Ph. D., MA Philosophy, BA Hon., SSC
Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Existentialism, Phenomenology, Ethics, Sufism, Islamic Philosophy
Before completing his Ph.D. degree from Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Diwan Taskheer Khan did his SSC, bachelors, and MA in Philosophy also from the same university. He qualified UGC,NET and was awarded JRF and PDF from Indian Council of Philosophical Research (ICPR) New Delhi in 2003 and 2008 respectively.
Soon, after completing his Ph.D. from AMU, Dr. Diwan Joined
as lecturer in University of Technology and Applied Sciences formerly known as
College of Technology (NCT), Sultanate of Oman. As a course coordinator
of Formal Logic and Business Ethics Dr. Diwan developed the teaching materials
for the students. Apart from his regular teaching duty he also held the
administrative positions and was the members of some important committees in
the NCT, Oman.
He was the head of
Project Steering Committee and the Department project Committee in NCT. In 2019
he joined as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, AMU Aligarh. His
areas of interest include Existentialism, Phenomenology, Hermeneutics, Ethics,
Logic, Contemporary Western Philosophy, Sufism, and Islamic Philosophy. He is
the author of two books, and also published more
than a dozen articles and book chapters in the national and international
journals. Besides, serving as a member of different academic bodies in India, Sultanate of Oman, Dr. Diwan is
the editor in Chief of a reputed international peer reviewed journal named The
Sapience:IJCRHSS and Associate editor and of three other reputed
journals. He has expertise in online platforms like Moodle and Share points
- Existentialist’s Model of Professionalism Download PDF
- Student Centered Education: A Mission of NCT with Special Reference to Jean Piaget’s Notion of Constructivist Method of Teaching Download PDF
- Re- Visiting of Being Through Dasein Download PDF
- Meta Ethical View of Existentialism: A Critique of Kantian Ethics Download PDFExistentialism, a twentieth century popular philosophical and literary movement, takes a distinctive stance towards ethics and value-theory. It clearly states that the possibility of authenticity is a mark of an individual’s freedom. It is through freedom that existentialism approaches questions of value, leading to many of its most recognizable doctrines. But instead of normative ethics they make their arguments on the meta-ethical level which is based on freedom Index Terms— Authenticity, Choice, Existentialism, Freedom, Kant, Meta-Ethics, Normative Ethics
- Mu'tazilaism: An Introduction to Rationality in Islam Download PDF
- Understanding Essentials of Work Ethics in Global Perspective Download PDF
- Heidegger: understanding Being Through Dasein