P.G. Diploma in Sport Management (University of Worcester-United Kingdom), Shared Commonwealth Scholar, Ph.D. Physical Education, International Certification in Anti Doping, International Certification in Body Measurement-ISAK (Level-1), National Eligibility Test for Lectureship, Junior Resaerch Fellow (UGC), Senior Resaerch Fellow (UGC), Master in Physical Education, Bachlor in Physical Education, Intermediate, High School
Assistant Professor
Theories and Models in Physical Education with an emphasis on Constructivism and Connectivism (Teacher preparation and School education), 4IR demands, educational change and 21st century PE curriculum, EdTech nature, scope and challenges in PE, Indian sport business and industry, Personality and sport, Status quo of Indian PE research, Formal education as a conspiracy, Teaching Practice in Physical Education (Designing lesson plan, learning outcomes, evaluation, and selection of contents along with pedagogy)
704, Tower B, Aligarh Greens Apartment, Manjoor Garhi, Aligarh, P.O. ADF 202122.,
8171866575 ,
Time Table Session 2024-25 SummerTime Table Session 2024-25 ODD Semester _17 sep 2024
University Experience:
Teaching, research, and administrative experiences of more than 10 years including the association with Aligarh Muslim University, Manav Rachna International Univ., Lovely Professional University, and University of Worcester (United Kingdom).
International Experience:
- Commonwealth Games, 2010-Chaperone
Coordinator -Anti Doping.
- London Olympics and Paralympics Games, 2012, at O2
Arena (London)-Transportation Leader for Olympic Partners, Officials, Teams, and Media
- Recreation Center Supervisor- University of Worcester, United Kingdom.
- Ph.D. in Physical Education (Sport Psychology).
- P.G. in Physical Education.
- U.G. in Physical Education.
- P.G.
Dip. in Sport Management (University of Worcester, United Kingdom).
Teaching Courses:
Curriculum Design, Teaching Practice, Research Methodology, Sport Management, Master Dissertation, and Ph.D. Thesis course work.
Area of Interest:
- Education- Global Agencies, Policy, Research, Implementation, Teaching Culture, Action Research.
- Teacher Training and Professional Development (Design, Consultancy, Training, and Research).
- Curriculum- Design, Audit, Development.
- Education and Teaching Market Trends and Demands
- Research and Development
- Sport Business and Management
Teaching Philosophy:
Empathetically student cantered, bridging the needs of the industry and students, incorporating the global and local employability standards. Engaging the students in group activities targeting positive experiences, connecting learning outcomes and assessments with fun and real-life applications. Offering challenging targets/problems that demands critical thinking, creativity, and cooperation to draw solutions. Providing options to communicate and express learning by choosing various forms of assignments. Creating the culture of local and global language, promote diversified and collecting living, driven and connected with technological practices (EdTech) sustained and grow with mutual trust, respect, obedience and security.
Undergoing/Submitted/Awarded Ph.D. Thesis:
Supervising/Supervised the scientific inquiry of the following
thesis (Leading to the award of Doctor of Philosophy)-
- An Investigation of Indian Physical Education Curriculum with
Reference to Model Justification, Need Satisfaction, and Progressive Coherence.
- Minimizing the Phenomenon of Reality Shock in Novice Physical Education
Teachers: A Web-Based Model Building Approach. (Submitted)
- Relation of Time and Meta-cognition in the Context of Psycho-Motor Learning.
