M.Phil, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Logic, Wittgenstein's Philosophy, Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Islamic Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.), Aligarh, U.P.202002
Dr. Aamir Riyaz is an Associate Professor at Department of Philosophy, Aligarh Muslim University (A.M.U.), Aligarh since 2019. He taught at Delhi University (Hansraj College and Daulat Ram College) for 13 years. He has written three books namely, 'Islamic Metaphysics' in 2016 and 'Logicism' in 2017 and 'Re-assessing Gandhian Thought' in 2020. He has also published in 20 national and international journals which include research papers in University Journals of Poland and written 6 chapters which was published in the book of national and international repute. He has delivered more than 45 invited lectures in various institutes and national-International Conferences. In 2015 he was invited by the Bhiksu University of Sri Lanka to chair a session and present a paper in 4th International Buddhist Conference. In the same year he was awarded with MAA BHARTI SAMMAN for his contribution in religious and cultural field. He is guiding three student for Ph.D. Programmes. In 2018 he was invited by IGNOU for Interactive Radio Counseling (IRC) for a live radio talk on 'Jainism'. His areas of interest include Wittgenstein Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy of Mohd. Iqbal, Buddhist Ethics etc. He is the general Secretary of Carvan Education Society, a non-government organisation registered under societies registration act,1860. In 2023 he visited Bangladesh, Dhaka to present his paper on Sufism. He is a poet also.
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Re-assessing Gandhian Thought Editors: Dr. Aamir Riyaz and Shahidul Hoque, ISBN NO.: 9788194556251, Publisher: Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi, 2020
- Book Chapter Download PDF
Chapter, “An Islamic Approach to the Environment Protection” published in the book Islamic Philosophy: Issues and Challenges, ISBN No. 978-93-84354-34-3, page no. 6875, 2017.
- Book Chapter Download PDFChapter, “Gandhi Darshan Men Ishwar Ki Awadharana”, in the Book, VartmanParidrishyaAur Gandhi, ISBN No. 978-93-84280-28-4, page no. 11-17 in 2017.
- Book Chapter Chapter, “B.R. Ambedkar and His Conception of Buddhism” published in the book Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Idea of India, ISBN No. 978-93-832812-79-9, page no. 75-81, 2017.
- BOOK Download PDFLogicism, Author: Dr. Aamir Riyaz, ISBN NO.: 978-3-330-06384-6, Publisher: LAP, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017.
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Islamic Metaphysics: With Reference to Mohammad Iqbal and Wittgenstein’s Philosophy, Author: Dr. Aamir Riyaz, ISBN NO.: 978-93-5073-902-0, Publisher: Educational Publishing House, Delhi in 2016.
- Publication
Book Title: Re-assessing Gandhian Thought Editors: Dr. Aamir Riyaz and Shahidul Hoque, ISBN NO.: 9788194556251, Publisher: Shivalik Prakashan, Delhi, 2020
- Book Title: Islamic Metaphysics: With Reference to Mohammad Iqbal and Wittgenstein’s Philosophy, Author: Dr. Aamir Riyaz, ISBN NO.: 978-93-5073-902-0, Publisher: Educational Publishing House, Delhi in 2016.
- Book Title: Logicism, Author: Dr. Aamir Riyaz, ISBN NO.: 978-3-330-06384-6, Publisher: LAP, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2017.
- Chapter, “Gandhi Darshan Men Ishwar Ki Awadharana”, in the Book, VartmanParidrishyaAur Gandhi, ISBN No. 978-93-84280-28-4, page no. 11-17 in 2017.
- Chapter, “An Islamic Approach to the Environment Protection” published in the book Islamic Philosophy: Issues and Challenges, ISBN No. 978-93-84354-34-3, page no. 6875, 2017.
- Chapter, “B.R. Ambedkar and His Conception of Buddhism” published in the book Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's Idea of India, ISBN No. 978-93-832812-79-9, page no. 75-81, 2017.
