M.Tech (Food Technology) , Ph.D (Post Harvest Engineering & Technology)
Meat Preservation & Processing, Weaning and Snack Food Technology
B-3, Kabir Apartment, Kabir Colony, Aligarh-202002
Dr. Saghir Ahmad is presently the professor and chairman in the Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology under the faculty of Agricultural Sciences, A.M.U. He is the renowned scientist in the area of meat processing and preservation. He passed his B.Tech and M.Tech in food Technology from a very premier Institution, HBTI, Kanpur. He completed his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Post Harvest Engineering & Technology A.M.U, on the topic of meat processing. He has thirty three years experience of industry, teaching and research. He completed two ICAR funded projects during 1999 -2008. He was associated as team leader in one of projects of all India coordinated Research Project (AICRP) during 2007-2015. He is member of the several scientific societies viz., Indian Science Congress, AFST Mysore etc. He published fifty three research papers in the journals of national and international repute. He participated in more than twenty conferences and presented forty papers. He published two book from international publication and edited another book in Springer business media limited New York. He contributed six chapters in his edited book. He supervised fifty one M.Tech dissertations and guided five Ph.Ds. in the relevant discipline. He designed two equipments during his work in ICAR funded project. These equipments are sausage cooker and smoke house. He was given team award in 2005 during ISAE, annual convention at TANAU, Coimbatore.
- Publication
- Khan I, Ahmad, S. (2018). Influence of Vegetable Oils on pH Profile during Processing of Semidry Fermented Buffalo Meat Sausage. J Food Process Technol 2018, 9:10.
- K Younis, Ahmad, S. (2018). Quality evaluation of buffalo meat patties incorporated with apple pomace powder. Buffalo Bulletin 37 (3), 389-401.
- K Younis, K Younis, Ahmad, S. (2017) Investigating the Functional Properties of Pineapple Pomace Powder and Its Incorporation in Buffalo Meat Products. Plantâ??Based Natural Products: Derivatives and Applications, 175-192.
- Khan I.,and Ahmad S (2017) Influence of Life Style, Nutrition and Obesity on Immune Response: A Global Issue. J Food Process Technol 8: 647.
- Khan I., & Saghir A., (2016). Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs Residues in Conventional Meat: A Food Safety Issue. Journal of Buffalo Science.vol,5, p34-43.
- Aman M.I, Younis,K. and Ahmad, S.(2015). Development , quality evaluation and shelf life studies of buffalo meat emulsion sausage in corporated with different types of extenders. J. ind. Res. & Technology 5(1), 08-16.
- Badpa A., & Saghir A., (2015). Effect of whey protein products on microbiological characteristics of buffalo meat emulsion sausage. Journal of Iranian food science and technology research Vol.11,No.3,P.260-272.
- Khan. I, & Saghir A., (2015). Studies on physicochemical properties of cooked buffalo meat sausage as influenced by incorporation of carrot powder during refrigerated storage. J. Food Processing & Technology. 6:4.
- Ahmad, S., Kumaran, N. (2015). Studies on the effects of honey incorporation on quality and shelf life of aonla preserve.
Cogent Food & Agriculture. 1: 1009334 - Ahmad, S., Ahmad, M. (2015). Development, Quality Evaluation and Shelf Life Studies of Buffalo Meat Emulsion Sausage as Influenced by Different Levels of Fat and Skimmed Milk Powder. MOJ Food Processing & Technology. 1(4): 22
- Younis, K., Ahmad, S., Badpa, A. (2015). Malnutrition: Causes and Strategies. Journal of Food Processing & Technology. 6: 434. doi:10.4172/2157-7110.1000434
1.Younis, K., Ahmad, S., Jahan, K. (2015). Health Benefits and Application of Prebiotics in Foods. Journal of Food Processing & Technology. 6: 433. doi:
- Younis, K., & Ahmad, S. 2015. Waste utilization of apple pomace as a source of functional ingredient in buffalo meat sausage, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 1: 1119397.
- Ahmad, S. and Nawab, Q. (2014). quality evaluation of fermented sausages as influenced by fat levels and temperature of fermentation. Journal of Meat Science and Technology, vol.2 issue 3, p.00-00