Completed Research Work:
(i) Economic Indicators of Sport Goods
Manufacturing Industry in Jalandhar: A Case Study. (Awarded)
(ii) Job Satisfaction of Physical and Sports Educators in Relation to Gender and Levels of Education.(Awarded)
Master Dissertations- Supervised the following Master Dissertations-
Nature and Affects of Food Consumed by the Students: Case of Aligarh Schools. (2024)
Content Analysis of Physical Education Learning Outcomes and Course Contents in Reference to National Curriculum Framework 2023 Recommendations. (2024)
Case of Physical Education Activities and Facilities in the School of Chhattisgarh. (2023)
Exploring the Difference in Opportunities between PE Teachers and other Subject Teachers: Cases from the School of Murshidabad. (2023)
The Case Study of Received Curriculum Related to Physical Education Programme During Covid-19. (2022)
The Case of Online Teaching Experience of the Physical Education School Teachers During COVID-19. (2022)
The Status of School Teachers with Reference to the Application of National Curriculum Framework and Learning Outcomes in Teaching. (2021)
A Comparative Study of Leadership Style Between Physical Educators and Sports Coaches of Agra. (2021)
Status of Lesson Planning in Class Teaching: A Case Study of School Physical Education. (2021)
Customer Satisfaction of Private and Public Fitness Clubs in Aligarh: A Case Study. (2021)
Status of Learning Outcome-Based Evaluation in Various Taught Courses of the Universities. (2019)
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Professional Teaching Styles and it's Effect on Intended Learning Outcomes in Physical Education. (2018)
Academic Professional and Gender Profiling of Physical Education Teachers Serving in the Schools of Aligarh. (2017)
Status Study of Available Facilities for Physical Activities and its Alignment with the Physical Education Curriculum in the Schools of Aligarh. (2017)
Impact of Activities Offered Through Physical Education Curriculum on the Students Participation: A Case Study of Aligarh Students. (2017)
Qualitative Analysis of Experienced and Perceived Barriers of Physical Education Curriculum at Schools: Teacher Student Perspectives. (2017)
Anthropocentric Measurement with Reference to Haiyat-E-Aaza
to Assess Stature of Females of Different Temperaments (MD Thesis; Department
of Kulliyat-E-Umoor-E-Tabi'yah; Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, AMU, Aligarh, 2018.(Awarded)
- Designed Sport Management course at Master Level.
- Designed Lesson plan format for Physical Education.
- Designed Rubrics for Course Evaluation.
- Designed Information Genie (A one topic-one page information capsule for the students).
- Designed a Learning Diagnosis Model- Tells about Initial Status of the Learner, Quantify the Transfer of Learning (with Data) and Locate Problematic area in the Learning, after each class.
- Designed Study Materials for the Students.
- Designed 2P3STEPS- A Professional Preparedness Scale For Teacher Education Programmes.
Corporate Responsibilities:
- Sports & Health Solutions, Khel
- Executive member of Association of Indian Commonwealth Scholar and Fellows (
- Member of British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences.
- Member of Executive Advisory Board of Asian Society for Comparative Physical Education and Sport.
- A lifetime member of the National Association of Physical Education and Sports Sciences.
Current Responsibilities:
- Department Teaching and Research (Ph.D., P.G., U.G).
- Physical
Education Placement Coordinator.
- President of Fusion Music Club at University Cultural Education Center, AMU.
Co-Curricular Activities:
Played Inter-Varsity in Cricket; Played 2nd Division British Cricket League from Eastnor Cricket Club as an Overseas player.
- Issues in Education
Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Teacher Education
Published in UGC CARE listed Journal- Third Concept: An International Journal of Ideas.
Accepted for publication on 9th Feb 2021.
ISSN 0970-7247. Vol. 35, Issue 415, September 2021.
- Issues in Education
Indian Education Needs a Change: A Commentary. AICPE Human Kinetics. Peer-Reviewed Journal of Physical Education and Fitness, Vol. 3 & 4 (Issue- II & I), 60-64, 2014, ISSN-0976-6588.
- Issues in Education
An Empirical Investigation of Intelligence and Metacognitive level of knowledge from Teacher Education Perspective. Published in the book entitled Professional Development of Teachers and Teacher Educator. Page No. 320-333, LPU Publication Division, 2010.
- Sport Psychology Published in AICPE, Human Kinetics. Peer-Reviewed Journal of Physical Education and Fitness, Vol. 3 & 4 (Issue- I & II), 36-41, 2014. ISSN-0976-6588.
Investigating Adjustment Impacts on Sports Performance
- Sport Management and Economics Published in THE MASS- A research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume -II, Number IV, Jan-March,2011, ISSN-0975-198X.
Globalization and International Trade in Sports Goods: An Indian Prospect
- Sport Management
Modern Sports, Fitness and Recreation Management: Emerging Dimensions in 21st Century
Published in the Proceedings of
Genesis-Research Paper Contest, Organized by Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Studies and Research, A.M.U.
- Sport Philosophy Published as a book chapter titled 'Readings in Sports Sciences', Edited by Dr. Jawaid Ali, Department of Physical Health and Sports Education, 169-175. Printed at Publication Division, A.M.U. press, 2003.
Post-Modernism and Sports: An Incipient Approach
- Sport Nutrition Published in National Seminar on Nutrition in Health and Disease, proceeding. Organized by Global Welfare Society and Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, A.M.U., Aligarh. Page 22-31, 2007.
Nutritional Concerns of Children’s and Adolescents in Games and Sport