M.Tech., B.Tech., PhD
Assistant Professor
Drying of agricultural commodities, Edible coating of fruits & vegetables, Nanoemulsion preparation and characterization
D/o Post Harvest Engg. & Technology, AMU,Aligarh
Nazia Tabassum holds a B.Tech in Process & Food Engineering from SHUATS, Allahabad formerly known as AAIDU. She did her M.Tech in Agriculture Process & Food Engineering from the Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in 2014. She further went on to do her Ph.D. from the same department. In 2017, she joined the same department as Assistant Professor on Contractual Basis and has been serving there since then. During her time both as a research scholar and as a teaching faculty of the department she actively contributed towards completion of many dissertations. She has in depth knowledge in her subject and field of interest. Overtime she explored the horizons of food engineering and technology while satisfying her curiosity through challenging practical endeavours. Her research area mainly revolved around formulation of nanoemulsions and application of the same as edible coating of agricultural commodities. She has already published 02 papers in peer-reviewed journals and written several book chapters on the same. She has attended several national and international conferences and workshops. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she attended quite a handful webinars, training programs, faculty development and induction programmes.
- Functional and Nutritional Aspects of Hydrocolloids and Lipids (Book Chapter) Book - Functional Food Products and Sustainable Health
- Tabassum, Nazia and Khan, Mohammad Ali (2019). Thyme essential oil incorporated into alginate based edible coatings for shelf life extension of fresh-cut papaya. International Journal of Processing and Post Harvest Technology, 10(1): 16-22. DOI: 10.157
- Tabassum, N., and Khan, M. A. (2020). Modified atmosphere packaging of fresh-cut papaya using alginate based edible coating: Quality evaluation and shelf life study. Scientia Horticulturae, 259, 108853. 10.1016/ j.scientia. 2019.108853