Ph. D. (Philosophy), MA (Philosophy), HDP in Teaching-learning in Higher Education
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Contemporary Indian and Western Philosophy
D-09, KK Homes, Badar Bagh, Aligarh
9634854979 ,
Dr. Abdul Shakil is currently teaching Philosophy at AMU, Aligarh. He has also previously served as an Associate Professor at Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and as a Visiting Research Professor at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC, USA. He did his M.A. and obtained Ph.D. in Philosophy in 1999 and 2005 from AMU respectively. He qualified NET of UGC and was awarded JRF in 2001 and PDF in 2006 (ICPR, New Delhi). He has also earned a Higher Diploma in Learning-Teaching in Higher Education from Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 2016. His areas of research interest include Social and Political Philosophy, Logic, Marxism, Contemporary Western Philosophy, and Contemporary Indian Philosophy. He has designed eight new courses taught at BA, MA, and Ph.D. levels at AAU and AMU. Despite publishing three books, he has published more than two dozen articles and book chapters in the journals and books of national and international repute. Besides, serving as a member of different academic bodies in India, Ethiopia, and United States of America, he has been working as a Coordinator of MA and PhD admission, facilitator of NAAC in the Department of Philosophy, AMU, Aligarh, Associate Member of the Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, the Catholic University of America, Washington DC, United States of America, Joint/Assistant editor of two journals etc. He has also served as Warden of SS (North), AMU, Aligarh. He has visited several countries for academic assignments such as USA, UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah), Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Bangladesh etc. (04.03.2023)
- An Application of Logic in Everyday Life
- From Humanism to Radical Humanism Download PDF
- M. N. Roy's Philosophy of Human Nature: A Critique Download PDF
- Essays in Social and Political Philosophy Download PDF
- Truth, Beauty and Goodness
- A Critique to Marx’s Contemporary Philosophy of Humanism
- M. N. Roy the Philosopher Download PDF
- Universal Humanism vs Radical Humanism Download PDF