Assistant Professor (Contractual)
Value addition of food industry by-products, Biodegradable and Edible Coating of food products, Novel Extraction Techniques for Bioactive Compounds, Food Product development, Value addition and nutrient enhancement,
B4- Monarch Apartment, Delhi Bypass Road, Aligarh, UP
Dr. Rayees Ul
Islam attained the Bachelor of Technology (Food Technology) from Islamic
University of Science & Technology, Awantipora, Kashmir, India in 2010 and
Master of Technology (Food Engineering) form Guru Jamheshwar University of
Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India in 2012. Before joining in
Ph.D., he worked as a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Livestock
Products Technology, LUVAS, Hisar from May, 2013 to Dec, 2014. In 2018, he was
awarded Ph.D. in Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh,
India. Currently he is working as an Assistant Professor (Contractual) in the
Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, AMU.
He has an experience of more than six years in
teaching and research. He has taught several undergraduate and post graduate
courses and has supervised 06 M. Tech and 06 M. Sc students as supervisor and
02 M. Tech. students as co-supervisor. He is presently co-supervising 02 M.
Tech students. He has published 23 papers in International and national
journals and has presented his work in many national and International conferences.
He is also serving as a potential reviewer of many journals of International
repute like LWT-Food Science & Technology (Elsivier), Journal of Food
Process Engineering (Wiley), Journal of Food Processing & Preservation
(Wiley) etc. His recent research interests include Active Food Packaging, Novel Extraction Techniques for Bioactive Compounds, Food
Waste Utilization, Nanotechnology, Value addition of Food Industry By-products.
He is also a Life Member of the Association of Food Scientists &
Technologists (India) CSIR - CFTRI Campus, Mysuru, Karnataka, India.
- Plant Derivatives as Promising Materials for Processing and Packaging of Meat-Based Products – Focus on Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Effects. Download PDF
- A review of the efects of ultrasound assisted extraction factors on plant protein yield and functional properties. Download PDF
- Incorporation of soluble dietary fiber in comminuted meat products: Special emphasis on changes in textural properties. Download PDF
- Brown rice based weaning food treated with gamma irradiation evaluated during storage.
- A comprehensive review on the application of essential oils as bioactive compounds in Nano-emulsion based edible coatings of fruits and vegetables. Download PDF
- Enhanced shelf-life of peach fruit in alginate based edible coating loaded with TiO2 nanoparticles.
- Optimization of enzyme-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) peel.