Diseases of Gastrointestinal system and Sexual disorders
Village: BarganwP.O. Shankerpur KalanPachperwaDistt. Balrampur271206 (U.P.)
He completed bachelors in Unani Medicine in 1991 & Masters in 1996 in Moalejat from AMU, Aligarh. After that joined as Lecturer in Unani & Ayurvedic College, Aligarh, and then as Research Associated in the Department of Moalejat, A.K. Tibbiya College, in EMRS project, funded by Deptt. of AYUSH, Govt. of India. Then He Joined as Lecturer in the Department of Moalejat, AKTC, AMU, in 2005. Since his student life He is continuously engaged in Matab and Nuskha Nawesi, (Clinical Assignments), apart from Innovative research & appreciable Academic output. At present He is also an elected member of AMU Court. Many research papers have been published in National as well as International Journals of repute apart from 5 books and one monograph. His area of interest in teaching is clinical subjects with Unani concepts. In research his field is clinical research and evaluation of Unani formulations in challenging health problems. Some of the journals of repute in which his research papers have been published are Hamdard Medicus, Karachi, Pakistan, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Indian Journal of Unani Medicine, CSIR, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, CCRUM, Jahan-e-Tib, CCURM and New Delhi.
Teacher Code Unani :
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- Clinical approach to acute chest pain