In Indexed/Peer Reviewed Journals:
- Research paper entitled, “Wittgenstein’s concept of Religious Belief and LanguageGames” has been published in IJMER, ISSN: 2277-7881, Volume 2, Issue 12 (1), Nonember, 2013, Page No. 17-34.
- Research paper entitled, “A Critical Exposition of Iqbal’s Philosophy of ‘The Self’”, has been published in Drashta research journal (ISSN: 2277-2480), Year 2, Issue 8, September2013-November, 2013, Page No. 21-26.
- Research paper entitled, “Gandhian Philosophy of Means and End” has been published in IJMER, ISSN: 2277-7881, Volume 2, Issue 13 (2), December, 2013, Page No. 249-256.
- Research paper entitled, “The Concept of Universe in Iqbal’s Philosophy” has been published in Sucharitha ISSN: 2319-4235, Volume 1, Issue 3, August-October, 2013, Page No. 60-67.
- Research paper entitled, “Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w.) in Indian Philosophy” has been published in ‘Darshan’ International Journal of Philosophy and Yoga, Year 1, Issue: 3-4, July-Sept. & Oct.-Dec. 2013, (ISSN: 2320-8325), page No. 48-53.
- Research paper entitled, “Mohammad Iqbal’s Concept of God” has been published in the Anushilana, Research Journal of Indian Culture, Social and Philosophical Stream, Vol. LI, Year: 9, 2013, ISSN: 0973-8762, Page No. 7-12.
- Research paper entitled, “Nature of Axioms”, has been published in the Sucharitha, ISSN: 2319-4235, Vol. 3, Issue 1, January 2015, Page No. 35-46.
- Research paper entitled, “The Quran and Science: Origin and Formation of the Universe.” has been published in the Anushilana, Research Journal of Indian Culture, Social and Philosophical Stream, Vol. LXI, Year: 11, 2015, ISSN: 0973-8762, Page No. 221-229.
- Research paper entitled, “The Concept of God in Gandhian Philosophy” has been published in ‘Darshan’ International Journal of Philosophy and Yoga, Year 3, Issue: 910, June 2015, (ISSN: 2320-8325), page No. 33-37.
- Research paper entitled, “Wittgenstein and Islamic Concept of Religious Belief” has been published in Idea: Studies on the Structure and Development of Philosophical Concept, University of Bialystok, Poland, Vol. no. XXVII/2015, ISSN: 0860-4487, pp. 361-372.
- Research Paper published in Urdu in “MeraPayam” on the topic, “Allama Mohammad ki Falsafiyana Shayari: Bal-e-Jibreil ke Hawale Se” in 2016 from Iqbal Academy, India, ISSN NO. 9780991556984, Page. No. 47-51.
- Published as conference proceeding in “Parmita” on the topic, “Moral Values and Today’s Youth” ISSN No. 0975-2560, Year 8, issue 8, 2017, page no. 82-85.
- Research Paper entitled, “Buddhist Ethics of Pancha Shila: A Solution to the Present Day and Future Problems” got published in Idea: Studies on the Structure and Development of Philosophical Concept, University of Bialystok, Poland, Vol. no. XXX/I, 2018, ISSN: 0860-4487, pp. 215-227.
- 14. My Research Paper entitled, “Mirza Ghalib ki Shayari ya Kalam-e-Ghalibki Visheshtayen” got published in the international Trai-Masik Magazine ThePurvai (London), ISSN: 2398-273X, 2018.
- Research paper entitled, “The Status of Women in Islam: With reference to The Quran and Hadith” has been published in IJMER, ISSN: 2277-7881, Volume 9, Issue 7 (8), July, 2020, Page No. 1-7.
- Research paper entitled, “The Role of Intuition in the Epistemology of Iqbal” has been published in Aligarh Journal of Islamic Philosophy (AJIP), ISSN: 2278-3261, No.25, 2019, Page No. 68-77.
Book Reviews:
Review of the Book titled, ‘Dynamics of Human Thought Structure: Astrawsonian Paradigm’ authored by Jashobanta Roy, published in Lokayata, Journal of Positive Philosophy, Vol. VI (2) & VII (I) March, 2017.