Prof. Mohd. Yunus Siddiqui
4/1273, Kaatha House Sir Syed Nagar, Civil Linesaligarh-202002 (U.P.)
Born in 1960, in Amroha, erstwhile a town of Distt. Moradabad, now the Distt. Headquarter of Amroha itself. Passed High School in 1977 from UP Board, completed PUC in 1979 from AMU. Joined AKTC in 1979 as Student of BUMS and completed in 1984. I did my MD in Moalejat in 1991, thereafter joined as lecturer in the same department in 1992. In 2003, promoted as Associated Professor on Cadre post and continuing till date.
So far I have supervised 5 MD Theses, and Co-Supervised 9 MD Theses. 10 Papers in International Journal and 17 papers in National Journals have been published. Some of the Journals of repute in which my papers have been published are 'Hamdard Medicus', 'Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge', 'Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine', 'Indian Journal of Unani Medicine' etc. My field of interest in teaching is Infectious and venereal Diseases and their management through Unani Medicine.
- Publication
Research Publications in International Journals:
- Sulatan, N., Firdaus, S., Khan, A., Siddiqui, M.Y., Comprehensive Review of Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences, 2015, 4(5): 94-103
- Nasir, A., Siddiqui, M.Y., Mohsin, M., “Efficacy of Saboos-E- Asapghol (Plantago Ovata) and Kalonji (Nigella Sativa) in The Management of Hypertriglyceridemia, International Journal of Pharmamedix India, 2014; II(I): 660-668
- Belal Ahmad, Siddiqui, M.Y., Latafat, T., Therapeutic Evaluation of a Unani Formulation in the Cases of Oligospermia, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi, Pakistan, 2013, 56(2): 87-94.
- Ahmad, B., Mohsin, M., Siddiqui, M.Y. and Aleem, S., Spiritual Prospective in Anxiety Neurosis, JISHIM, Turkey, 2013-2014.
- Mohsin, M., Alam, A., Siddiqui, M.Y., Hakim, M.H. and Khan, A.B., “Therapeutic Evaluatin of a Unani Formulation in the Management of Seborrhoeic Dermatitis”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan) 2009, 52(3):176-181
- Bano, H., Ahamd T., Siddiqui, M.Y. and Ashraf, S.M, “The clinical evaluation of Ushban in Hyperuricaemia”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 2006, 49(3):133-137
- Khan, N.A., Ashraf, S.M. and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Clinical efficacy of Ushban and Khamira-e-Sandal in Da-ul-Sadaf (Psoriasis)”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 2003, 46(4):113-117
- Manzar, J., Hakim, M.H. and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Effect of Khamirah Abresham Sada and Jawahar Mohra in Congestive Heart Failure”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 2002, 45(4) : 113-116.
- Ahmad, T., Siddiqui, M.Y., Siddiqui, M.M.H., M.H. Hakim, “The Role of Itrifal Ustukhuddoos and joshanda Baboona in Sinusitis”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 2001, 44(3): 9-12
- Shah, Shabbir, H., Siddiqui, M.M.H. and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Effect of Karela (Momordica charantia) powder in Qooba (Dermatophytosis). Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 2001, 44(2): 19-21.
- Siddiqui, M.Y., Ahmad, T., Hakim, M.H. and Ismail, A., “The effect of Qurs-e-Satawari in Duodenal Ulcer”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 1998, 41(3): 112-14.
- Siddiqui, M.Y., Hakim, M.H., Siddiqui, M.M.H. and Jafri, S.A.H. “Effect of safoof-e-satawar in acid peptic Disease (Hurqat-e-Meda)”, Hamdard Medicus, Karachi (Pakistan), 1994, 37(1): 131-136
Research Publications in National Journals:
- Akhtar, M.W., Siddiqui, M. Y., Siddiqui, M. M. H. and Khan, B. D, “Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of Majoon Khabsul Hadeed in Faqruddam ba Sabab-e-Qillat-e-Faulad (Iron Deficiency/ Microcytic-hypochromic Anaemia)”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi (India), April 2011, 10(2): 323-326
- Shoaib, M., Mohsin, M. and Siddiqui M.Y., “Therapeutic Evaluation of Majoon-e-Jograj Gogul in Parkinson’s Disease”, Hippocratic Journal of Unani Medicine, 2010, 5(4): 1-14
- Quddus, A., Siddiqui, M.M.H., Siddiqui, M.Y. and Aleem, S., “Clinical Evaluation of Qurs-e-Sartan Kafoori and Sharbat Zoofa Murakkab in Chronic Bronchitis”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi, July 2009, 8(3): 417-420.
- Alam, A., Siddiqui M.Y. and Hakim, M.H., “Clinical efficacy of Withania coagulans Dunal and Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2009, Vol. 8(3): 405-409.
- Siddiqui, M.M.H., Kazmi, S.F., Siddiqui, Misbahuddin and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Anti-Hyperlipidaemic Effect of Sikanjbeen sada in Hyperlipidaemia”, Arya Vaidyan, Kottakkal, Kerala (India), May-July 2006, 19(4): 247-251
- Kazmi, S.F.R., Siddiqui, M.M.H., Siddiqui, M.Y. and Siddiqui A.I., “Evaluation of Safoof-e-Teen in Chronic Amoebiasis”, Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences, 2006, Vol. 20(1), 195-200.
- Siddiqui, M.M.H., Sultana, A, and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Effect of Kabdeen in Warm-e-Kabid Vairoosi (Viral Hepatitis)”, Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 2005, Vol. 4(4), 416-420.
- Sultana, A, Jamil, S.S, Siddiqui, M.M.H. and Siddiqui, M.Y, “Preliminary clinical evaluation of Jawarish Zarooni Sada in urinary tract infection”, Proceeding of National Workshop on Institute-Industry Interaction on Research in Unani Medicine to Identify Areas of Collaboration, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi (India), January, 2005, pp546-553.
- Shah, S.A. H., Khan, A.B., Siddiqui, M.Y., Latafa, T. and Kidwai, T., Evlauation of a combination of a unani pharmacopeal preparation (Itrifal ustukhudoos) with cloves (Qaranfal) in allergic Rhinitis – A preliminary clinical study, Ancient Science of Life, Coimbatore, 2003, 22(4): 152-159.
- Shah, S.H., Siddiqui, M.M.H. and Siddiqui, M.Y., “Effect of karela (Momoradica charantia) powder in jarab (Scabies) ancient Science of Life, Coimbatore, April 2001, 20(4): 77-80.