-2011), AMU, Aligarh, in Dec. 17-19, 2011.
6. S. J. Arif with M. S. Ansari, “A Feed-Forward Neural Circuit for Ranking N numbers uses O (N) Neurons,” in Proc. of IEEE sponsored Int. Conference on Multimedia, Signal Processing and Communication Technologies (IMPACT 2009), AMU, Aligarh, India, March 14-16, 2009.
7. S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar and A. Tarique, “Very Fast Measurement of Speed by Rotating Magnetic Field,” IEEE Int. Conference on Power Electronics and Drives System (PEDS 2005), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 30 -Dec. 02, 2005.
8. S. J. Arif with S. A. Khan and E. Rathakrishnan, “Active Control of Over Expanded Nozzle Flow,” 24th Int. Symposium on Space Tech. and Science (ISTS 2004), Miyazaki, Japan, May 30 - June 06, 2004.
9. S. J. Arif with M. S. J. Asghar, “Very Fast Speed-Deviation Transducers for Rotating Machines,” 24th Int. Symposium on Space Tech. and Science (ISTS 2004), Miyazaki, Japan, May 30 -June 06, 2004.