Library Management,Information sources and services,Research Methodology
J-7,4/1175,Syed Colony,New Sir Syed Nagar,Aligarh
Dr. M. Masoom Raza is working as Professor in the Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. He did his M.Sc (Hons), ML&I.Sc and Ph.D from Panjab University, Chandigarh. The topic of his Ph.D. was "Use of Periodicals by Researchers in the Agricultural Universities of North India : A Survey and Bibliometric Analysis". He has guided almost 100 Master's dissertations and five Ph.D. dissertations. He has successfully completed three U.G.C. major research projects, i.e Preparation of Web based Gateway in Library & Information Science, Study the impact of TQM on university libraries, Design and development of Physical Education gateway. He attended various national and International conferences and has about 65 publications in different professional journals/books of LIS. He even worked as Professor and Head for about three years in the Department of Library and Information Science, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong. He had been member of various committees/boards of North Eastern India. He had also been vice president of ILA for Eastern Region from 2013 to 2016. Presently, he is chairperson of the ILA sectional committee for Health Science Libraries(2016-2019).
- (2010) Contributed a paper entitled: “Information Seeking Behaviour of Researchers in the Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI),Lucknow”. Library Philosophy and Practice. June, 2010. pp. 1-10. (2 co author)
- (2009) Contributed a paper entitled “Initiatives of Open Courseware Systems: A Study” in 10th Annual National Convention of MANLIBNET held at KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, from 22th -24th January, 2009. (1 co author)
- (2007) Contributed a paper entitled: “Use of IT in university libraries of Punjab, Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh: A comparative study”. International Information and Library Review 39(3-4), 2007. pp. 211-227. (1 co author)
- (2006) Contributed a paper entitled: “Usage of e- journals by researchers in Aligarh Muslim University: A study”. International Information and Library Review 38(3), 2006. pp 170-179.
- (2006) Contributed a paper entitled “Marketing of information products and services: An overview” National conference on “Initiatives in libraries and information centers in the digital era” (SALIS 2006) 8-10th June, 2006. Karanya Deemed University, Coimb
- (2006) Contributed a paper entitled “DOI in Managing IPR Issue in Digital Environment” SRELS Journal of Information Management. 43, 3, 2006, Bangalore. pp. 225-229. (1 co author)
- (2005) Contributed a paper entitled: “Design and development of Library and Information Science Gateway: An Indian initiative”. International Information and Library Review 37(4), 2005. pp. 365-374. (1 co author)
- (2005) Contributed a paper entitled "Human resource Management in Modern University Library” in 23rd SIS National Conference Proceedings held at Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, from 27th -29th January 2005. (1 co author)
- (2005) Contributed a paper entitled “Literature on Personal Attitudes & Job Satisfaction (1992-2001): A bibliometric Study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 42, 1, 2005, Bangalore. pp.81- 90. (1 co author)
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “Digitization, Preservation& Management of Rare Materials in Modern Library System”. IASLIC Bulletin 49 (2) 2004, p. 89-92 (1 co author)
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “Subject Gateways: Its Need and Development Issues” in 22nd SIS Conference Proceedings held at IIT, Madras from Jan 21-23.2004. pp. 85-89. (1 co author)
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “Content Management in Digital Library : Some Issues: in ILA Conference Proceedings, held at Vadodara, from 1-4 December 2004 under the title “Knowledge organisation in Digital Environment in library (KODEL): Introspect
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “Digital collection in National libraries: Challenges and perspective Community” in University News, Vol. 42 (3), January 19-25, 2004. pp.10-11.
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “ Retrospective Conversion in National Libraries: Some Issues and Implications” in International Conference Proceedings on National Library Services (ICONLIS), Organized by National Library, Department of Culture, Gover
- (2003) Contributed a paper entitled “Citation Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations Submitted in the Department of Chemistry, AMU, Aligarh : A utility Assessment Approach” in the 49th ILA Conference Proceedings held at Bundelkhand University, Jhansi from Dec
- (2004) Contributed a paper entitled “Improving library programmes and services in TQM perspective in a short term training programme on “IT applications in information management: issues, trends and challenges” held at National Institute of Technology, Si
- (2004) Contributed a paper on “Digital Collection on National Libraries: Challenges and Perspective Management in Indian Scenario” University News, 42, 3, 2004, pp.10-11.
- (2003) Contributed a paper entitled, “Marketing of Information Products and Service: An Overview” National Conference Proceedings at Bishop Harbor College, Trichi, 2003.
- (2003) Contributed a paper entitled "Reengineering the Training and Development of Library Professionals", in 48th ILA Conference Proceedings held at NIMHANS, Bangalore, from Jan. 22th -25th 2003. pp. 795-799.
- (2003) Contributed a paper on “Management of E-Journal in Digital Environment. Library Herald”, 41, 2003, pp.275-286.
- (2002) Contributed a paper on "Online Public Access Catalogue: Its Development and Utility". IASLIC Bulletin, 47, 4, 2002, pp. 204-209. (1 co author)
- (2002) Contributed a paper entitled “Content Management System: Its Utility and Basic Issues” in a National conference Proceedings on “Information management in e- libraries (ImeL)” held at IIT, Kharagpur from 26-27. Feb, 2002. pp.192-194.
- (2000) Contributed a paper entitled “Doctoral Dissertation Submitted in the Department of Geography, Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh from 1995-2000 : A Citation Study” in ILA Bulletin. (1 co author)
- (2001) Contributed a paper entitled “Reorienting of LIS Education According to Contemporary Needs" in 46th ILA Conference Proceedings held at Ahmadabad from 3-6 January, 2001.
- (2000) Contributed a paper on "Job Satisfaction and job Anxiety Among Library Professional Employees Working in Delhi University Library System". IASLIC Bulletin, 45, 3, 2000, pp. 129-134. (1 co author)
- (1999) Contributed a paper entitled “Towards Information Society” in 22nd IASLIC Conference Proceedings held at Agra University from 28th -31st Dec., 1999.
- (1999) Contributed a paper on "Intraorganisational changes for Libraries". University News” 37, 4, 1999, p. 12.