B. Sc Engg. ( Chemical); M. Tech ( Chemical); PhD (Chemical Engineering)
Artificial Intelligence, Process and Food Engineering, Renewable Energy, Waste Management, Modelling and Simulation
Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, AMU, Aligarh.
Prof. Zaidi acquired the Bachelor of Science degree and the M. Tech. degree in Chemical Engineering from the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He was awarded the Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh in- service. He joined the Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India, as a Lecturer in the department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology in 1988. Since then, he has been actively engaged in research and the teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate classes. In October, 2018 he joined the Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh as a Professor. His teaching and research experience spans more than 36 years. Besides having taught a number of UG and PG courses, he has successfully supervised 23 M. Tech. and 06 Ph. D. students. At present he is guiding 03 M. Tech students and 05 Ph.D. students. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Food Engineering, Renewable Energy, Waste Management and Modelling and Simulation. Dr. Zaidi has published 54 research papers in reputed journals like Chemical Engineering Science, Process Safety and Environment Protection, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Advanced Powder Technology, Fuel, Chemical Engineering Communications, Heat and Mass Transfer, Waste Management & Research, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Agricultural Reviews, Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, Indian Chemical Engineer, Perspectives in Science, Journal of Food Science and Technology, Journal of Food Process Engineering, ACS Food Science & Technology, Separation and Purification Technology, Surfaces and Interfaces, Beverage and Food World, etc. Prof. Zaidi has co-authored two knowledge-based books and has contributed 15 chapters in knowledge-based editions published by reputed publishers, like Nova Science Publishers Inc. (USA), Springer Science and Business Media B.V., Springer Singapore, Intech Open (UK), Materials Research Forum LLC (USA), etc. . He has been granted a patent on fully automatic vacuum dryer with data recorder. He has a published 15 research papers in conference proceedings. He has contributed/presented more than 58 working papers in national and international conferences and symposia. He has attended more than 50 conferences/FDPs/ short term courses/ workshops/ training programs. He has reviewed research papers for reputed journals like Chemical Engineering Research and Design, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Chemical Engineering Journal, Applied Thermal Engineering, to name a few. He has specifically developed 02 UG and 01 PG courses and 01 important PG laboratory, besides being actively associated with curriculum and laboratory development in general. He has cooperated with various departments of the University in running their UG and PG courses. He has been the examiner, moderator of many UG and PG courses and competitive examinations. He was appointed as the Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator, Erasmus+ Programme between Universitatea Politehnica Timişoara, Romania and AMU, Aligarh. He held the post of Chairman, Department of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology from 2021-2023. He also has to his credit a long experience of meaningful contribution to the corporate life. He was the Provost of Sir Shah Sulaiman Hall and warden in M. M. Hall and M. H. Hall.
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